MovieChat Forums > Pretty Little Liars (2010) Discussion > OT: I need some very personal advice

OT: I need some very personal advice

Where do I start? So, I'm 18 years old, male and in college and I've been going through a very tough time lately. Throughout high school I was stressed out due to the work load and also because I began to question my sexuality. It all started when I met this guy named Andy, at first I didn't want to be around him because I was homophobic and he was openly gay, but as I got to know him I began to fall for him, thinking he was into me. I was confused, not knowing what to do, never having fallen for a guy before. He later found a boyfriend, I got jealous, but happy for him, though eventually I told him how I felt and he took it well, we're still friends, and I've moved on, but now I feel empty. I want to experiment with my best friend Jason whom I've known since middle school, but I'm scared of ruining our friendship if he takes it badly. But at the same time I can't help, I just have this strong urge to experiment with him. IDK if it's to rid myself of this void, but I just don't what to do, I need some advice, please help, thank you.


Stick to studying. Relationships can come later. You'll have time for that when you're older. Get a good career first.

I'm not saying you should feel ashamed or repress how you feel. But there's more to life than experimenting.


I know I should. I really appreciate the advice, but I feel like ever since high school, all I've ever done is just study and overwork myself with it and haven't had any real time to myself, I feel like I'm missing out on so much because of it. In fact, the things I mentioned above and just the concept of dating and independence is very distracting and something I've been concerned about for a long time, even before I began to question myself or have feelings for anyone. And I think that's because of my cerebral palsy, I've always felt that it will get in the way, like no one would ever really want to date me because of it. Like I have no doubt I'll always have friends, but something more? I don't know.


really? everyone in college has sex and 90% of them experiment. college is not meant to be 24/7 studying with nothing else.

this kid could be making the honor roll already and just wants to live life.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Everyone in college doesn't have sex. Sure some do, but all? You can't make a blanket statement like that.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


>everyone in college doesn't have sex.

oh im sure not EVERYONE in college does.

>you can't make blanket statement like that

i can, i did, will continue to, because everyone says it. is it true? no, but its not meant to be taken as a universal truth. nothing ever is. its hyperbole. 'everyone does X' 'everybodys doing it' 'everyone has tried Y at least once'.

everyone hates shower harvery. Everybody loves the finales. everyone in college has sex.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


If you say everyone, then you mean every one. You could say "some" or "most" or "a lot". You just can't make blanket statements.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


>if you say everyone, then you mean every one

nope. everyone says 'everyone' when they don't literally mean everyone. Everyone knows that. see what i did there? another example of how 'everyone' doesn't literally mean everyone that is commonly used in every day conversation by everyone. ohp, there it is again.

its just a typical exaggeration. i could say 'some' or 'most' or 'a lot'. sometimes I do. but often times, like everyone else, i just say 'everyone'.

its common. its used in movies, TV, commercials, radio, in books, and of course by every day people.

it seems to me like you're just picking another fight for the sake of picking another fight. Surely as an author you can't claim that people dont casually use the word 'everyone'.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


I'm not picking a fight, I"m going off of what you said. You said "everyone".

What if I said the following.....

Everyone who is gay........
Everyone who is straight.....
Everyone who is black......
Everyone who is white......
Everyone who is Republican....
Everyone who is Democrat.....

For the record, I don't say "everyone". I say "some". I never make blanket statements.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


you literally did on the food and drink bouard on december 24th:

I just wanted to wish all of you a Happy Holidays. Eat as much as you want. Everyone knows that there's no such thing as calories this time of year. :O)

>what if i said the following...
>everyone who is gay....

id wait to see what you said.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Gee bobbers....everyone says it......*eye roll*

Why would it matter what I said.....

