MovieChat Forums > I Am Number Four (2011) Discussion > This movie is so bad... also a question ...

This movie is so bad... also a question for those that LOVE this movie.

Um.. where to start?
Typical high school, 'Twilight' type of movie (I think the Twilight series is horrible too). It is really predictable and cheesy. A good looking guy (John Smith or Number 4) enters school, gets bullied by the football team, then falls in love with the girl that dated the star/leader of the team. The ex-boyfriend gets jealous and tries to win back the girl. Of course he fails, the new guy and the girl hit it off and have a relationship BUT something happens and can't be together for some reason in the end. Haven't we seen this type of scenario one too many times before?? Yet I guess it still works for all these idiots. Furthermore, the aliens look like a complete joke and the special effects are poor.

One part of the movie was just mind-boggling to me.. when the aliens were drawing near John (while knowing this) and is also being chased by the cops, John and Sarah go off to school to develop pictures!!! WTF, seriously?!? You're running away from these 2 groups and you're going to make a pit stop at school to develop pictures?? Can someone give me an explanation to this?

Overall, terrible movie. I wouldn't even rent this with a free rental coupon.
Rating: 2/10

New rating: 1/10
Reason: No one can give me a reasonable explanation to the above question.




Such excitement over such a bad movie! I can usually spot a turkey in the first ten minutes - or if it's connected to Michael Bay or Disney!


This movie should be nominated for WORST soundtrack too.


Okay, based on your comments I guess there should never, ever again be another movie based on kids in high school. Right? How about bullies? How about Love? What do you suggest every movie be about from now on? Because movies about kids in high school have been in existence since movie making began.

I went into this viewing experience with a 'probably won't be that good' attitude and came away very surprized and happy that the movie was so enjoyable. I didn't look at the time once and watched the DVD bonus material hoping they would mention a sequel or a pre-quel.

See, I think there should never be another movie or anything written or filmed about sports. Because I don't enjoy sports. But you know what?? I just don't watch what I don't like. It's really simple.

I'm so happy that the new registration limits the trolls ! ! !


not a movie I'd watch over and over but it is definitely enjoyable despite being quite similar to Under the Mountain . This was a mainstream movie and not meant in any way to be avant garde. However they could've taken a few risks with the story, like making John an antisocial student of Khanacademy (they actually hinted at this possibility), his protector more dogmatic and militant and actually training John (throw in some child welfare service jokes) with a seemingly cold relationship (that becomes warm before a sacrificial death),alien behavior he has to hide, making Sarah into a female Sam (and only hint at romantic possibilities)and Mark into his actual friend who shows him how to have fun and talk to girls and then betrays him to the other aliens for some reason. Making the enemy aliens male supermodels = scary
Also the different species of aliens all dying and becoming convenient auto clean-up funerals is a tad ridiculous.


Just watched the irritated me as well. Early in the film, I caught myself saying "I hope whoever is after him gets him" due to his refusal to keep a low profile. No hunted individual acts the way this dude acted. And going to the school was beyond insane! She definitely knew the cops were after them, and that her ex (pursuing cop's son) knew her secret place. When you're in frantic "get away quick" mode, you don't go to an enclosed school and develop pics. That's just nutty!! This film must have been pretty decent, I've never written anything this long here about a film before. Olyphant was great as usual, Diana A. was her usual boring self. Number 6 and the dog made the film for me.


This movie had more plot holes than Swiss Cheese. It was corny as all get out. The writing and/or editing was extremely sloppy. However, it the special effects were pretty cool, the acting was good for the most part. The story line could have been great, but ultimately failed, the writer and editors needed to work a wee bit harder because this really could have been great.

If you love Cheezits and are 100% proud of it, copy this as your signature.


The reason you have to ask this question highlights how you find it difficult to step away from desperately wanting to have an identity where you can tell people "me smart, me watch intelligent movies. Girl I like at school like twilight - she no like me so I hate twilight. Grr. ug ug".

They're in love. Photographs are memory. Is it that difficult to understand when most of the subtext in the film is about love or is your idea of love in movies only the dark stuff so you can tell people, and I repeat, "me smart, me watch intelligent movies. Girl I like at school like twilight - she no like me so I hate twilight. Grr. ug ug".

Go away.


This "movie" would barely even make a fair to poor TV show. In fact, throughout this "movie", all I could think was: "This 'movie' would barely even make a fair to poor TV show". That pretty much captures my feelings about this "movie". It was trite, predictable, uninspired/uninspiring, boring, and just plain bad. I wonder, if in the history of film (other than some teen slasher movies) there was ever a leading character who acted any dumber. It's like "John" couldn't quite figure out whether he was an elite alien with exceptional skills who was being hunted, or a high school kid who wanted to be accepted. If this is what appeals to the X-box generation, I truly pity the future.

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov


geez i hope you don't nit pick every movie you watch,teen movie's have High Schools have you not learned this yet ? every one in this world is a Critic when it comes to movies, just like Every one has a butt-hole, Every one has an Opinion.
Witch question do you want an answer for you have about 10 questions, When you being chased by the police or alien's that can read and drive a car, the first place they will go is your house looking for you, the school would be the last place some one would look for anyone, she wanted him to see her photo's, and for the aliens looking Human would mean they were trying to blend in with the other people of the planet, an alien that looked like the monster Alien with claws and acid for blood would raise allot of alarms (yes ? no ? ) lol
not all movies use all CGI for there monsters.
