MovieChat Forums > Reagan (2024) Discussion > Largest ever gap between RT audience sco...

Largest ever gap between RT audience score and critic score

Critics right now average 20%

Audience average 98%


Critics are paid shills who work for the corporate media. So, of course they hate this movie. Under Reagan this country had one of the best economies in its history. They don't want to admit that.


And that audience score can't be disputed since review bombing is no longer possible.


How is it no longer possible? What did RT do to stop that?


Reviews can only be submitted by Fandango movie ticket buyers, now.


If all those people would see the movie - it would get more then 7 millions.


Almost all critics are leftists working for the leftist mainstream news media. They knew they didn't like this movie long before they ever saw it. What did you expect their score to be?


And all righties that knew this movie was coming were set on liking it and defending it whether is was garbage or not. What did you expect THEIR score to be?


The audience score went up to 99%


I watched a youtube review from a channel that said it was nothing but a greatest hits reel of Reagan's life and had no real plot. I think that's fair criticism and that reviewer is usually apolitical.


The movie does somewhat feel like that but I enjoyed it. It turns out that a flyover of Reagan's best moments makes for pretty good cinema.


As someone said before, movies are not made for critics. They are made for the audience. Critics are irrelevant.


It flopped with 7 millions opening. On a 25 millions budget.


It's trumpists who write those fake praises. It's hilarious.

They probably think Reagan = Trump or some shit. So they feel the need to praise that movie. With none of them seeing t.

Basically mirroring what woke clowns were doing - praising stupid movies for agenda reasons. They laughed at lefties for that. And now do the same.


I saw it and enjoyed it. It was nice to see an old fashioned biopic that isn't cynical and that put holds up traditional American values as a good thing.

You should know that in order to submit a review on RT now you have to buy a ticket through Fandango. So unless you think everyone bought a ticket and then didn't actually see the movie, you should revise your statement.


Yes. They did it. I clicked on 20 random profiles and all of them were reviewing only this one film in their entire history on RT. It's fake. Trumpists or Republicans came to RT to praise Raegan as a person.


I don't have a problem believing that moviegoers who usually don't bother to submit reviews to RT decided that this time they would go out of their way to support the film. I almost never submit reviews to Amazon, but very, very occasionally, under extraordinary circumstances, I will choose to do so.

But I have a hard time believing that people spent their $13 or whatever to purchase a ticket and then didn't actually go and redeem it. Why not? If they love Reagan so much, wouldn't they want to see it?


Movie grossed only 7 million. So obviously not many people went to theater


Reagan would have denounced Trump as a Fake Republican looking for fame.


Yes. That's why its even more funnier how trumpists fake praise it. Or maybe it's real republicans who do that. Not those stupid trumpists.


Yes, as would the Bushes, Nixon, Eisenhower, and any real Republicans. Even Lincoln would have.


Percentages are "NOT" a score. The percentage you see on RT is the number of critics that have offered a review of this movie.

To see the actual ratings/score you have to click on the percentage score when you're on RT. That being said, it is true that there is a pretty big gap between critic and audience..

As of right now the critic combined score is 2.10 out of 10. The audience score is 4.8 out of 5.

Critics hate it but fans love it. Here's a link... click on the percentage score to see the actual score -


2.10 out of 10 is equal to 21%. So the score matches the percentage

4.8 out of 5 is equal to 96% (they might've rounded up decimals to gget 98%)

The percentage/score difference that you're mentioning is splitting hairs


I guess that is correct redban, but why put a percentage to indicate a rating/score? Doesn't make a lot of sense. I don't know of anyone that does this. I'd rather get the actual combined score than some percentage. And some movies have different score/percentage ratios too.

Take, A Few Good Men, for example...

As of right now, the 'all critics' percentage is 84% but the 'all critics' score is 7.1 out of 10.
