Before werewolf movies became comedies ("An American Werewolf in London"), CGI bloated action movies ("Van Helsing") or only about teenage romance ("Twilight"), classic werewolf movies focused on the feelings of the characters in dealing with the curse of being a werewolf. Classic werewolf films focused on family members who had to cope with this curse.
"Little Red Riding Hood" is the closest to a classic werewolf horror film that I've seen for years. Because of this I gave it an 8/10.
The mood with the lighting, sets, and costumes was just about right. Having the werewolf be offscreen most of the time put the focus of the story on dealing with the curse. It also focused on the mythology of the werewolf legend (full moon, how to kill it and how the curse is passed on). Also, classic werewolf movies had an element of mystery about who had been infected and there was some of that in this new film.
The movie was not perfect (a little too much torture by Gary Oldman's character for instance) but overall I felt it was very good. Definitely one of the most underrated films of the past five years.
I realize that lots of people will not agree with me because of the way that monster movies have changed including becoming like action video games. But for somebody who likes the classic style, "Little Red Riding Hood" was a real treat.
BB ;-)
it's just in my opinion - imo -