MovieChat Forums > New Girl (2011) Discussion > Adding politics and pro-Hillary crap mea...

Adding politics and pro-Hillary crap means less viewers now...

Why did they have to go there? Watching Jess being "pro-Hillary" isn't cute or endearing. It's just disgusting and repulsive. Why inject any politics at all in to a show like this one? Now, a lot of people including myself can never look at the character the same way again. Why didn't they have Cece join the Nazi party and show her having a zany side Nazi adventure while they were at it? Same thing in this case.

I certainly won't be watching any more.


C'mon, I'm a right-leaning 30-something, but this episode was not that political. It referenced politics, but it really didn't make political points. It didn't exactly portray Democrats as saints, either. Basically you had two main characters that are Democrats, and one that is Republican, and the latter has his life put together much better than the other two. So how one-sided was it really? Now, as to the overall quality of the episode, that's another discussion.


Keep politics out of comedy? I'm glad the writers/creators of Family Ties didn't agree with that.

Racist, Sexist and homophobic people are evil.


aahhhh is this in season 6?
Goddamn it, I hate her too, and it's so frustrating seeing support for her everywhere, I dont want that in New Girl, like you, I won't be able to see the characters the same again

I'm a leftie and British, but I *beep* hate that corrupt, smug sack of *beep* I hate seeing actors and actress I like giving their support for her. I don't want that for Jess or Nick or any of them :/


All worth it to see Jess's awful Trump impression in the tag.

"They have a grill, it's this grill. Now you have's called America."


I like LAST MAN STANDING (mainly for the women) and hearing some of Tim Allen's political jokes on the show, I'm glad that there are at least a few pro-freedom folks in show business; but even when I agree with him, I'd prefer those jokes were not there. I watch comedy shows to escape from the depressing world of politics, especially in this dismal election with its two dismal choices; I don't want to be reminded.


I don't get why people are so touchy about politics. The show has had an episode devoted to racial profiling from cops, all types of liberal/feminist messages from Jess, drug use, alcohol use, loads of sex, and even one making fun of micro penises. It's not meant to make you feel all warm inside. A lot of comedy just doesn't do that anymore. The writers have obvious stances and clear messages in their episodes.

So why get your panties in a bunch when the show takes a stance on something like politics? Of course Jess would vote Hillary. That's true to her character. And in the recent news with several instances of racism from sorority girls, maybe the writers were riffing on current events and assuming the sorority girls would vote Trump. Either way, why so sensitive? The main democratic campaigner (Meredith from the office) was not written in a positive light, either.

Point is, this is a comedy, and it reflects many issues we have in the real world in a comedic light (it makes fun of it). These subjects add to the conflict the characters have. Politics are something, especially for someone like the titular character, that are important. But just because Jess is pro-Hillary Clinton, suddenly there's a subject too taboo for the writers to approach? That's ridiculous and overly sensitive. It's like when Isaac Hayes quit voicing Chef on South Park because an episode was making fun of Scientology...even though the show makes fun of everything else as well. If your watching a show that potentially offends a different group in each episode, expect to be part of a group eventually.

Also, I really wouldn't care if there was an episode of Cece joining the Nazi party. I'm a big fan of South Park/American Dad/Family Guy, so it takes a lot to shock me. However, the point you made isn't really all that good (equating an episode that shows an important part of our country's democratic process to one that would show a character joining a hate group). Also, and more importantly, it wouldn't be true to the character. Jess is a hippie feminist liberal educator into musicals. How else do you think she'd vote? That this actually changes your view of her, I just don't understand, because I could never see her voting for Trump. But Cece is a minority. It just wouldn't make sense for her to join a hate group in the same way it does for Jess voting for a woman in the democratic party.

However, if there was an episode where Schmidt's small mindedness mistakenly got him into a Nazi affiliated group, that'd make sense. And it'd probably be hilarious, too.
