A Very Racism Film...

...towards blacks and Asian alike.

1. As if the producers couldn't find a few hot black girls who could sing(you know there's tons out there) but instead use a he/she person.
2. The he/she person had limited dialogue and reduced to background wallpaper basically.
3. The Asian roommate hating white people. Which is anything but since most Asians get along just fine with whites, especially in college.
4. The quiet Asian girl. Just another way to silent the few minorities in the film, making them look anti-social and culturally out of place amongst the whites.
5. Of course there was no way they'd be able to beat that black group so for the sake of making whites the film's hero, what do the writers do ...turn the talented black high school student into a lying cheating villain.
6. Totally butch a black cultural classic like "No Diggity".
7. No black male leads or secondaries.

The usual white Hollywood racism going one I suppose. Just my two cents.


The film definitely had a lot of racist, and homophobic elements. The OP of this thread showed some homophobia his/herself by calling the black character a "he/she" as if androgyny is a bad thing. Now, I do realize that America has a history of making black women seem much more masculine than "proper" white women. And so I can see why people would have issues with another hollywood film stereotypically portraying black women as "man-women". But then, it's also stereotypical to portray queer women as "masculine". Because honestly, many gay women are very feminine.

So you have those stereotypes, and you have the black girl acting "sassy", bobbing her head and neck and saying things like "We're back BICHESSSS!!!" (while sitting at the poker table). You have the same character finding any excuse to caress and sexually harass the other girls, as though lesbians are prone to this type of behavior. Fat amy called the black character, "black beauty", in a mocking tone that was supposed to imply that there was nothing beautiful about her.

The Asian roommate was "rude" (even when it came to basic manners like responding back when people greet you), and she constantly had an attitude. The fact that most of the audience couldn't understand what Lily was saying, and yet, still laughed at her, made me very uncomfortable. It was like "Ha ha! That awkward asian girl is so simple and funny!". And when you finally are able to understand her words (by watching the movie on DVD/online), it's hard to understand whether the character was being sarcastic, or whether the character was speaking a truthful reality as she admitted to eating her twin in the womb, etc. Yes, what she said was hilarious! But this doesn't negate the implicit dubiousness of the context in which her statements were made.

All in all, I enjoyed the movie a lot. Singing (in tune) with other people is a great experience. But I'm tired of hollywood trying to inject racial humor into their movies under the false pretenses that this humor supposedly is either making fun of racism itself, or serving as a joyful reminder that we live in a "post-racist" America, and therefore, that these jokes represent racial stereotypes of the past that can no longer hurt minorities.


Honestly, I'm Asian and I thought this film was REFRESHING.

1 - the roommate is an inside joke to people who know that a lot of Koreans in college do tend to hang out with just each other. But then even Kimmy (?) wished Becca a good spring break.

2 - The "quiet Asian girl" was quiet, yes. But they took a spin on her by making her nuts and into beatboxing. I'd rather her as a character than this dumb "smart pretty/nerdy Asian person."

3 - there was a good black female character. But that was BORING. The point is that the boring characters go so you're left with all of the quirky ones.

4 - the black male high school student still beat out a bunch of people.


Everyone was weird in this film. And it was a good thing.


1. As if the producers couldn't find a few hot black girls who could sing(you know there's tons out there) but instead use a he/she person.

You are calling Ester Dean a he/she. Wish i were right there with you so I could smack the isht out of you. Ester is an attractive AND accomplished woman. She is a song writer to some of the biggest names in the industry. And she was a straight woman playing a gay woman.

button it up, son.

-We Provide.....Leverage


Anyone notice that the OP has never come back to this thread?


Make me a sergeant and charge the booze!


Actually YOU sir is the racist one.

None of the blacks and Asians looked alike.

1. A lot of the girls (of any race) actually weren't that hot, plus it doesn't matter.
2. Who the flickers is the he/she person???
3. The Asian roommate was just rude no evidence of hating white people (unless I missed something).
4. The quiet Asian girl was like the opposite of Rebel's character I think, it was just her character nothing to do with race.
5. This group was DIVERSE it had women of all ages, races, and body types same with the other male group. The HS group was all black, no diversity and they did not make them a lying cheating villain.
6. I can guarantee you with every ounce of my being "No Diggity" is NOT a black cultural classic.
7. So? That does not make them racist.

Again you seem to be the racist and ignorant one.... or just a troll.


Haha Beca was pretty racist asking her roommate "what level of English" she was at.


Not really. Becca introduced herself to Kimmie Jin and all Kimmie Jin did was stand there and stare blankly at her. So naturally ones mind would go either Kimmie Jin is deaf, has auditory processing problems, or she doesn't speak English.


Very racist? Yes, EVERYTHING is racist. Get a life!


GROW THE *beep* UP

mother of god...as a white person do i get offended at every 'white people can't dance' joke"

Maybe there is so much racism because the entire country walks on EFFING eggshells when talking about race. We have a great thing called free speech, deal with it and quit whining. what a nation of ****ing wimps and whiners we have become, god...


^^No kidding. Whites are expected to shut up and accept racist jokes about them (and tbh as barefoot said, they dont really get offended all that much anyway) but Heaven forbid you joke about something blacks, Hispanics or Asians do because all hell will break loose right in your face! Grow a spine and stop being hypocrites, people.

Though you're dressed in rags, you wear an air of queenly grace
