MovieChat Forums > L.A. Noire (2011) Discussion > Good God this game is boring!!!

Good God this game is boring!!!

What's with these stupid interrogations and searching for evidence??? NO FUN!!!!!


This is my favorite game of 2011 and I have to agree it was pretty boring after 10hours I just kept playing hoping it would end. But the production value, graphics, music everything is so great and every dialogue is well written and well voiced. I was walking around in my house hearing the investigation music in my head because the game looks so real. The biggest disappointment was the Black Dahlia victim case I didn't even recognize the guy! This game deserves 9.7/10


Well, what kind of game did you think it was gonna be? Rockstar made it very clear that this was not going to be a typical game like they've done in the past.

Just because it's not your preferred type of game, that doesn't make it a bad game. Just stick to your mindless shooting games.


I didin't read previous posts so maybe someone already told this, but I will say it to all who didin't like these game. I is suposed to be like these. Read the title fellows. Noir! The gengre is abaout slow pacing and solving cases. So if you just going after company I mean Rockstar games you will be disapointed. It is not like GTA. So gentleman (and ladies) don't hate just think about these game in diffrent way.

ps. sorry for my language it's 4 am in my country and I'm barely awake. :D


May be you're a dumb B@$#@%d!



I can't believe that my generation, MY *beep* GENERATION, is so ridiculously simple minded. Not all games have to be non-stop run & gun, you inbred, mongoloid *beep* of a person!


Yeah you know some of us actually find games that make us really think to be very fun. Obviously you're one of the Halo and COD-loving crowd. I feel sorry for you.

Here's a slinky, go play.


The OP and anyone else who thought this game was boring or lacked "fun" is a complete and utter moron..It's a crime and mystery game. Of course there's going to be searching for evidence and interrogations..are people retarded and do no research on a game before they buy it?



The poster was saying this game wasn't innovative and boring on top of that. One can't argue with someone calling this game boring cause everyone is entitled to their opinion. But in regards to innovation I feel like it brought together familiar gameplay elements from different genres and in my opinion did a pretty good job (not perfect in the slightest). What other triple A title has great graphics, open-world driving and shooting, and point and click style adventure gameplay. To me this game was meant for me since it combines all the elements I like in a game.

Its definitely flawed just like The Walking Dead which was also story driven but had a little less gameplay attached. Im always going to support games that try something a little outside the box (Heavy Rain, TWD, Catherine) and titles that also just do a good job working within a familiar framework (GTA 5, The Last of Us, Ni No Kuni).

There is nothing wrong with liking Call of Duty and its definitely possible to like COD and LA Noire at the same time. I just appreciate games that offer something slightly different from the norm. There is no "correct" way to make a videogame and I believe story-driven video games have a place in this market. Criticizing that this game is boring to me is like saying there is not enough blood and violence in the romantic comedy I just watched.
