Anyone else notice the way the RAIN STICKS to the HANDS of JOI whereas the SNOW at the end doesn't stick to the hand of ANA???

After K buys Joi the EMANATOR and she goes out into the RAIN for the FIRST TIME we see RAIN DROPS sticking to her entire body and her HAIR also gets wet as well.

So how could this be?

Why would RAIN stick to the body of JOI, but the SNOW doesn't stick to the hand of Ana (who's also supposed to be a human)???

My theory is this is because ANA isn't HUMAN, and is only a HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE (which would also explain the reason why she lives inside of a BUBBLE just like the other one that we saw FRANK SINATRA inside of in VEGAS where he sang the "It's a QUARTER to 3 song" after K puts a coin into the little music box).

Blade Runner 2049 Frank Sinatra

Blade Runner 2049 - Bar Scene [HD]

And that could also mean K really is the SON of DECKARD, and ANA was the DECOY someone set up to keep others from finding K.


Don't forget -- puff puff pass.


For some reason the sound isn't working so here's a video of FRANK singing the song in the film:

Frank Sinatra - One For My Baby (Live At Royal Festival Hall / 1962)

It's QUARTER to 3
There's no one else in the place
Except you and me ...



Rain doesn't stick to Joi. We see it passing through her, then she either purposely alters her appearance or her software does to make it seem like she's getting wet.

Gatebox Waifu taken to the Nth degree


Rain doesn't stick to Joi.

Yes it does. In the first 50 SECONDS of this video you can see it STICKING to her HAND as it also causes electrical signals to arise around her body at the same time:

Blade Runner 2049 - K & Joi rain scene

And you can also see it sticking to her SHOULDERS and to her HAIR (which is WET).

We see the cigarette smoke passing through her before that, but NOT the RAIN.

That's what makes the scene so special is how she can actually FEEL it for the FIRST TIME.



It's programming dude


Programming didn't get her to ask K to delete her from his equipment at home (in the scene where we also hear her saying that she wanted to DIE like a REAL GIRL).

Because the one who CONTROLS & OVERSEES what kind of stuff gets PROGRAMMED into the HOLOGRAMS is Wallace's Assistant LUV, who also wouldn't allow JOI to be PROGRAMMED to tell K to DELETE her.

And that's because LUV wants to FIND K, and when he DELETES JOI from his home equipment that was also done as a way to try and keep LUV from being able to FIND HIM.

In other words, JOI had obviously EVOLVED BEYOND her PROGRAMMING, which, imo, is also made evident by the way that she behaves in other scenes throughout the film.

Joi is one of the main heroes of Blade Runner 2049. She is a sentient hologram who is K's girlfriend. She is kind, gentle, compassionate and friendly. She offers K moral support and accompanies him on his quest ...


Reading too much into it dude


Did you see the QUOTE that was added on to the last message?

Joi is one of the main heroes of Blade Runner 2049. She is a sentient hologram [/quote] who is K's girlfriend. She is kind, gentle, compassionate and friendly. She offers K moral support and accompanies him on his quest ...

SENTIENT means having AWARENESS which a HOLOGRAM would normally NOT HAVE.


"able to perceive or feel things:"

My opinion is "SHE actually did FEEL the RAIN FALLING on her BODY" after K buys the EMITTER for her.

Here's part of another link regarding JOI that you might find interesting:

Blade Runner 2049: Does Joi Actually Love K?

A major part of Blade Runner 2049 is the relationship between K and hologram Joi, but does she really love him or is it all programming?

On the surface, Joi could be just acting out her programming in a very convincing way, but there are signs she may have evolved beyond it.

One of her earliest scenes in Blade Runner 2049 involves K removing her from his apartment's projector via an Emanator, which allows her to be portable. She seems to experience genuine happiness at being able to feel the rain, and later in the story, she chooses to come with K - via the Emanator - when he goes on the run. Before she's crushed by henchwoman Luv, she tries to tell K she loves him before the device is destroyed. The question becomes whether or not these feelings are real or just code?

