A Very Racism Film...

...towards blacks and Asian alike.

1. As if the producers couldn't find a few hot black girls who could sing(you know there's tons out there) but instead use a he/she person.
2. The he/she person had limited dialogue and reduced to background wallpaper basically.
3. The Asian roommate hating white people. Which is anything but since most Asians get along just fine with whites, especially in college.
4. The quiet Asian girl. Just another way to silent the few minorities in the film, making them look anti-social and culturally out of place amongst the whites.
5. Of course there was no way they'd be able to beat that black group so for the sake of making whites the film's hero, what do the writers do ...turn the talented black high school student into a lying cheating villain.
6. Totally butch a black cultural classic like "No Diggity".
7. No black male leads or secondaries.

The usual white Hollywood racism going one I suppose. Just my two cents.


The one black singing male they did have disqualified his group as he was not in college!

Its that man again!!


regarding 1

There were 4 teams and after the Bellas blew it the year before they might not have had first pick. They might have invited a girl that fit that description, but that girl could have opted for one of the other teams (I recall there was at least one girl that fit that description on another team).


Oh good lord!!


1) They did, just not on the Bella's. The Bella's were in the hole at the beginning, and did not have first pick plus they had to be willing to sing the geeky stuff Aubry would pick.
2) Cynthia Rose is not wall paper and the quiet girl had the funniest lines
3) It is not her people that do not get along with Becca, it is her.
4) funniest character there
5) Villain may be overstating it. I would call him an opportunist. There where plenty of white people in his group and they are equally culpable as they knew he was not a college student.
6) Songs from all cultural backgrounds were butchered
7) I don't think they cast the wrong people as the leads. But as the next biggest male part would be Bumper and we would be back to the complaint of them being cast as villains. Guess Benji could have been, if they could find someone as convincingly weird and dorky.


Sounds like YOU'RE the racist
