MovieChat Forums > Prometheus (2012) Discussion > Why do people hate it so much?

Why do people hate it so much?

Curious about why?




Mostly because the movie sucks balls.


Because they are expectational morons.
The movie wasn't perfect but it did a good job as a prequel. Got way more right than wrong.

Everyone keeps talking about TONE. The original films tone change each film. So I dont get it. The tone of this film was probably the closest to Alien out of all the films.


I dislike it for a few reasons

it feels derivative. Aside from the constant fan-service and callbacks to the first movie, the script is a near identical copy of the mediocre 2004 AvP movie.

It feels like an idea Ridley Scott had for a chariots of the gods style storyline, and the studio told him to make it an alien movie and they’d finance it. It adds nothing to the movie mythos, in fact it ruins a lot of the lore and ideas from the first film.


It mostly has to do with the way the film sucks.


I think the best way to appreciate the film is to first read HP Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness and then think of this as a film adaptation of it.


The biggest flaw is people in the movie acting exceptionally dumb, like surreal dumb. Ridley's genius is flawed, it needs to be compensated by someone who has an understanding of humans. It really irks me, because while the setting, atmosphere and premise is X10, the characters annoy me to a degree that neutralizes that and makes the movie semi-unwatchable. This is a simple script issue that could have been solved by more iterations by people with balls enough to question the old man. It's sad really, because it could have been a legend.


I think the biggest gripe most people have with this movie is that it doesn't really add much to the Alien franchise. People wanted many questions about the alien origins answered because it's supposed to be a prequel and it didn't answer many questions it actually created more questions about the aliens. The characters acted illogical like others on here have already stated and it kind of felt like a cheap rehash of the first Alien movie.
