1 billion?

this is JoWilli's prediction. I will be in seat C9 if you want to sit next to me. I will have Skittles and other snacks.

!! DOMESTICALLY, #TopGunMaverick & #Elvis are TIED FOR 1ST PLACE this weekend with an estimated $30.5 MILLION EACH! WHICH MOVIE will be NUMBER ONE??

new update: 8-4-2022


Thinking this will make a billion worldwide is getting your hopes up way too high. I feel this might underperform domestically.


248m worldwide thru Sunday.


on its way to 1 billion.


this hasnt aged very well. ...lol


It actually has a very good chance of reaching and surpassing your prediction. I've been a fan of Cruise forever (because of the max effort he puts into every single project he's involved in) so I'm quite happy to see that his movies are receiving the recognition they deserve from the moviegoing public worldwide.


Don't forget Joker made over a billion dollars and it had an R Rating. Top Gun will make a billion.


I went this morning to see Jurassic. It had about 1/4 full seating. But coming out it was good to see the parking lot full again with people going back to the movies.


It will make that with Thor not out for another 2 weeks. Elvis will bomb so this will keep making money.




dang! bruh!


!! DOMESTICALLY, #TopGunMaverick & #Elvis are TIED FOR 1ST PLACE this weekend with an estimated $30.5 MILLION EACH! WHICH MOVIE will be NUMBER ONE??


1,016mil actually, and still climbing. Only been in South Korea for a week. JoWilli's prediction is now getting worse by the day. It's going to be hard to find and edit all those places where you said only 1bil for this one. Imagine still being off by over a 100mil anyway? After all that? What a great movie to come out and see again during this July 4th holiday weekend!

1 billion?
posted 3 months ago by JoWilli (7022)
43 replies | jump to latest
this is JoWilli's prediction. I will be in seat C9 if you want to sit next to me. I will have Skittles and other snacks.


1 billion?

you missed out on the skittles, they were the sour ones.


No problem, we can just go again, like so many others who'll see it twice this summer.
This thing is still in nearly 4000 theaters! And now with extended window, due to its success, this might be as bad as your DS2 prediction. Imagine two 200mil misses? You won't catch fc31's botch, but you'll have 2nd and 3rd worst locked down for a long time. I'll update the bad prediction leaderboard this weekend, so you get your proper discredit.


ok thanks, I appreciate your diligence regarding this matter. and its nice to be recognized...


You'll need some major diligence to edit all those places you obsessively reiterated your prediction once it was getting close. You were crowing about 1bil everywhere!

So, another 9-10mil domestic before the big weekend. The JW dinosaurs didn't have legs, and Minions, The Rise of Gru will drag some parents to take their kids to that one -- but the rest? Some older folks might see Elvis, but I think TG2 will still have a solid 7/4 draw. And least another 40mil will come from So Korea by the end of its run. So, 1016+10+40+this long holiday weekend alone will damage your oft mentioned prediction of only 1bil. Wrong again. By a lot!


its just nice to be nominated for this prestigious award, I guess I better start working my speech just in case I win.


fc31 is the king, sorry. His prediction will be off by over 100%


well farts, again I am glad to just be in the running for this award. have you decided on a name for the award yet? will there be an official ceremony?


The IDUBO Awards.


is there a date set yet? I want to be present to hear the acceptance speech.


Here's the up-to-date awful prediction leaderboard.

#1. fc31 -- TG2 off by 585mil (to his credit, didn't edit to hide the fact)
#2. JoWilli -- DS2 off by 200mil (to his discredit, did edit, multiple times, to hide multiple bad predictions)
#3. JoWilli -- TG2 off by 115mil (didn't edit. yet.)


this didnt age very well, lol

one billion as predicted...


Here's the up-to-date awful prediction leaderboard.

#1. fc31 -- TG2 off by 661mil (to his credit, didn't edit to hide the fact)
#2. JoWilli -- DS2 off by 204mil (to his discredit, did edit, multiple times, to hide multiple bad predictions)
#3. JoWilli -- TG2 off by 191mil (didn't edit. yet.)

one billion as predicted...

1.191bil. You're short by more and more every day. Your TG2 might end up even worse than your DS2, lol.


[–] LiquidOcelot (1920) 3 months ago
It will gross nowhere near 1 billion. More like $500m max and even that's generous.

[–] realbullet1 (87) 2 months ago
Thinking this will make a billion worldwide is getting your hopes up way too high. I feel this might underperform domestically.

[–] Aemstel (5) 3 months ago
1 billion? I somewhat expect this to flop. The nostalgia factor might save it somewhat if it's lucky. But I think it won't attract much of the marvel/starwars/pixar crowd. Those films gross a billion.

[–] Volley (2932) 3 months ago
Under development forever, there probably should have been sequels in the 90s. Expectations may be too high for most. No doubt, people that had their first date at Top Gun will have a reunion date for Maverick, all these decades later. I’d say it gets $450m.

[–] WhereIsRent (716) 2 months ago
I'd love it to make that much. Sadly it probably won't even make half as much as Jurassic World 3 despite Top Gun most definitely looking like it'll be a much better film.

