Miles Teller is ON FIRE!!!!

Can I say, for the record, Miles Teller is pretty much the next Jonah Hill/Vince Vaughn. I mean that with all the best intentions. Seriously, this dude has some amazing comedic delivery. Despite the fact that he's appeared in a few bombs (e.g 21 and Over), this one looks like a pretty good flick. After seeing the trailer, I have faith. It looks pretty damn funny.



Watch The Spectacular Now and you'll see that he is just a great actor in general. Its a more serious one for him.


Miles is amazing and I'm so happy to see his career taking off.


Absolutely, and I just finally watched some bits of The Spectacular Now, and have to make time to watch it all the way through,but from the scenes that I have watched of him so far are pretty much as good as it gets....


So, in other words...that's literally only your opinion, right?


You lost me at "this one looks like a pretty good flick". Come clean, you're Miles Teller's mom, aren't you?


I wish someone WOULD set that talentless little twerp on fire.



Miles is a great young actor. he is amazing in Rabbit Hole and he was the only good thing in the dreadful Footloose remake.


Yep, Miles Teller sucks. Not funny or likeable to me, just annoying.



I think hes better than Jonah Hill/Vince Vaughn.

We accept the love we think we deserve


Here was me hoping he was literally on fire. Can't stand him as an actor.


21 & Over cost $13 million and made $45m. It didn't bomb. It just wasn't as big of a success as The Hangover or even Project X, like they were probably expecting.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"
