The End ... Why ?

The movie needed a happy end because it was scary & depressing from the start , Better ending would destroy the depressing atmosphere this movie leaves .

The wife didn't deserve to die that way , She was all good family caring from the start .

What you guys think ?


Yea, going along with others that say the ending was fitting.

When you say the wife didn't deserve to die that way, are you implying the boy did? Or even Ellison? Because that is messed up. NO ONE deserves to die that way, which is what makes it horror. I'm not sure you understand the genre. You don't always want to dispel the atmosphere you develop at the end. The Exorcist did in a way, which might have offered relief from some of the scariest stuff ever put on screen prior to it. But this one? Nope, this was the right tone.

I'm a bitey, Mad Lady or Sexy, because biting is like kissing except there's a winner.


Horror movies are not made to reassure the audience.


A small part of me really hoped there would be a happy ending but I knew from watching the film halfway that it'd end predictably with the missing child being the killer in each story being influenced by the boogie man.


What could be happier than a welcome back house painting party? 


It was a plus that the film had an ending. So many films these days leave you wondering what happens next. A contained story is rare. So depressing or not, I liked that it had a clear ending and not jumped credits with the family driving away (as would have been the case in many genre or even non genre films made now).

The sequel? Another matter entirely. It ended but the last minute close up of Bughul made it clear he was not ended. So expect a "Sinister 3" coming to VOD sometime in 2016.

