(Instantly raises hand) I did! I love werewolf movies and I love Amanda Seyfried and I like Billy Burke. Was it a great movie? By no means. Was it a good movie? It had its moments. It also had Julie Christie, Virgina Madsen and Gary Oldman, three fine and established actors. In the ageless Julie, we see the gorgeous genes that Amanda inherited. In Gary, we see the fanaticism of the True Believer who is willing to sin (in this case, to sacrifice innocent lives) in what he thinks is service to Him. In Virginia, we see the sinning mother who raised Amanda and who, essentially, tried to sell her for money and to persuade her not to follow her heart. Regarding the rendering of the wolf, I am torn. In real werewolf lore, a werewolf is essentially indistinguishable from a natural wolf. It is not an anthropomorphic wolf. Red Riding Hood got that part right. So did American Werewolf, the Ginger series, The Company of Wolves and the (Lord help us) Twilight cringefest. For my money, having said that, the best renderings that I have seen of lycanthropes is in the most recent remake of The Wolfman (where the beast can ambulate on two legs, but also drops to all fours and can run like the wind), followed by the lushly-rendered wolves in Van Helsing (the movie, not the video series).
The Company of Wolves is the best werewolf movie that I ever expect to see, but I have Red Riding Hood in my movie library, too.