A C.G.I cluster *beep* with zero character development, a story and characters that are in no way grounded in reality plots holes so big the mother ship could fly through them and all in all an insult to the original movie and to human intelligence.
Hence me calling this Jurassic World 2 and I'm sorry if you thought Jurassic World 2 was in any way a good movie but it really wasn't. Movies like this make me lose faith in the human race. To be honest if Aliens do invade I hope they win lol.
Sorry but it really annoys me that they can throw 160 million bucks at a film with a script this terrible.
There were many moments in this where I laughed out loud in amazement at the terrible writing one of the biggest was the dark haired woman who nearly kisses Goldblum being English at the start of the movie and French at the end.
WHAT THE *beep*!
I know studios have to make money, who the *beep* doesn't in this world but at least put some effort in people come on. WRITE STORIES THAT MAKE SENSE AND HAVE JOINED UP THINKING!
They have *beep* up Jurassic Park, Ghostbusters and independence day now what next???????
When one of my friends comes to visit me from out of country, he takes me to cinema. From time to time, I've chosen stuff for him, and he usually preferred some action flick. So, in 2011 I chose "Super 8" (turned out it was be a kiddie sci-fi movie, but we're adults), while he wanted something else, and I insisted on "Super 8". My friend fell asleep in the theatre :\
I let him choose next time, and so it was "Transformers 4" in 2014. That year, we barely missed "Edge of Tomorrow", which would have been more interesting. And then in 2015, he chose "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation".
When discussing what to watch this year, then this time, our conversation went approximately like this:
Me: Do you like films with killings and chasings? Him: Of course, I do! Me: Oh yeah, then we'll watch "Independence Day: Resurgence" :-)
So, wrt IDR, then I think I liked watching it, but felt that there was something amiss that was there in ID4.
But they made you watch them and give them your money, that's all they wanted so the movie serves its purpose. Who cares what cows think as long they keep giving milk.
Agree. Jurassic to me should be named, "How to Run From Raptors in High Heels." That is a baaaaaaaaad movie. AND this one is another baaaaaaaad movie. I laughed at a lot of the scenes. Son and Father interacting. Daughter & ex-Prez interacting. So silly.
Jurassic World could be classed as "so bad, it was good". We can throw popcorn a it and comment out lout how lame it is at every inconceivable scene conceived.
IDR had lots of great ideas. I want the director's cut.
Yup, the plotholes were big enough for the mothership to travel through.
I'm hard-pressed to think of a movie that was as sloppily written as this one. Did the writers bother to read beyond the first draft?
I think I can articulate a few examples of the shoddy, predictable story/acting:
Aliens come back to our planet to harvest resources. Sigh. Been there done that. Tired old cliche, overused, overcooked, overdone. Please think up something new.
Aliens decide they want to drill to the Earth's core to retrieve materials. This is the setup for human extinction, which is silly. If the aliens were smart (AKA, the writers), they would target the humans first, blow the *beep* out of them, THEN start drilling. Stupid aliens!
3,000 square mile ship, which can cover most of the continental United States, has little effect on gravity, except for when "Tugger" (human spaceship) gets sucked into its gravity well, and an eye candy segment where everything gets sucked up into the atmosphere, then comes crashing down. It doesn't happen again. No science, just spectacle.
Mothership is impenetrable with missiles, firepower and nukes, but - GASP - it has an opening we can FLY INTO WITH EASE. Gasp, who would have thought. Why bother using nukes when you can just glide into the thing unopposed. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Utterly shallow, predictable characters who fail on the humor front. I feel like an alien went to see a bad comedian one time, took notes, and incorporated it into a movie script.
The dialogue was try-hard humor. I think I chuckled once at something Jeff Goldblum's character said. The rest was weakly written and delivered tripe. E.g. the prototypical "I'm going with you/No you're not!" garbage which is the staple of every mediocre movie. Pretty much every line is like that.
Ugh! Please, give this emotionless dynamic cliche a rest. It is not dramatic. It may have been effective in 1982, but not 9,800 movies later.
Characters are insipidly dumb. After they effortlessly fly into the mothership, the lead character gets out and thinks it's a great idea to start mouthing off to the aliens - all six of them. Yes, there were only a handful of aliens in this vast pancake in the sky. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
And of course, they "heroes" find more ships to fly right where they land in the mothership, and one of the flimsy characters excitedly exclaims "The technology is exactly the same!"
How convenient. Sloppy. Did I mention STUPID?
And then we have the old "we need to escape before the 2 inch per hour spaceship door closes!"
So they escape, of course, but only after the writers trick us into believing the main character dies! But he's still alive! Golly gee, wasn't expecting that one... !
Totally pointless sidestory with Jeff Goldblum's dad and a bunch of kids in a bus. Oh, forgot to mention, he survives a 19 Richter scale tsunami in his tiny little boat. And of course, against all odds, he just happens to find Jeff Goldblum in the middle of the desert hundreds of miles away.
I could go on and on with how poorly scripted this movie is, but you get the idea.
What other plotholes and idiocy did you notice?
It's an opinion, not a statement of fact nor a declaration of war on your existence. Relax.
Yep. How about the fact that despite their new found technology they couldn't detect a ship the size of a small planet until it was practically on top of them.
Despite the alien's superior technology, all you had to do was stab them in the back. Apparently only one person on earth knew this, but they dismissed him.
This was classic bad movie making at it's worst. It's too bad Mystery Science Theater 3000 is no longer in production. There was just so much for them to have had to work with. This movie was a prime example of my biggest criticism of Hollywood today. The art of writing is dead. They just figure that if they have enough CGI, who cares about the story?
I completely agree with "No Character Development" 100%. There was really no development for Jake Morrison or Dylan Hiller's characters. Jasmine was pretty much an afterthought. Nothing about how President Lanford became president. There was really no back story to bring viewer up to speed from 20yrs ago. I actually thought the movie was too long because the story was just so poorly written and the flow of the film was terrible. Everything was so far fetched it wasn't even funny. The mothership was almost 1/4 of the planet in size, but didn't cause any atmosphere or weather anomalies. After London and Singapore was hit terribly with disasters, you never saw or heard anything from those areas again. I thought Jurassic World was a much better film overall. Didn't think it was as good as the first 2 films, but it was huge at the box office. Jurassic World 2 hasn't been released yet. What a disappointment. Only to see with ID:R was the special effects, action and Jeff Goldblum's one liners.
Movies seen in 2016: Finding Dory X-Men: Apocalypse 10 Cloverfield Lane Batman -vs- Superman