MovieChat Forums > Unbroken (2014) Discussion > Why Do Actors Think They Can Direct?

Why Do Actors Think They Can Direct?

Time after time I see actors stepping into the director's chair and failing miserably. There are exceptions of course, Clint Eastwood comes to mind, but the majority of actors I've seen trying to direct typically produce fairly derivative work.

Directing is incredibly difficult, and very few people do it well, which is why I question why so many actors feel a need to try it, many of whom, quite frankly, are as dumb as a post.



Mel Gibson/Redford/Ben Stiller/Eastwood/Ben Affleck/Ron Howard/Kevin Costner/Chaplin/Woody Allen/Warren Beatty/Jon Favreau/Sean Penn/Mel Brooks/Harold Ramis

Seems like a ton of actors are not "failing miserably" in their directing adventures. Then again OP didn't even mention one single actor-turned-director as an example of bad directing besides Jolie. Why do i even bother...


Ego, mainly. Actors are ego-driven people. And they are often outspoken. And have money. Hence, they think they can direct. Most often, they cannot.



You should view this and she'll explain everything >>>



Directing is incredibly difficult, and very few people do it well, which is why I question why so many actors feel a need to try it, many of whom, quite frankly, are as dumb as a post.

Actors have been directing their own films since the movies were created---it's nothing new. Some people only have problems with the director simply because she's Angelina Jolie,period, and because she's a woman. There are loads of good directors,too---female as well as male. Sometimes having been an actor make some that direct better directors because they're had experience with being in front on the camera, and it helps them with developing an actor's performance.


For the same reason that you think you can critic the actors on their directing abilities.



especially a dingaling like Angelina Jolie...I burst out laughing when i saw her name in final credits..i manage to avoid any movie starring her, but she still gets me by 'directing" one I did not know was her until I'd finished it..
