MovieChat Forums > Apollo 18 (2011) Discussion > Any Earth species that kill and don't fe...

Any Earth species that kill and don't feed?

Aside from humans, is there any species of creature on this planet that hunts for fun, or hunts just for the sake of killing something near them? As far as I can recall from every nature show I have ever watched, pretty much every single creature that kills another does it for food.

That being said, since the moon creatures obviously have another source of food (they would HAVE to, as humans are not a viable food source on the moon, and the creatures are never shown eating any of the astronauts)why attack the astronauts? I mean, the moon is big enough where they could have kept a wide berth and not come into contact with the astronauts at all, and waited the 3 days (I think it was 3?) until they left. Just seems odd that if the creatures didn't need to use the astronauts for food, that they would just start terrorizing them and killing them.

"All the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no."


Maybe the creatures killed them as they has 'invaded' their territory and were just protecting each other.


I also got the impression that they may have been defending themselves. I mean at first glance it would seem that the astronauts were just there to take rocks, but if the creatures WERE the rocks, they were threatening their environment.

---You look a hundred percent better when I can't see you.


That's how I see it too - the astronauts were perceived as a threat, not food


Yep! "That looks like one of the samples"


Aside from humans, is there any species of creature on this planet that hunts for fun, or hunts just for the sake of killing something near them? As far as I can recall from every nature show I have ever watched, pretty much every single creature that kills another does it for food.

A few critters that kill humans with some regularity but seldom if ever eat them--cape buffalo, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, elephant, box jellyfish, and funnel web spider. There are others.


I hardly think you can justify that any of those hunts for 'fun' or 'for the sake of killing' and it isn't for self defence.

The only ones I can think of are killer whales and maybe dolphins which 'play' with their prey and may or may not finally eat them.


Some monkeys do that too.

Perhaps you could count when male lions that take over a pride and kick out the previous male kill all the cubs? The Lion King was full of lies, in reality Nala would have been Simba's sister and Scar would have killed her and any other siblings once he took over.

Nature documentary crews will occasionally come across animals that normally don't and you wouldn't expect it from killing for no reason. I can't remember specific animals, I find that kind of thing upsetting, it's very rare and shocking when it does happen.


Plenty of animals kill for sport and defense.




Yes. My Cat and his many birds.


I hardly think you can justify that any of those hunts for 'fun' or 'for the sake of killing' and it isn't for self defence.

Since we can't know the subjective experience of animals nor can animals communicate their subjective experience i don't think your hardly justified in arriving at any conclusion as to what an animal may or may not experiences as "fun" period.


White sharks will sometimes kill seals (San Diego) & penguins(South Africa) & not eat them; some think it's 'hunting practice' or polishing their technique;
lions will kill other lions in order to assure THEIR genetic dominance in the pride;
wolves have been known to 'assassinate' pack 'Alphas' to ascend to pack leadership(strange tale I heard on Nat Geo--a lower ranking female who had become 'mated' with a male from a rival pack did the deed with the help of her consort)...and of course, many predators will kill other predators to 'cut down the competition';



"A few critters that kill humans with some regularity but seldom if ever eat them--cape buffalo, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, elephant, box jellyfish, and funnel web spider. There are others."

Well, yeah, but I'm sure it's because they feel threatened, not just for the sake of killing. I could certainly see the box jellyfish and funnel web spider at least trying to eat some of someone unfortunate enough to be killed by them - miniscule amounts of flesh, of course, not the whole thing.

"Just repeat to yourself, 'It's just a show; I should really just relax.'"


There's a certain type of dolphin that is known to kill without feeding. Forgive me for not knowing the kind. I had an argument with a girl at work. She said humans were the only ones that killed for sport or killed without the intent for feeding. I found that there was a species of dolphin that would kill other things and didn't feed on them.


"Aside from humans, is there any species of creature on this planet that hunts for fun, or hunts just for the sake of killing something near them? As far as I can recall from every nature show I have ever watched, pretty much every single creature that kills another does it for food"

In reality, I have read that with all predatory animals the impulse to kill is separate from the impulse to eat. There's an adrenaline rush in the hunt for its own sake.

The domestic cat is a case in point. It will hunt and kill mice, birds, etc., and bring them home as trophies, even if it is pampered. It enjoys doing it.

I believe this is explained by the need to be in good shape physically to meet the demands of hunting, which would not be the case if the animal waited until the pangs were strong, but energy depleted.


yeah, or some cats will catch prey as 'gifts' for their kittens or owners


Yes but still to say it was 'for fun' is making quite an unsubstantiated leap.



That's true. The dolphin really has no reason other than fun.

Also, many mongooses kill snakes without eating them, and chimp packs have been known to go to war with other packs.


Pretty much EVERY TOP PREDATOR will kill "not for food" but for other genetic/survival reasons. Lions don't just kill other lions for hierarchy and genetic dominance, but also hyenas, leopards & cheetahs to eliminate competition. But "for fun"? Or "just for the sake of killing"? Very few, and usually the smarter ones... ie. dolphins (yes, the loveable Flipper) and killer whales (yes, the adorable Willy) will kill for amusement, especially seals or smaller dolphins... And apes have also been known to kill, actually murder, if in a fight or... annoyed by other apes.
Maybe its an unfortunate by-product of intelligence. Seems the smarter species are the only ones prone to murder...


My pet cat has been dumping dead mice and birds on the back door for the last few months.


LOL!! Forgot those little murderers... Cats are actually consistently ranked top "predator" for their propensity to "needlessly" hunt & kill mice & birds! But its still a kind of hunting/game reflex... even though they don't hunt for food anymore.



Cats. I have cats and they like to catch mice, play with them for half an hour and then either kill them or leave them, barely alive to die on their own. It's fun to them.
The story that only humans hunt for fun is a fable.


Ok, let me take what you asked in reverse order. You asked, "why attack the astronauts?"
I did not see the creatures as attacking for sport or for food. But much the same way a hive of bees or fire ants will attack anyone that disturbs them or the nest. They do not kill for "fun" or something that large for food. It is threat response. And may have well been exasperated by the radio signals. Many insects are drawn to electricity. I believe fire ants are rather infamous for clogging up air conditioning units.

Now to your first question, "Aside from humans, is there any species of creature on this planet that hunts for fun, or hunts just for the sake of killing something near them?"
I'd first have to understand fun in my own species before attributing to something I was unable to communicate with. I mean, I know some guys that think some pretty sick sh!t is fun. And some that think the most mind-numbingly boring stuff is gigglin' fun. So, I set aside the idea of 'fun.' And move on to 'for the sake of killing.' Yes. Weasels do. Cats, both big and small do. Dogs have been known to be inveterate chicken killers. Had a friend whose dog didn't kill their chickens but hunted only ducks almost to extinction on their farm before they luckily broke him of it. I've seen shows where sharks just killed for to apparent reason. I've known large animals easily capable of killing that attacked everything. Bulls and cows both. I know Cape Buffalo will go out of their way to hunt and kill people. They are notoriously clever, ill-tempered brutes. Some snakes are incredibly aggressive. Going out of their way to hunt and bite things they could not possibly eat.

But in the end, I'd have to say any mammal whose young 'sharpen their claws' so to speak, on each other as "play" when young, can do it. That type learning process, the anal retentive~toilet training, can make killing and violence fun. Starts as fun. At least for a given value of fun.


theres that lionfish


There's a nature film where a male king cobra kills another female king cobra and left her twisted body laying. Very disturbing footage.


Damn! Never knew that misogyny has some precedents in nature! That really sucks! :(

I'm gonna eat your brains to gain your knowledge!!!
