How would President Trump Destroy the alien bastards???
There's no way he doesn't have a master plan in case of an alien invasion.
I think he might use lasers!
There's no way he doesn't have a master plan in case of an alien invasion.
I think he might use lasers!
He will start by building a wall
and will make the aliens pay for it!
But only a wall to protect us, the U.S. He could care less about other countries. Oh but he would have to make a ceiling wall as well, since THEY come from above.
shareAnd that wall will have sharknadoes circling it. The sharks will be equipped with freakin' lasers! Plus he'll put Rosie into orbit to scare them away with her ugly beam.
shareOr just vote for Gary Johnson, and the aliens will fly over and say "He seems like a cool, laid back dude. Let's not *beep* up his day."
shareGary will just declare aliens the return of God and sacrifice everyone to them like the Mayans did.
The spirit of abysmal despair
Haha are you kidding me? That motherfcker would go hide in a bunker with his wealth and leave America to fend for itself.
shareYou are incorrect. Trump's personality would preclude him from backing down from a fight.
As for President Obama: he would simply refuse to acknowledge that aliens are killing people (including children) and causing collateral property damage, just as he has done for years with Islamic terrorists.
As for Hillary: she would want to try to hold hands with the aliens and sing campfire songs. /s
Seriously, neither Obama nor Clinton refuse to even acknowledge the persistent, worsening threat and acts of barbarity by Islamic terrorists. And neither can the vast majority of the media in the USA, either; though many major European newspapers did not obfuscate the truth. After the terrorist attack (by - surprise! - another Muslim whose father supports the Taliban) at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida earlier this month all of the major networks and newspapers in the USA referred to the perpetrator as "an armed gunman". There were two exceptions: the Chicago Sun-Times and the Fox TV network accurately listed the perpetrator as a Muslim, and described his "reasons" as the basis for his Islamic-inspired terrorist actions.
How can we have any hope to find solutions to the issues we face if so many are simply in denial?
Instead, we will continue to accept politicians and media organizations who prefer to stick their heads into the sand and pretend that there are no problems instead of properly defining and confronting issues directly. Wake up! We should not be sheep because we are told to in the name of political correctness.
To solidify my point, wait for the endless posting to begin with incredibly thoughtless and useless comments like "Fox news sucks" in 3...2...1...
You are incorrect. That habitual draft dodger is a coward .That coward claims to love America so much, but wasn't willing to die for it.
"Seriously, neither Obama nor Clinton refuse to even acknowledge the persistent, worsening threat and acts of barbarity by Islamic terrorists. And neither can the vast majority of the media in the USA, either; though many major European newspapers did not obfuscate the truth."
You're use of negatives makes this almost nonsensical. Bone up on your English before you try making complex political points, bonehead. If English isn't your first language, then apologies.
Trump would have taken the fight to the Aliens, and it would have happened by 2016.
R&D would have discovered the Alien homeworld, somewhere in the Gamma Quadrant on the other side of the galaxy. Using schematics and logistics from the crashed City Destroyers around America, the Trump administration would fund the necessary personnel required to research, document, and build ships that could take our marines and our navy to the other side of the Milky Way.
The Alien Threat would be wiped out just like ISIS was wiped out by Trump in his first year in office, and we would have peace.
Seriously, neither Obama nor Clinton refuse to even acknowledge the persistent, worsening threat and acts of barbarity by Islamic terrorists.
He would greatly be great and face greatness greatly while greatly calling us to arms over the fact that the aliens are here to rape us, anal probe us, steal from us, and take our jobs. We will not greatly go quietly into the night, we will not greatly surrender without a fight, we're going to greatly live on, cause today is great greatly great great Trump's Great Independence Day*
*what July 4 will be known as once Trump copyrights it.
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