The End ... Why ?

The movie needed a happy end because it was scary & depressing from the start , Better ending would destroy the depressing atmosphere this movie leaves .

The wife didn't deserve to die that way , She was all good family caring from the start .

What you guys think ?


I will never understand the mindset that films all need a "happily ever after". By wrapping up a horror film with a happy ending, directors/writers lose that creeping terror that can stay with a person. We're taken out of the moment and slapped with BP clichesee. Aside from the useless jump scare at the end (another terrible thing that directors should stop), the ending is very fitting and keeps with the tone of the entire film.

Can I trade in the children for more cash?


I agree with you, stitchesaresore (interesting screen name, btw--story behind it?), but I also think it depends on the movie. I never used to be a horror fan, especially the slasher movies or gory movies, but I've gotten into them more over the last few years & love them, and for me the best kind are the ones that scare the crap out of you without the blood & gore. The psychological thrillers, the ghost stories, paranormal, although I can handle SOME blood & gore now, whereas used to I couldn't. And it does make sense for the endings to be bad or dreary in a lot of them. But there are exceptions. Like one of my absolute favorites, The Conjuring. I don't think the happy ending took anything away from it. But some other favorites of mine don't have the happy ending, and I'm fine with that. One thing that does bother me is when I can't follow what's going on. It has to make sense to me. So far, I haven't watched Sinister from beginning to end, so I'm a little lost, but it makes me want to go back and watch it again and pay attention so I can understand what was happening at the end.

Fiction is a lie, and good fiction is the truth inside the lie.--Stephen King



The movie needed a happy end because it was scary & depressing from the start

That is NOT a reason for a happy ending.

Better ending would destroy the depressing atmosphere this movie leaves .

You mean by having a happy ending that didn't really fit the film?

The wife didn't deserve to die that way , She was all good family caring from the start .

Just like in real life, it's not always about what a person deserves.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


I actually enjoy movies where evil wins in the end. As soon as it was revealed that the family that was hung lived in the same house as the previous victims, I pretty much expected that mom, dad, and big brother were not getting out of this one alive. Their fate was sealed the second Ellison started watching the films.

And, let's face it, just how do you fight a god?

"The moment a person finds his voice is the moment his life takes on grace."


epic end. I am so tired of happy endings. this was the perfect ending for this horror movie. a happy end would destroy it and it wouldnt even make sense.


A good depressing ending is actually quite refreshing in a horror movie and makes the whole thing more effective.


I loved the ending. In haunted house horrors, you always think, "well, why don't they just move out?!" But a) this wasn't exactly a haunted house horror (more like a haunted super 8 horror), and b) they did move out, but that was what killed them. It was a giant middle finger to the audience.

"None of us are conceited enough to play hero."
- Worth, "The Cube


I loved it. It fit the movie and it's theme. Of course the wife didn't deserve it; none of the families did. That's why they're victims. I loved the look of absolute despair and resignation on Ellison's face when he sees his wife on the floor. Even if he could have fought back at that moment, it was clear he had no motivation to do so. He already knew that his little girl would be taken, his son was dead and so was his wife. The guilt he would have had to live with probably would have caused him to go insane and/or commit suicide.

That ending is what saved the movie for me; loved the first two parts but the slow-mo kids hiding around was stupid.

Make him do it again - Ilithyia
The voice says I'm almost out of minutes - Cas
