Biggest cringe moment?

Mine was the heads of state videolink snap vote wIth the Russian obviously voting for first strike against the orb.
They did soften it with the US vote after but it was too late by then i'd already cringed my pants.

There were definitely other contenders but cant remember them now




Helmsworth is such a bad actor.

He's the invincible stud that takes down everything and his hairs stay the same throughout the entire movie. He's even pissing on the aliens and goes underwater, two minutes later his hair is perfect again.

I really hate such characters/actors that are chosen for their appearance and not for their acting.

Every scene with him made me want to throw up, i'm immune to pretty boys and their invincibility.

The schoolbus was stupid, why every movie has invincible children in it? I hope to see a lot of children die in Stephen King's It (2017) remake, because i'm tired of them being immune to dying in movies, they have no role same as the father the drives the bus, forced inside the movie.

What is up with all the comedian nutty professors?

The world is extremely small, every lead character is close near the end of the movie, of course the pretty boy has a relationship with the daughter of the president and pretty girl can fly airships.

Everything revolves around America again, all other lands gets destroyed, spare for the white house and America.

The movie gets 1/10 from me, worst movie ever, and i've seen Battlefield Earth.

I hope they never make an other ID-movie ever again.


everything the Helmsworth character did and said


I think this movies should be renamed into Cliché Day.

Pretty people with perfect hairs save only America again, no other country can do anything, only the Americans. The end.

I was hoping the aliens won, humanity in this movie is even worse than real humanity.



in interstellar too. must be chinese money in the financing somewhere. like when the US govt used to pay tv producers to put anti-drug messages in their shows

turns out the hairy one's a dude. metal one too. all dudes...


You're a retard.


Go and watch soccer please, the only thing you can do probably.


You're probably a sick virgin if you want to see visuals of kids dying.


From the story point of view it's completely useless to have a bus full of kids in the combat zone if it's assured they're invincible. Where's the suspense in that? Every character in an alien invasion should just get their own bus full of kids because then they'll be invincible.

They don't need to kill a bus full of kids, they just need to leave the kids out of the movie if they're going to be used to kill all suspense.


One of the worst movies ever. But, yeah it revolves around America. It was an American film made in America.
And, really... If aliens attacked - who would defend? The Turkish Army? It makes logical sense that the U.S. would take the lead as it has the mightiest fighting force.


If aliens attacked no one would defend, we would just die.
We would be like ants and they would be like the 12 year old with a magnifying glass.

If they have the technology to traverse just this galaxy alone freely within a such a short timeframe as they do, yeah we're toast.

Our only hope in case of alien encounter by them visiting earth is that they will recognise us as intelligent and a race worthy of uplifting.


...but then you woukdn't have a movie! There are ways of making a (smart) movie of this nature, and having it work. Even though aliens coukd likely be able to destroy us - there has to a be a reason they don't (i.e. Something that exists within humans or something we hold the key to that they need).


...but then you wouldn't have a movie! There are ways of making a (smart) movie of this nature, and having it work. Even though aliens coukd likely be able to destroy us - there has to a be a reason they don't (i.e. Something that exists within humans or something we hold the key to that they need).


Yeah the let's give them a flu like Welles did.

But the entire trope "humans are special" and can defeat way too technological superior alien civilization, by virtue of being human, with weapons that compares to sticks and stones to the alien race is overdone.

Or to paraphrase "Ex Machina", "the technologically advanced tribe always win" (albeit talking about creating sentient AI)

An alien encounter with them coming to Earth... Yeah I'm not holding out for survival.

Maybe District 9 did it best with a damaged alien mothership coming to Earth. Not looking for a fight, just a sort of crash landing (though it could fly and hover above Johannesburg something was wrong with the interstellar drives if memory serves)

But then we humans would have to attack first, kinda like in Ender's Game where the aliens don't even know Earth was inhabitated and just wanted to colonize it and even then humans just barely won by shooting the "queen" (another trope that needs to die)


Well, the tropes have to be used because otherwise there would be no movie. A new wrinkle in the formulas or a new formula all together would be great as always. But, if the Aliens can just wipe us out - there is no film, and no story to tell.


and even then humans just barely won by shooting the "queen"

That's not what happened in Ender's Game. The humans in that novel (and the movie) were as advanced as the aliens, and destroyed their entire home planet with a planet-busting bomb that creates a sort of nuclear reaction that destabilizes the planet. Later in the sequel Ender *saves* a queen. It's rather the opposite of what you said.

And Ender's Game is infinitely better than Independence Day Resurgence, although also much worse than its source material, the novel.

Go Colorado Buffaloes! The Pac-12 Football Cinderella story!


I first thanked God, when there wasn't anything related to "americans and how brave are they going through their Divorce ridden lives".

But, my cringe moment was the 'Teens', I would abandon those teens if they were mine.



The entire ending had me cringe so hard I broke my neck and now I'm typing this with my mind.

Nest. Use it, live it, love it.


Well you're not typing with your brain that's for sure.


The girl can't act! UGH


For me, it was the handling of the "One-world, united" speech given in the opening monologue. It just didn't sound right. As you mentioned, cringe worthy.


Everything was cringey. EVERYTHING.
