MovieChat Forums > Cedar Rapids (2011) Discussion > If you hate this film, you hate comedy.

If you hate this film, you hate comedy.

Rare is the comedy movie that kills from start to finish.

Cedar Rapids deserved MUCH wider release. It was worth the drive from the South Bay to Burbank to see. This easily could have come out in summer or the holidays.

I can't believe all these posts panning it. The audience rolled in the aisles. We have a comedy classic on our hands here. Wholly underrated.

Funniest movie that there's not much access to, and that's the bottom line.


That's a pretty bold statement.

I didn't much like Cedar Rapids. I didn't hate it, but it does not compare to other John C. Reilly or Ed Helms movies (Step brothers, Walk Hard or The Hangover).

So this means I hate comedy?

Here is a list of comedy movies I love, (but according to you I hate)

Wedding Crashers
40 Year old Virgin
Dodge Ball
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
The Hangover
Step Brothers
Strange Wilderness (which is a terrible movie, but I laughed so hard anyways)
Pineapple Express
Office Space
Scary Movie

and classics like

Top Secret
Naked Gun
The Three Amigos
Hot Shots
Robin Hood Men in tights

I know I am forgetting several dozen movies right now... but whatever. I apparently hate comedy.


its weird cause i usually like comedies that other people think are not funny, such as Burn after Reading (hilarious) but i didnt find cedar rapids funny at all.



Yep, totally agree, and i think part of it is just that whoever designed the DVD cover image, which is the first impression you get, should be taken out and shot, and then burned in some kind of furnace that completely obliterates any possibility of recovery of DNA, because it sucked. It said "hey, here's a crappy movie by that guy you saw in the office/the hangover, it'll totally suck, but you're probably an idiot anyway, so F@#$# you:) Bite my A%%, Chunkweed."

But really you have a pretty much flawless little unsung gem. I never even HEARD of this until it popped up in the ol' Redbox. And while I now know to click blindly on anything Ed Helms allows his Face to be on, before i saw this movie, i didn't. So, try not to phone it in when planning out the marketing, mmmmkay?


It's an underrated comedy!

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - 8/10
War Horse - 9/10
Shame - 7/10


You loved it; others didn't. Can you just leave it at that?

I merely liked it: I thought it was very enjoyable – hilarious at times, heartwarming at others. It misfires occasionally, but more often than not, it's on the mark. 7/10 stars from me.


I thought the humor was puerile. And I like *good* comedies.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"



Well then I guess I hate comedy. I prefer a movie that actually makes me laugh!

"There is no escape, John!"


Oh no, I must be a 'hater'! This wouldn't be such a bad film if the talent was allowed to cut loose. Reilly, Helms and Root are great improvisers, but the direction felt like they were very strict with the script reading. This wasn't nearly as funny as it could have been, "and that's the bottom line."
