MovieChat Forums > I Am Number Four (2011) Discussion > 1000 things I learned from I am number 4

1000 things I learned from I am number 4

While watching this movie I thought this movie screamed for a post like this.

1. Don't take the dog beagle for granted when you find it outside your house, it can be a huge monster.

2. Be aware of the guy that can do a flip in a jet ski, he may have strange lights coming out of his body later on in the night.


120. Mogadorians like to say hi to children in supermarkets, but if the kids are in a car, then it's on, baby.
121. When humans love, it's NOT forever. Take that humans.
122. If you're one of the last surviving members of your planet, sent away to safeguard your species, chances are a protector and some kind of shape-shifting beast were sent with you. HOWEVER, your protector will NOT be aware that a shape-shifting beast was sent with you.

Drop it like it's legal precedent!


123. An exploding beach house with you walking inches away from it won't cause you any harm.
124. Photographer wanna be cheerleaders tend to hang out on roofs.

Penguin Ninja!


#47 is great, I was thinking the same thing. This guy is supposed to be a "Protector" and he gets taken by those two Yahoos?????

#48 is good too



126. Redbull is still for the pussies!!!!


127. Alien bodies conveniently turn into dust upon death, leaving no evidence. Apparently not only can individual tissue cells detect the death of their body, but so do the molecules in the clothing!

128. Giant alien dogs turn back into their disguised form while recovering from wounds in a fight.

129. Parents are totally okay with their teenage daughter spontaneously bringing a stranger home and then immediately taking him into her room and closing the door.

130. Two UFO conspiracy nuts can overpower and capture an alien warrior.

131. The Mogs hire UFO conspiracy nuts to do their dirty work. Because the UFO conspiracy nuts would be so much more capable then them, despite the Mogs' size/strength and advanced weapons.

132. Well, actually, maybe #131 does make sense after all, since apparently all Mogs trained at the Imperial Stormtrooper School of Marksmanship.

133. Sarah may act like one of us, but she's one of them.

134. Number Four is good with his hands.


(a couple for photography nerds)

135. 1960s Nikon Fs are fully automatic autofocus point and shoot cameras
136. Film can be developed, dried and a dozen prints run off in under 2 minutes in Ohio darkrooms


137. Even though your over sized shape shifting beast has a tail heavy enough to put a major pot hole in the asphalt just by it (the tail alone) falling out of the cab of a pick-up truck under it's own weight, it can transform in the same pick-up truck without completely ripping it to shreds... so that you can use it again to drive off into the sunset in the closing scene.

138. Bad aliens get a kick out of scaring little kids while driving on the freeway.


134. when in need of pussy - drink red bull


135. Bad had to cover their nose's gill with a very clever and practical make up, and also use fake teeths. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to get the chicken for their truck transported beasts... Unleast... Nah, they would never go to wallmart, so...

Excuse my english. I am a spanish speaker :$


136. Your hands glow when your excited

$Swaggr Drippy$


redbull is for p$&$$ies,

still put photos of people on the internet without permission, even though you were told to ask for their permission!

Ugly aliens breathe from their nose and cheaks, and talk like their nose are clogged!

Apple is the movie's number 1 contributer!

Carnivels have haunted hay rides!

Lockers explode red goo when you open them.

Alien creatures like frozen turkey


144. When sitting in your car, literally in the middle of the road, stalking your ex-girlfriend, no one will notice you.

145. While illegally squatting in a foreclosed house (that you've somehow gotten power and Internet turned-on in), local sheriffs will not ask you questions.

146. When an alien dies and turns to dust, his clothes turn to dust as well.

147. Alien babies are (apparently) numbered at birth and then hunted and killed in that exact order.

148. Aliens "power up" by using their powers on each other (yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either).


148. It's possible to walk away after being thrown into a 2nd story window.
149. Teenagers can afford a lot of cameras.
150. Beagles always survive :)
151. When I ride my motorcycle my hair doesn't blow in the wind either!
152. Only the Paradise, OH, police will be chasing #4 and #6.


153. Anyone drinking RedBull MUST be a pussy.

*Epic thread* LOL


154. Twilight goes sci-fi!

155. Aliens love forever... Aliens are cheesy.

156. Anthropologists travel the world searching for aliens.


157. Nikon has a commercially available camera that allows you to transform a 2D-picture into a 3D-model of your face.



161. Doing a Number 2 is more entertaining.

Me? Naked with an oven mitt for a hat, tossing cabbages at cars. You know, the usual stuff.


