Colin Farrel is very overated, consistently boring (same old intensity & brooding thug) & full of himself.This film was a crappily made thing right down to the CG .
As for sexy, who the fvk cares, as if thats something that is cast. Was he smooth, charismatic operator with a believable charm that could capture a women's soul with just a look?
The only thing Colin does for me is want to puke & barf seriously, he's got such a zero personality and being Irish means nothing,brooding looks count for nothing. The male leading men out of Britain even what's his name in Dark night, Christian Bale, are nobodies really , sold on their looks and its all too shallow.
Both Bale & Farrell are really one dimensional illusions that Hollywood uses & places in your faces cause today they have nothing genuine or real to replace them with. And a pretty face doth not a character make, ugly may be beautiful but pretty never. And that other one dimensional douche Jason Statham, enough already.
Daniel Craig is another matter, totally thumbs up, Britain's got one going for them at least and he's also got great taste in women.