[–] TheArgentinian (3915) 2 months ago
You can't make 1 billion without young audiences and they don't give a fuck about Top Gun

[–] MartyDeniro (2577) 2 months ago
No, it doesn't. Horror is in the lower half at best in popularity and box office. Action, adventure, thriller, and comedy are all bigger genre stars than horror. I don't know if Top Gun will reach 1bil without China

No Cold War level tension + plane designs unchanged in 35 years = flop
posted 3 years ago by ManToTrust (1418)
30 replies | jump to latest
Title says it all.


1 billion?
posted 3 months ago by JoWilli (7204)
58 replies | jump to latest
this is JoWilli's prediction. I will be in seat C9 if you want to sit next to me. I will have Skittles and other snacks.


750 predicted for DS2, ended up at 954
1bil predicted for TG2, 1,191bil and counting, lol

short again and again, lol


yup, one billion? as predicted.

[–] MartyDeniro (2577) 2 months ago
No, it doesn't. Horror is in the lower half at best in popularity and box office. Action, adventure, thriller, and comedy are all bigger genre stars than horror. I don't know if Top Gun will reach 1bil without China

this didnt age very well, lol


yup, one billion? as predicted.

Nope. 1,191bil - 1bil = 191mi = JoWilli's wrong again, lol


yeah, like I said, one billion?


Here's the up-to-date awful prediction leaderboard.

#1. fc31 -- TG2 off by 661mil (to his credit, didn't edit to hide the fact)
#2. JoWilli -- DS2 off by 204mil (to his discredit, did edit, multiple times, to hide multiple bad predictions)
#3. JoWilli -- TG2 off by 191mil (didn't edit. yet.)

one billion as predicted...

Not "1.191bil as predicted". You're short by more and more every day. Your TG2 might end up even worse than your DS2, lol.


one billion? a pretty good prediction, here are all the fails below.

[–] LiquidOcelot (1920) 3 months ago
It will gross nowhere near 1 billion. More like $500m max and even that's generous.

[–] realbullet1 (87) 2 months ago
Thinking this will make a billion worldwide is getting your hopes up way too high. I feel this might underperform domestically.

[–] Aemstel (5) 3 months ago
1 billion? I somewhat expect this to flop. The nostalgia factor might save it somewhat if it's lucky. But I think it won't attract much of the marvel/starwars/pixar crowd. Those films gross a billion.

[–] Volley (2932) 3 months ago
Under development forever, there probably should have been sequels in the 90s. Expectations may be too high for most. No doubt, people that had their first date at Top Gun will have a reunion date for Maverick, all these decades later. I’d say it gets $450m.

[–] WhereIsRent (716) 2 months ago
I'd love it to make that much. Sadly it probably won't even make half as much as Jurassic World 3 despite Top Gun most definitely looking like it'll be a much better film.

[–] TheArgentinian (3915) 2 months ago
You can't make 1 billion without young audiences and they don't give a fuck about Top Gun

[–] MartyDeniro (2577) 2 months ago
No, it doesn't. Horror is in the lower half at best in popularity and box office. Action, adventure, thriller, and comedy are all bigger genre stars than horror. I don't know if Top Gun will reach 1bil without China

No Cold War level tension + plane designs unchanged in 35 years = flop
posted 3 years ago by ManToTrust (1418)
30 replies | jump to latest
Title says it all.


one billion as predicted...

Not "1.191bil as predicted". Way short again, lol


1 billion?
posted 3 months ago by JoWilli (7209)
66 replies | jump to latest
this is JoWilli's prediction. I will be in seat C9 if you want to sit next to me. I will have Skittles and other snacks.

this HAS aged well.


Missed by 191mil and counting. Way off again, lol


yup, one billion? as predicted.


I can't believe you looked again. Oh, and your prediction is wrong by 191mil and counting. You should've predicted 1.2bil, but YOU DIDN'T, lol


one billion? good prediction 3 months ago. everyone else said it would fail.


"one billion as predicted..." is not 1.2billion as predicted. Off by 191mil and counting, lol


yeah, 1 billion? I was the only person to make that prediction.


Bad prediction. Off by 191mil and counting. Getting worse by the day, lol


pretty good imo, one billion? was a good prediction, some say that JoWilli is an Oracle.


Getting worse by the day,lol


one billion? good prediction by the willi.


SilliWilli always says 1bil before a movie opens,lol. Wrong again. 1.191mil.


yep, 1 billion?


give me my award!


Here's the up-to-date awful prediction leaderboard.

#1. fc31 -- TG2 off by 678mil (to his credit, didn't edit to hide the fact)
#2. JoWilli -- TG2 off by 208mil (didn't edit. yet.)
#3. JoWilli -- DS2 off by 204mil (to his discredit, did edit, multiple times, to hide multiple bad predictions)

one billion as predicted...

Nope! 1.208bil as not predicted. TG2 prediction is officially worse than your DS2 prediction. And only getting worse, lol.


dang, impressive numbers. Tom Cruise is by far the greatest action/hero star of any generation.

1 billion?


when do I get my award?


Sorry, fc31 is still the king, but you take #2,3,4. He gets the most awful prediction; you get the most number of awful predictions. Your prize is 1 ticket to a matinée showing of Thor: Love and Thunder. Just go to the booth and give them your name and they'll give it to you.


haha ok thanks, I saw Thor a while back. it was terrible but at least Padme was hawt.

congrats to fc31.


I like Skittles. Especially the sour ones.



it cant stop making money! meanwhile Thor 4 is a total flop.