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


because when you try to tell someone to do and then are being a hypocrite, you need to have it proven to you.

this is what we were talking about before when we said that you can't just admit your wrong or apologize. you just find a way to turn your wrong doings into an insult to someone else.

you could have just said 'oh, hey, you're right, i DO do that, i guess everyone does'.

but instead you have to be patronizing.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


If you say so Bobbers. What can I say, everybody makes mistakes. We learn from our mistakes.....and from now on, I'll be careful not to say "everyone".

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


my exaggeration wasn't a mistake. it is common knowledge that people use 'everyone' in a non literal sense.

the phrase 'everybodys doing it' exists. if you want to pretend otherwise, be my guest, but its willfully ignorant, not that it deviates from your normal behavior.

sorry you didn't have sex in college.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


My normal don't know me, sorry.

You're right, I didn't and it doesn't bother me one bit. Then again, I"m not in your league.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


ive talked to you for the better part of 4 years mugglefan. I had already assumed yo uwould say 'THERRES A DIFFERENCE EBTWEEN WHAT YOU SAID AND WHAT I SAID" before you even posted it. because thats the kind of person you are. I do know you

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


You pretty much know nothing about me. *shrugs* It's not a big deal.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


i know who you are, where you work, how many books you've written, why you refuse to publish them online, the top 3 underage celebrities you obsess about, your favorite shows, the fact that you're on a diet, the fact that you literally cannot apologize when proven wrong, what three words would make you cry on the spot, your favorite past time, your personal feelings regarding your supposed best friend, and in extension, how he interacts iwth his family, i know some of your darkest fears, your saddest moments, and some of your happier ones.

we both know each other very well. we see parts of each other that others in real life don't even begin to know about, and then some.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Those are somethings about me....but not who I am....what I'm made of. Trust me Bobbers, you don't know me. Not a big deal. :O)

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


call your mom.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Oh....Bobbers.....making a reference to my dead mother.....Bobbers you really are a class act. One might say a shining example to us all.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


that is what you're made of Muggers.

you prove my point from all along. last time someone said 'go call your mother' without knowing the story you drowned the forum in your adult man tears complaining about how she went too far with her innocuous statement. here i say it to spite you, and you're all composed.

you are a hypocrite saying whatever he can to get what he wants and walk all over people.

you purposely disregarded a request i made five minutes ago, don't call me bobbers. so im disregarding any requests you have ever made.

people will jump to your defense. and i do not blame them. you are our family. but im done with your antics muggle. you are a typical bully with just a dash of cry baby. say what you want, be as rude as you want, but pull the punches just enough so that when someone retaliates in the only way that will hurt you, they end up taking the fall.

but i don't care anymore. I love my friends here but im not goin to let your passive aggressive comments run rampant. im not going to play by your rules just because you think you're gods gift.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Trust me Bobbers, I don't think of myself a God's Gift, actually, far from it. People can defend me if they want, or not, up to them. See, you brought up my dead mother, and that was a cheap shot, but that's okay. I expect that from you.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


and saying 'bobbers' after i asked you not to wasn't? again muggers, you dont set the rules.

ive talked to others about you in the PMs. I know where you really stand with people. you're a joke, you're a hypocrite.

welcome back.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Who know, I might be all those things...but I don't take cheap shots about relatives that have died....sorry, I don't do that. I didn't post here for the longest time b/c all the posts were the same, and this one looked interesting to post to.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


you are all those things. thats why you still cant find a woman.

you dont need to take cheap shots at dead relatives. the rest of your shots are cheap enough.

you don't set the rules. you insult people. you hurl insults. you deserve every insult that gets hurled back at you, there is no 'too far'. you picked a fight. you get a fight.

welcome back though.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


If you say so....but I didn't pick anything. Oh well, I have some cleaning to do before bed. It's been interesting.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


you can pretend this was fine as much as you want, but it just further proves the hypocrisy if you play into it. whining when one person told you to call your mother innocuously and insisting her wrong, and then playing like its no big deal.

you pick fights all the time, but again, ignorance. I will have no problem reminding you anytime you inevitably do it again though.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


If you say so Bobbers. What can I say, everybody makes mistakes. We learn from our mistakes.....and from now on, I'll be careful not to say "everyone".

