Heather Graham is 41.

Isn't that a bit old to be playing the "troubled young woman who moves to San Francisco"? A 41 year old moving to the big city should be mature enough to take care of themselves. Having a main character of that age getting mixed up in porn and drugs is just sad. They should have found somebody that is actually young to play a character described as "young". Now, if the description was "A drama centered on a troubled mother of 2 who moves to San Francisco, where she gets involved in pornography and aligns herself with a cocaine-addicted lawyer." it would be more appropriate for a woman of her age.


Heather doesn't play the young porn star. She plays an ex porn star.


You're exactly right. Why do douchebags comment on movies they haven't even seen? Maybe it's because they're stupid douchebags, and it's their job to annoy the hell out of the rest of us. Go see a movie, any then come back and comment. Paula, you are the only person who had a valid reply. All the others after you seemed to miss the obvious. Heather Graham plays the ex-porn star/film maker, not the porn star.


come on pal
who wouldnt wanna see teh skin of that hot lady despite of her age
she doesnt look 41 from any angle


Its called acting
-I <3 Heather Graham-


exactly. she could easily play a 25 year old.


Well...judging by your shallow, bitchy comments you are either an unattractive female who is jealous of Heather Graham, or..you are an unattractive male who has been rejected by a number of women who look like Heather Graham. Now Ms. Graham might actually be 41 in real life, but is the "character" that she plays supposed to be 41? As was mentioned, Graham doesn't look 41, so she can certainly play the parts of younger women.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Don't be such a douchebag. Go see a movie before you comment on it and make yourself look like a complete moron. HEATHER GRAHAM DOES NOT PLAY THE PORN STAR IN THIS MOVIE.


Yup, op made a mistake and I'm sure he feels properly mortified about it... but I see not one of you smarmy, know-it-alls care enough to actually correct him by naming the "young woman" the teaser is talking about. No, I didn't watch it either but if Heather is supposed to be playing a "poor young woman dragged into the depths of porn and drug addiction" then she is miscast, if it is another actress why not shove your need to embiggen your ego by cutting on others right up your butt and state who she is?

"Standing up to internet bullies for 12 years and counting"


It's a blurb on IMDB, not a trailer. If you have never read one that doesn't fit the movie perfectly you must not IMDB much.

But perhaps they should reshoot the movie with a different actress since 2 random yokels on the internet are upset that a text description used the word "young".

But nice try at a save. What are you the IMDB Batman? Talk about ego...

- I have a giant soap box and I intend to smash you with it.


You people sure get angry easy.


"you people"? So now you have a problem with being black?!

- I have a giant soap box and I intend to smash you with it.


LMAO! That was NOT the reaction I'd expected - but the comment sure made my day! I just pray that it was actually meant as tongue-in-cheek as I took it to be...


learned a new word today, 'embiggen'.


I'm going to start by saying haha very funny because I presume you are joking. Either that or you are too stupid to even LOOK AT THE TRAILER on the site you are leaving a comment on. Please tell me you were joking, otherwise I am guessing that someone had to help you fill out the form to register in order to leave such a stupid comment. BTW Heather is HOT at any age.


I like the line when she says "legally I am old enough". Yeah, she is plenty old alright.

