MovieChat Forums > Jackie (2016) Discussion > Natalie Portman doesn't deserve to have ...

Natalie Portman doesn't deserve to have 2 Oscars

She's not Cate Blanchett or Meryl

She didn't even deserve the one she got for Black Swan


um if she gave the best performance of the year, then yea she does deserve it.

no one even comes close to her performance for jackie, in my opinion.

Last seen: Jackie


Jackie often looked drunk through the film even thought Natalie is great.


I call bs. She is excellent.


So true!!!! People seem to be blind, when it comes to Portman. I like her. She's a good actress. But she's not a great actress.

She's just popular, so people tend to give her more credit than she's due, because they like her. They also think she's prettier than she is. She's pretty and cute, but she's no beauty, yet people go on about her so-called beauty.

Unfortunately, this means that she'll get awards that other more talented actresses should get.


She was mentioned in Meryl's great speech last night. That is more honor than she ever deserved.

'Ne cherchez plus mon coeur, les bĂȘtes l'ont mangĂ©.' Baudelaire