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


I'm only midway thru this convo, but Bobcat, I just want to let you know that everyone on these boards EXCEPT mugglefan gets it ;) Love you!

OK, so you're probably going, "Is this like a Noxzema commercial or what?"


to prove my point, i went through your own posting history:

I just wanted to wish all of you a Happy Holidays. Eat as much as you want. Everyone knows that there's no such thing as calories this time of year. :O)

you literally used it yourself and recently.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Then most times I don't say it. There's a small difference by making a joke, and saying, everyone has sex in college.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


yes muggle, there is a small difference. not a reasonable difference for you to come in and talk down to someone and tell them they're wrong.

my point is that this is not an isolated case, and to pretend otherwise is egotistical and ignorant.

you could have just apologized. hell, i even apologized just for using an exaggeration (even though as we've established, every one does it).

but instead you have to insist that whatever the case, its okay when you do it and somehow wrong when i do it.

just like every other conflict you've ever been in.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Oh, bobbers, you're just to smart for me. I apologize when I'm wrong. *shrugs* It happens.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


Do not call me bobbers. it is insulting. i repeat, do not call me bobbers, ever again.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Can both of you please stop?! All I asked for was some advice, I didn't mean for you guys to start a huge argument that isn't even about it, you guys are attacking each other personally. Please just stop!


Wow that is completely untrue. Everyone's college experience is different, and no one should feel pressured into exploring relationships or experimenting sexually just because "everyone's doing it."

For a lot of people, college is a way to get an education and that's it. There's nothing wrong with not having the stereotypical partying, sex, drug-filled college experience. I'm certainly not.


I agree with everything you said.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


please forgive the hyperbole. i meant 'everyone' in the sense that 'everyone' is watching game of thrones. not literally everyone, but you get the gist.

as for feeling pressured, im not pressuring him. he literally wants to experiment. he came asking for advice about his sexuality and experimentation.

college is generally regarded as the time people do experiment, and not just sexually.

Ginny's insistence to just ignore the fact that hes developing as a person so he can 'date later' when dating is extremely unbelievably common part of the college experience is too dismissive. Again, for all she knows, Alec is making the honor roll, captain of the football team, and like many other college students, still has some time to spare. and even if hes not, as long as hes passing all of his classes whats wrong with him doing what 'everyone' (in the hyperbolic sense) is doing since he is clearly expressing that he wants to.

as long as hes doing what he needs to do in school don't try to tell soemone they just shouldn't bother dating or even having sex. honestly its borderline rude to tell someone not to have sex or not to date.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Thanks Bobcat, I've read both of your responses and everyone else's and I have to say you understand me the most. You're right about the "honor roll" part, I'm satisfied with my grades, but not with my social life. Everything is just study, study, study and it makes me feel lonely because all my friends know how to manage their time and are out there living their lives while I'm stuck with work. I know it's probably a mistake to experiment with Jason, I don't want to lose his friendship, but I don't know how to get over this urge. He's been there for me when no one else is and I feel so close to him. I guess the idea of experimenting with him came to me because neither of us have dated anyone before and want to explore things. I have thought of doing what you said before, telling him I'm confused. I'm just so indecisive I can't stick to one thing. I feel so angry at myself for having these feelings and not knowing what to do, it just drives me mad. I want to meet new people, but don't know how to approach them, these days you can't tell who's straight and who's gay, plus I fear my disability will drive people away and only want to be friends. Ugh, I'm complicating things, but thank you so much anyway. You said I can private message you, how do I do that?


Hi alec, I already sent you a private message, so if you check on the right of the screen when on the forum you should see a '1 unread message' button you can click.

and if you can't find that, please feel free to reach out to me directly at
[email protected]

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


I don't think Bobcat was pressuring him into doing anything. The OP stated he wants to experiment. Someone else said don't, focus on your studies. Bobcat basically said "meh do it if you want." Bobcat may have said "everyone" (something many people tend to say) but didn't mean it literally. He wasn't saying you should do it because everyone else is. He was simply saying hey plenty of people are able to balance academics AND fun- go for it. (Or at least that was how I read it anyways.)


