even dumber than I remember it
I usually don't start threads to say what many other already said, but this one deserves it. Offensive level of stupidity right from the start. Why would Wayland hide? What it means that they found "a galaxy system"? It is called "a star system", ffs. Why they changed the original retro futuristic techno gothic style to Star Trek style? Just remember the attention to detail in the first movie and you will see how lazy and bland this one is. What piece of crap from the start to the lame ass alien at the end. Full of boring and annoying characters, some of them even played by annoying actors. Blatant ripoff of Lovecraft's mythology. They even ripped off The Thing with the Fifield zombie - just one of the many things that don't make sense in this movie. They inserted this scene simply for additional action and the deaths of some anonymous characters, because, you know, more than two characters surviving at the end is against the rules .
I wish this movie had not existed in my timeline.