162. Hollywood can actually do it right once in a while. They make the main character a guy instead of a woman. And they give him decent screen time as well. It makes a change from the run of the mill stale content filled movies we're used to that appeal to the female crowds, where the woman are the main roles and the guys are relegated to secondary roles.

I Am Number Four 8/10

"He is The Bogeyman, he lives inside your head. He is The Bogeyman, he never will be dead."


163. Number 6 will need charging from number 4 often. (if you know what i mean) :D


Holy crap, a moron sighting on the Number Four board.

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-:¦:-Oooh, sparkly!


164. The glowing blue box is really important but don't let the audience know whats in it.

165. Advanced alien races that can travel across the universe use glowing swords for weapons.

166. When an alien dies he is instantly cremated.

167. When the High School QB is a d-bag get back at him by blowing up the football field in the final scene.

168. Run from the bad aliens even if they have terrible accuracy and you can block their shots just by putting up your hands.

169. Chose the boring human photographer girl over the hot bad a$$ alien chick.

170. All the High School students in Paradise Ohio look like they are in their 30's.


171. The MOGadorian armed forces offer a really crummy dental plan.
172. The safest place to be is right in front of a MOG as (someone has already pointed out) they all seem to be graduates of the Emperial Stormtrooper School of Sharpshooting.
173. MOGs and Lorians have seen too many Wesley Snipes movies as they ash immediately upon being killed.
174. Hunting aliens is a lot like playing 9 ball - they have to be hunted and killed in ascending numeric order.

Whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stronger. How strong are you?


175. Spring in Ohio, is in close proximity to October.

176. Mogs can tell where you are going by finding out where you have been.

177. John can forge papers, too.

178. If you meet the son of an alien hunter make friends with him, because he might be able to help you find the rest of your people.

179. Don't pick your nose in the class room if their is a photographer in the room.

180. Henri is a bad ass fighter against aliens (even though he dies), but he can't take on a couple of "aliens are out there" geeks.

181. Number 6 can be shot at at will by the Mogs, but can't quite disappear and reappear until the school is nearly destroyed.

182. Don't bring guns to a knife fight.

183. Aliens get ready for Thanksgiving before Halloween.

184. The police would never pull over a vehicle with cargo that was visibly shaking the vehicle.

185. Most aliens look like Voldemort.

186. If you make your girlfriend stop in midair then catch her the local sherrif will still go after you.

187. If you have cameras outside your home and more than one computer, you are probably a terrorist.

188. If your beagle always knows where you are he is probably an alien as well and can turn into a huge beast at will.

189. The box has something in it that will help you fight the Mogs but you can't open it until the sequel or maybe even until the third installment of the series.

190. You can track aliens with glowing blue rocks.

191. Good aliens have super powers, bad aliens have big scary animals and big guns.

If you love Cheezits and are 100% proud of it, copy this as your signature.


192. You can guarantee that after a girl's former boyfriend beats the crap out of you, and you start beating him up, she'll come running to defend him.

193. When you're burning up stuff in a fire to destroy evidence of your existence, make sure you toss in a metal license plate -- cuz we all know that those things burn up like kindling.

194. When you're an alien with amazing super powers, do a little homework on earthlings, so you can tell the difference between a high school student/cheerleader, and a 25 year old. (Or at least demand that the casting director of the film you're in casts someone that doesn't LOOK like she's 25, trying to play the role of a teenager.)

195. Maybe in the future, when your very survival is at stake, you might want to think more about surviving than some chick you just met.

196. #6 is probably a lot harder to get off than Sarah, but then get out of it what you put into it. ("Power me up, Scottie. HIT me!!")

197. When a huge thunder ball of energy is coming right at you, staying behind a door with windows will help, because the thunder ball will ONLY come in through the glass windows on top of the door, and be totally blocked by the wooden part of the door. (Good to know, in case a huge thunder ball of energy is ever coming your way.)

198. I'm sure in the aftermath of the local high school being demolished, the news accounts attributed it to a gas leak. Or a weather balloon.

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov


^^ Keep up the great posts. Hilarious!

199. Paradise, Ohio police are useless.

200. Everyone in Ohio has the same ringtone for incoming text messages.

201. Everyone in Ohio has each other's cell phone number.

202. Flip cell phones can pick up police radio transmissions.

203. Floor Buffer machines can operate by themselves.


You guys are taking this seriously aren't you?
Well...who cares they are funny. :D