I didn't have sex in college...


I agree, stick with studying. People will say, "You can always go back", but it's hard to go back to school. Trust me, I know how hard it is. You can have a relationship if you want to try, but I'd put that on back burners. Just my opinion.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


I have no intention of dropping out, I just want to do something other than studying 24/7.


hi Alec,

Fagguette here, don't feel ashamed, because reasons.

Seriously though, sexual experimentation (and not even with your orientation, but general experimentation) is a normal natural healthy and most importantly, fun part of life. its very sad that the world looks down on it, even if you're not doing it with some one of the same sex, people are very quick to judge you for experimenting with anything that isn't in the norm for sex.

One thing to remember is that no matter which way you swing, whatever happens behind that closed door doesn't have to be anyones business unless you make it so. There are people who are happily gay and closeted, or doing other antics in the bedroom and no one knows but their partner. but if you want to share it with the world, you can go ahead and do that too, just remember that other people are still gonna have their opinions no matter how well you own it.

if you want to experiment, experiment. that being said, maybe dont try to experiment with your existing friends. its hard enough with straight friends when this happens, throw in some orientation experimentation and it gets a lot more difficult to navigate, and a lot of people simply aren't ready to have that option presented to them. as gay friendly as someone may say they are, they still act like gay is in insult if its applied to them. This doesn't make them wrong per se, but you can see why it would be difficult when propositioned.

I recommend experimenting with others. there are stories of just about everyone in college experimenting. if not because they're curious, then just because they are on their own for the first time and simply don't know how to control themselves. if you want to test the waters with your friend, do so by not propositioning him, but telling him about your confusion with your sexuality. see how he reacts. if he doesn't admit to his own issues with it, then dont bother pursuing it any further.

Remember that even if he DOES wnat to experiment with you, it could still spell disaster later. the sex could be awful and he cant stand to look at you after. or you can fall too hard for each other and have the typical break up. remember that when you push a friendship in this relationship, it can't just slide back. nothing will ever be the same again, which is why i dont recommend even hinting at it.

Good luck friendo, and if you ahve any more questions please feel free to talk here or even private message me. I'm a bit experienced here (re: a slut) and have been in many a situation you've described with various results in each round.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


I think you should do some self exploration but I DON'T think you should experiment with your friend, especially since you aren't sure of your feelings. It could get way too messy and painful, way quickly. So go out and have fun, date, meet new people, and find what you want and how you feel that way. If time passes and you've worked out whatever it is that's conflicting you and you still have feelings for your friend, approach him then. But don't use him as an experiment or to fill a void because I think chances are you'd regret it.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.


I'm inclined to agree with this comment because friendships are very important and I wouldn't want to jeopardize a strong friendship over unsure feelings.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


You came to the right place everyone on this board is really friendly and easy to talk to. I would recommend not getting involved with your best friend until you're more confident and sure of your feelings. Try to meet new people and if you still have feelings for him then approach him about taking things to the next level. I know the topic of college experiences came up in this thread and just remember that college is what you make of it. College is not high school. You have more freedom but more responsibility. I definitely look back on undergrad fondly but I would recommend that you of course study enough so you get the grades you need for grad school/skills for professional life and have FUN. If you do anything in excess then you'll most likely regret it as an adult. Life is so different after college and it's more difficult to make friends, date, etc. Just make time for everything in life and you'll be happy. Sorry if that came off as lecturing but I felt all PBS for a minute there.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I appreciate it, I just wish I knew how to manage my time more. Pretty much everyone (not counting here in the board) tells me to focus on my studies, but the thing is, I already am. That's all I ever do and it's stressing me out, I want a break and I feel lonely. It also doesn't help that I'm so indecisive and I fear my cp will get in the way of relationships.


