MovieChat Forums > The Dark Tower (2017) Discussion > What next? Godzilla replace by a chicken...

What next? Godzilla replace by a chicken?

The casting of a black actor to play the role of Roland 'The Gun Slinger' Deschain is an absoulute joke. Political correctness once again at its finest. Im all for equal rights and all that mindless babble people of this day and age seem to bang on about but this is absoulutley just pathetic.

Idris Elba is a great actor, I wont dispute that. My issue is not with Idris Elba, my issue lies with a white main character being replace by a black man? I mean for these deluded fools that argue "where does it say he's white" read the actual books correctly and pay attention. Blue bombadier eyes. White. WHITE.. not black? I Mean what an absoulute joke? Whats next? Is Susannah going to be chinese on crutches? Is Eddie Dean going to he homosexual? Is Jake going to be 30 years old?

All the comments stating directors etc have said they arent interested in the complaints of the loyal fans to this amazing story such as myself should be ashamed! I wont be paying a penny towards the box office earnings of this film and I hope it flops massively to prevent any more being produced.

Heres an idea why not make a movie about queen elizabeth and give the role to a muslim? Or how about we make a movie about mike tyson with a german woman starring as tyson himself? Replace the titanic itself with a jet ski instead of the boat itself?

However this has been allowed is an absoulute joke! Totally deystroying the masterpiece of a story.

Dont waste your time or effort with the boring old cards and labels you PC Do-Gooders throw around either the whole racism, sexism whatever else you want to throw in the mix its boring and ineffective.

I can only hope people avoid the film as to avoid any further slaughter of this work and stick to the original books.


Yep, Godzilla will be a chicken. You nailed it.
Also, you CAN avoid this film all you want. Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. You have my word. You do not have to see this film. I promise you. Feel better?
Take care kiddo.

"Mother Father, Chinese Dentist!"


This whole argument has caused me to go back and read the series again. I'm about a third of the way through Wizard and Glass, and while I can say that I'm sure that there can be a Black man leading in the series itself, doing so will take away a lot from the original story. It would be the same as making Alex Cross a White man from the 'burbs. I would feel just as strongly about that story change as I do about this one. They simply weren't written that way. We'll see how it turns out.


The problem here is that the books create an image in the readers mind of Roland, and indeed all of the characters. No book can succeed if it fails in this regard. The image created in 'The Dark Tower' series, is of a white man, perhaps resembling Clint Eastwood. Certainly of his mettle. To cast the wonderful Idris Elba as Roland severs that mind picture for the movie. This will probably mean that many of the people who have really become involved in the world that King created, are probably going to give the movie a miss. That will be a shame, but it is also understandable. People value the images they create in their minds of their favorite written characters. If the fans of the books don't go to see the movie, who will?

I love the books, but I will see the movie. I just hope it can overcome the problems inherent with such a shift in mental gears for the audience.


Totally agree with you. Another great franchise got the PC treatment, it's ridiculous.

He took my kidneys, Raylan, not my dick!




It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


I totally agree. And what's worse is that Matthew McConaughey will play the man in black... Are you serious? Matthew McConaughey is the perfect *beep* actor to play Roland.. It's a shame they cast the perfect Roland to not play Roland. It's a shame.


I must agree. My first question after seeing that this movie was in production and seeing Idris cast as Roland was.. "Wasn't Roland white?"
It's a fair point. Myself being an avid book reader, am constantly disappointed at all the rubbish Hollywood usually adds in to movies just to entice a wider audience.
Books are classics for a reason. Mess with them too much and it's just not the same.


I must agree. My first question after seeing that this movie was in production and seeing Idris cast as Roland was.. "Wasn't Roland white?"
It's a fair point. Myself being an avid book reader, am constantly disappointed at all the rubbish Hollywood usually adds in to movies just to entice a wider audience.
Books are classics for a reason. Mess with them too much and it's just not the same.



hey you guys started with all this political correctness way back when you painted Jesus as this white dude with blue eyes
