MovieChat Forums > The Baytown Outlaws (2012) Discussion > This movie was just plain fun

This movie was just plain fun

Here's hoping for some more flicks from Mr. Battles. I came onto IMDB to see what other films he had worked on but was disappointed to find this was his first big project. I haven't read many of the comments on here but seeing as the rating is under a 6, I'm guessing a lot of folks didn't enjoy it as much as I did.

I went into this for Billy Bob, but while I enjoyed his character, the dynamic between the brothers was even better. Was this a cornerstone of modern cinema? No, but it's been a while since I can remember not wanting a movie to end. Thanks Mr. Battles, I had a blast!


ok, Barry Battles' mom.


I really liked this movie.


I just finished watching the movie and I actually thought it was a decent movie.Billy Bob and the brothers did a good job.


amariscoley Thu May 14 2015 19:24:37

I just finished watching the movie and I actually thought it was a decent movie. Billy Bob and the brothers did a good job.

It's a funny great movie, isn't it?
Seldom laughed so much.
Perhaps will re-watch it in a few.
Hmm...still have many episodes of the Desperate Housewives (2004) left.
Never watched this hilarious series cause the title didn't attract me.
Can highly recommend it!
Miss Eva Longoria is in the series as in this movie as well.
Wow, she has a BA of Science (Kinesiology)...didn't know that.
Have to make a hard Sunday-decision now:
Movie or series, that's the question.
Life can be very hard sometimes!

Time Is on My Side...(Jerry Ragovoy)...32C3 → 33C3
