MovieChat Forums > Attack the Block (2011) Discussion > Unsympathetic Protagonists = Good

Unsympathetic Protagonists = Good

Are people really so desperate to be spoon fed blank, anodyne, cookie-cutter heroes in their films? Would this film have been much better if we had a bunch of likeable, good-looking high school kids fighting off the aliens? We could even have the jock, the hot girl and the nerdy guy who pulls through in the end to save the day and any other cliche you can think of.

Don't get me wrong, the mugging scene at the beginning of the film hardly endears you to the characters. That was the writer's intention, hence why he included the knife in it. They're not likeable characters at this point in the film. They're a bunch of kids who think they're bad-ass and all display a mix of cockiness and cluelessness and they're certainly not meant to be admired at the start. It's what they do throughout the course of the film that redeems them. They do save Sam (and she of course saves Moses at one point) and at the end, Moses realises that it was his actions that brought the aliens to the block and he risks his life to save everyone else.

I know I'm probably going to get a load of replies saying I'm a thick as hell liberal but I really don't think of myself as one. I don't think we're supposed to instantly forgive the characters for the mugging just because they were as scared as she was, it was still a horrible thing to do. But the events of the film show that they can change if given the chance to and that they can realise the mistakes they made, as Moses explicitly acknowledges when in the Weed Room.

One of the best moments in the film (for me) was the one where Sam notices Moses's Spider-man duvet and asks if he has a little brother. It just reinforces that these guys are just kids. That in and of itself doesn't excuse their actions and it's not enough to say "I had bad role models like Hi-Hatz" as a defence to mugging someone but when someone is living by himself in a rough part of town with his only adult influence being his uncle occasionally dropping by, you can understand how he'd gravitate towards those people who are seen as cool and powerful in that microcosm of the block. In any case, I think it's much more interesting to watch a film where you start off disliking the main characters and then realise that they do in fact have the capacity to change, they've always had the capacity to change and do in fact realise this potential when faced with a greater danger that makes them realise they're not gangsters, they're just a bunch of kids who think they're tough.


But they never do anything redeeming the entire film. Except for maybe Moses' final run at the end, they're all just obnoxious scum the entire film. I'm all for unique characters that are realistic and have depth. This wasn't it. These were just despicable kids and should have died in the opening scene and then let us get introduced to the real heroes of the film.

"You and me are goin' on a car-ride to hell... and you're riding shotgun! "



But they never do anything redeeming the entire film

Excuse me? They saved as many people as they could from the alien invasion, and stopped being wanna-be gangsters. How the hell is that not redeeming? You obviously didn't watch the second half of the film,then, or you slept through it. Like other posters have said, there are other characters in films (mostly white ones_ that have done FAR worse than these kids, and yet they are popular--like the dealers in Breaking Bad and the evil folks in American Horror Story. Just admit you didn't like these kids because they're black, and quit claiming that they were "unredeemable", which is some bull****. You and everyone else whining about them wouldn't even be complaining about them being thugs if they were cute little white kids, and you know it. The fact that you chose to ignore the fact that they did, in fact, redeem themselves says a hell of a lot about your own biases and prejudices right there.


Yes, i agree that the aliens were good "unsymphatetic protagonists" here. I mean surely you dont think that the gang was protagonists in any way.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I don't know. I didn't find the aliens unsympathetic; they had some good qualities. For example:

Ambition: They traveled to other planets which is more than we have done.

Appearance: Being so cute and furry I just wanted to give them a dog treat.

Honor: They were chivalrous enough to kill the criminals who chased down and murdered their girlfriend.

All things considered they weren't too bad of a bunch.


I can see the logic of some people here:

A kid that mugs someone is irredeemable and deserves to die.

My moral superiority entitles me to judge harshly anyone that has walked away from the path of virtue and righteouness. For I am a well-fed, well-living man that has grown up in a secure social climate and most likely never had any proximity with any form of criminality. This means I know right from wrong better than anyone else, you know.


Thank you. I couldn't have said it more eloquently than you did, so I'll just applaud you. I'm very surprised at how *many* people completely didn't get this film, or disliked it for the wrong reasons. It seems the naysayers main reason to hate on it is the child gang's unlikability... but that's precisely the reason to like it... it's not simple, cut & dry, cookie cutter characters. I've watched plenty of movies with thieves, gangsters, criminals, & awful sorts & still realized the film containing the characters was great, that the acting was fantastic, despite the characterizations. I've seen this film a few times & still love it. It's possible that those of us who appreciate it will be drowned out by those who hate it...& that's fine. everyone is entitled to their own opinion; that's why the forums exist.


Your comment makes it sound as if they could either be likeable, good-looking, high school kids or poor black kids from the projects but not both. Are their no black kids from the projects who aren't criminals and are hard working students who just happen to be poor?


You lost me at saying the guys weren't good looking.


I agree with you. But honestly, I can't believe there's been so much discussion here on this subject. I didn't like the kids during the mugging scene. But you're not supposed to. And you're not supposed to sympathize with them. But as the movie goes on you realize, or at least I realized, they were just a group of kids pretending to be bad. Just like Probs and Mayhem. Did people hate them too? I actually started to like the kids, and found myself rooting for them. The real bad guy is Hi-Hatz, in my opinion. And at least Moses and the other kids change somewhat, or you see them in a different light. And they were still arrested in the end.