That's the ultimate question posed by the film about its artificial characters; are their simulated or "fake" emotions any less valid than that of a human? Joi genuinely believes she loves K and he feels the same. Blade Runner 2049 provides lots of signs she evolved beyond her programming, but the question of her feelings for K is left to audiences to decide for themselves.



This theory makes no sense at all. The snow didn't stick to Ana because it was holographic snow. It was just part of a memory she was fabricating when Deckard walked in. Ana never went outside into the real snow.

The rain didn't really stick to Joi. Her hologram altered to correspond to the rain.

Ana has to live inside of a bubble because of an immune deficiency that was a result of her being half human and half replicant.


Watch the VIDEO:

In the first 50 SECONDS you can see the rain STICKING to the HAND of JOI as it also causes electrical signals to arise around her body at the same time:

Blade Runner 2049 - K & Joi rain scene

Why would there be SPARKS if it isn't STICKING to her???

Claiming that she's caused that to happen when she's never even been in the rain before is simply silly.

And the SNOW also isn't HOLOGRAPHIC because it's coming down from a window area that's located up above ANA.

You can see it if you PAUSE this VIDEO at the 4:07 Min TIME MARK:

Blade Runner 2049 - Ending|

Then if you PAUSE it again ... 8 seconds later at the 4:15 TIME FRAME ... NOTE the way you can also see the SAME WINDOW FRAME that's also located up above DECKARD as he walks towards the BUBBLE area.

So WHY would a HOLOGRAPHIC WINDOW that was located INSIDE of the BUBBLE also extend past it to the OUTSIDE of it???

Obviously, it has to be a REAL WINDOW that's been opened up as a way to let in the REAL SNOW.


Thus we have 2 very similar parallel situations:



Plus the records that K found also claim the GIRL TWIN died from the immune issue that she had, which also means the "HOLOGRAPHIC ANA" would be the DECOY that was created, as a way to protect K when others found out about Rachel giving birth and then coming to look for him.

At least that's the way I see it.


Later though, you see that there is no snow on the floor when Ana turns around to greet Deckard. In the previous shot, we could see snow beginning to build up around her feet.

About Joi, I don't think those were sparks, I think it was just her hologram registering the raindrops and preparing to create a simulation of them.


Yes you're right about how we don't see any snow on the floor, but if you had a window in the top of your roof and you opened it and let a few snow flakes fluttered down to your floor, how likely would it be they would remain there and not melt away almost instantly, because the environment that you inhabit would most likely also be heated???

I think both JOI and ANA were HOLOGRAMS, but they were also very ADVANCED versions, like the way RACHEL was also a REPLICANT who had no limit on her lifespan, and could also reproduce offspring, whereas other REPLICANTS like ROY BATTY had the 4 year limit on their lifespan and could not produce any offspring.

I also suspect ANA was busy DOWNLOADING the MEMORIES of K as he lay there dying on the STAIRS, and that's also the reason why K didn't really die, and will probably also be resurrected again when those MEMORIES are placed inside of another REPLICANT body (like those we saw on DISPLAY ... inside of those other SEE THROUGH GLASS CONTAINERS ... as LUV takes K through the PYRAMID that use to belong to TYRELL ... before WALLACE assumes ownership of it).

JOI could probably also be RESURRECTED again as well by using K's memories of her. Because WALLACE also RESURRECTED a copy of RACHEL again, simply by using that little bit of information that he had on the recording that was made, back when DECKARD first meets RACHEL and gave her the test to see if she was a REPLICANT or not.

As you may recall, ANA was also an employee of WALLACE whose job it was to PLANT FALSE MEMORIES into the REPLICANTS (which is also why K had Ana's memories of hiding the toy horse inside of the furnace).

So for that reason ANA should also have no problem placing the MEMORIES of K inside of one of those REPLICANT BODIES that we saw on DISPLAY, or using the memories that K has of JOI as a way to bring her back to life again (maybe by also placing K's memories of JOI inside of a REPLICANT body as well).

And since K had 3 way sex with the other REPLICANT and JOI, that probably also results in still another REPLICANT pregnancy, and with the desire to want to destroy and dissect that child as well.
