Heather Graham is 41.

Isn't that a bit old to be playing the "troubled young woman who moves to San Francisco"? A 41 year old moving to the big city should be mature enough to take care of themselves. Having a main character of that age getting mixed up in porn and drugs is just sad. They should have found somebody that is actually young to play a character described as "young". Now, if the description was "A drama centered on a troubled mother of 2 who moves to San Francisco, where she gets involved in pornography and aligns herself with a cocaine-addicted lawyer." it would be more appropriate for a woman of her age.


Isn't that a bit old to be playing the "troubled young woman who moves to San Francisco"? A 41 year old moving to the big city should be mature enough to take care of themselves. Having a main character of that age getting mixed up in porn and drugs is just sad. They should have found somebody that is actually young to play a character described as "young". Now, if the description was "A drama centered on a troubled mother of 2 who moves to San Francisco, where she gets involved in pornography and aligns herself with a cocaine-addicted lawyer." it would be more appropriate for a woman of her age.

Are you serious? Really?


People should watch the movie first before they make these stupid reply's here.


The girl that is troubled is played by a 22 year old pretending to be 18. What a tired old cow she is at 22, how dare she try and play an 18 year old :P

It's a shame Heather Graham wasn't in a lot more movies because she's drop dead gorgeous.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


i'd bang her. i'd bang her REAL GOOD.
