Even worse than Jurassic World. That's quite something.
A C.G.I cluster *beep* with zero character development, a story and characters that are in no way grounded in reality plots holes so big the mother ship could fly through them and all in all an insult to the original movie and to human intelligence.
Hence me calling this Jurassic World 2 and I'm sorry if you thought Jurassic World 2 was in any way a good movie but it really wasn't. Movies like this make me lose faith in the human race. To be honest if Aliens do invade I hope they win lol.
Sorry but it really annoys me that they can throw 160 million bucks at a film with a script this terrible.
There were many moments in this where I laughed out loud in amazement at the terrible writing one of the biggest was the dark haired woman who nearly kisses Goldblum being English at the start of the movie and French at the end.
WHAT THE *beep*!
I know studios have to make money, who the *beep* doesn't in this world but at least put some effort in people come on. WRITE STORIES THAT MAKE SENSE AND HAVE JOINED UP THINKING!
They have *beep* up Jurassic Park, Ghostbusters and independence day now what next???????