a lot of people are tellign you to study without having even asked how your studies are going.

take some time for yourself.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Yeah I definitely understand. My parents were very much into the academic life and basically preached that college is for learning only, the social life doesn't matter. They failed to understand that networking is a big part of professional progression and without a social life you'll just overwork yourself. Needless to say I did what I wanted to do and ignored their advice but it worked out for me. Finding the balance is pretty tough. One of my best friends is a master at balancing her job and social time. I'm still figuring things out in grad school but I try my best to relax and have other hobbies not related to school. Maybe you could make a schedule for your homework/tests and find weekly social events to attend? Try new things and talk to different people on campus.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


My advice would not to experiment for the first time with a friend, because if it does not work out or he reacts badly you might lose his friendships. Surely there must be other men that you can meet and go on dates with in your university. Does it have a LGBT club ? You could start finding out if Jason swings that way judging by how he reacts to you becoming socially active with gay men.
Apart from that, just make sure that your personal troubles don' t bleed into your study time, but also don't use school work as an excuse to avoid having a social life.


Well put. Balance is important.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.


Thank you, so many people have advised against experimenting with him. I don't want to risk losing his friendship, but I don't know how to stop the urges. And you're right I'm tired of my studies getting in the way of my social life, I want to learn how to manage both. I'll try to find an LGBT club. I'm so complicated and indecisive, I want to rid myself of this lonely void, but don't want to rush things and I don't want to experiment with a stranger because I'm afraid it becoming rape since we won't understand each others boundaries, but I'll try to find a way to get over all of this.


I don't want to experiment with a stranger because I'm afraid it becoming rape since we won't understand each others boundaries,

There are different ways of getting to know a person than picking up a stranger and bringing them home with you. You could go on a date with someone, have coffee with them or something, and take your time getting to know them. That way you can feel more secure when it comes to the sex stuff. It might be a good idea if you do have sex with someone to tell them that it's your first time. I don't think anyone would find that weird and you'd be surprised how understanding people can usually be.
And about those urges, it might be that you feel those urges extra strongly because you are not getting any sort of release. I have known of more instances of people getting sort of obsessed on one person that they've never done anything with, and then when they start going out with someone else (or just doing anything with someone else for that matter) that urge fades because often you are just pouring all of your sexual frustration onto the image of that one person.
You sound sort of unsure about yourself sexually, and I'm not just talking about sexuality wise. Have you thought about talking to someone about that? Maybe a therapist or a guidance counselor? There is no shame in getting help and you wouldn't be the first person in the world to do so. It's just sort of like doing research.


It's a bad idea to experiment with your best friend, especially if he hasn't made it clear to you that he feels the same way. Telling him how you feel or attempting to pursue him could end badly. It will definitely change your friendship and if he doesn't feel the same then it will ruin it. I would recommend trying out dating new people and experiment with someone new. Sign up for dating websites or go to a club and meet someone.


It sounds like you could use a little fun! Just know your limits! I had a blast in college- went out almost every night and was still able to get good grades because I knew when it was time to (for me) to play and when it was time to buckle down and get serious. The girl I hung out with most of the time freshman year ended up with a .4 GPA the first semester so she clearly did not know her limits.
Work hard/play hard. Enjoy your life! If you want to experiment with guys you absolutely should! College is a great place to meet new people- get out there! :)


Dear Alecz,

If I may give you some advice...
I want you to ask yourself a question. What do you want from Jason in the long run? Can you see yourself in a romantic relationship with him or not?

If so, you should act on your feelings, but dont think of it as an experiment but as love. A friendship that could grow into something more.

But if it's only an urge, an experiment, fysical, don't use your friends for that. There are a lot of people to experiment with without the risk of losing a great friend to talk to and is there for you in your times of need. Good friends are hard to find and to have forever. Cherish them.

I know from isn't worth losing a friend over.
