Why is the rating so low?

I am a very, very picky show watcher. Game of thrones, dexter, breaking bad, and house of cards are about the only ones I've watched every episode of (got by far the favorite). The all have high 8s and mid to low 9s ratings. I absolutely loved this show from start to finish of season one, yet this show only has an 8.1. Is there a particular reason why people don't enjoy it on the levels of the aforementioned?


I thought the show was perfect until the only bad thing the show did happened: the necklace coincidences about halfway through season 1. The trade minister just so happened to find the necklace Frank dropped while somehow knowing it was significant, and then Juliana just so happened to notice the necklace later on. Then they kept showing you the necklace in episodes after that, reminding you of the bad writing that went into it. If the necklace wasn't a part of the show, I guarantee the IMDB rating would be at least 8.5.


I was thinking the same. Apart from "Breaking Bad", "Better call Saul", "House of Cards" and "Ray Donovan" I haven't been too enamoured with most other series on Netflix and Amazon. I've quickly become bored with "Black Sails" and irritated by "Preacher". Both of these have higher marks than "The Man ----etc.

It hasn't been what I was expecting, but it is quite riveting (I've watched 10 episodes up to now). The makers have captured the atmosphere of fear, depression, constant danger and hopelessness that abounds when living under a totalitarian regime: just imagine what most of Europe felt like during the Nazi occupation.

It's rather gripping (but admittedly depressing to watch), and the acting is very good; far better than some of this site's (sometimes pedantic) critics would have you believe.


My opinion is that the show just hasn't caught on yet because it's on Amazon-Is there a way to see how many people have voted? (I looked @30,000) Amazon is definitely becoming more popular though-I'm so happy that Friday, December 16
S2.E1 Episode #2.1
-is back and hopefully all at once!! Different strokes for different folks-Doesn't matter to me-I like it and look forward to season 2

I need my alternate universe back


Personally, I'm worried it will follow the Lost example and drift into pointless weirdness. I loved series 1, but I think it's far enough from the book that there's no guarantee were going to get any reasonable conclusion out of it.


Probably because it's only available through Amazon.

If I could I would rate The Man in the High Castle above 10 stars.

I binged watched it over a weekend.

After seeing the pilot before the show was picked up I knew that it would be AMAZING and smart.

I can't wait for December to begin viewing Season 2.

A closed mouth gathers no foot.


I haven't seen the show but being a huge fan of Dick's book I can imagine two types of people that would hate this show depending on what the show actually is.

The first type of people would be those that hate it if the show is too close to the book because Dick was an incredibly smart, creative and non-mainstream writer and his ideas are not easy to follow. So the average person would probably find it too difficult to comprehend or they'll be just plain lazy to make the effort.

I hope this is the case with this show because if not I would be one of the second type of people that I think could hate this show and those are the ones that have extremely high expectations due to the fact that the book is so amazing and the people making the show just didn't get it or weren't brave enough to make a faithful rendition of the show. If this is the case with this show I'll rate it pretty low because you just don't take a masterpiece like The Man in the High Castle and make *beep* out of it like most Hollywood has done with Dick's stories time and time again.

I could accept a Blade Runner type of solution where the show is merely inspired by a story by Dick and it has its own merits but not if they try to put this as the original story and then tell another.

This is not a signature!


I think there are probably three big groups who could be responsible for most of the lower votes:

1. People coming from the book who are disappointed because it's not what they imagined.
2. People who just don't like the idea of America being conquered even in a fantasy TV show.
3. People who dislike the type of show (not enough relationship drama or not enough action, etc...).

Still an 8.1 is fine and ratings are generally pretty suspect. I try to give everything a shot unless the rating is absolutely horrific or the description sounds like it has nothing for me (like a soap opera).


I like the show, but dont love it and I guess my answer is that I find the show slightly boring. The pacing could be better. Also many of the characters are okay, but not more.

Also 8,1 is actually pretty good.


great concept
wretched script
tepid acting
low grade directing

Also an odd mix of well-done & heavy-handed setting/design: Looked impressively authentic for its era but they went overboard with swastikas on everything like they really really wanted you to know what you knew already.

They made a mess out of a fine PKD book. Couldn't even finish the series; it's so bad. 4/10
