
This was boring! Really boring! There was nothing! maybe the book was good but seriously...BORING! I've seen good films and this IMO does not deserve 7.5!




Instead of providing a reason why YOUR OPINION is valid / 'correct' you've decided to be a cowards throw an insults people who disagree with you. It's extremely easy to sit in anonymity and insult someone.

IMDB Film Ratings:


******Deepsleeper, it can't be that this film is literally unbearably boring because that would make your opinion a fact, which it isn't, otherwise I and others who loved it would have drawn the same conclusion. But this is not the case, to the contrary, I think this movie is one of the best, if not the best movie of the year, and deserves to win all the nominations it has gotten.

No matter how many repeat sheep flock this way to say this movie is boring, it still doesn't become boring for a fact.

While neither proving your crappy taste in movies, it is a fact that all educated film critics agree that this movie is simply terrific.*****

LMAO at both "educated film critics" and the hypocrisy of the entire post. Calling people who find the movie boring sheep while bragging about how all educated film critics (aka sheep) love it is priceless.


I haven't seen the movie and I have a question about the basic premise. WHY is she going around knocking on doors to find her loser father? To keep their house, right, because he used it as collateral on a surety bond? The Sheriff actually DROPS BY to tell them their home was used as collateral and that it's their job to make sure Daddy goes to court or they'll be homeless? Uhh....doesn't work that way. Law enforcement officers have better things to do (like busting meth cooks who aren't already out on bond) and missing the court date wouldn't automatically forfeit the house--a warrant would be issued for the father, a bond revocation hearing would be set, and if they did lose the house it wouldn't be for awhile. Instead of going around knocking on doors looking for the deadbeat she could have done something useful, like looking for a job or hell, even hooking or taking up the "family business" to make money if she was that desperate. Screw the family dump, she could've worked to get an apartment. They would have only ended up temporarily homeless at best anyway unless they were completely anti-social because there's always a couch to crash on for a minute. You can't tell me pride would've kept them from getting HUD/section 8 if they really needed it because nobody is that stupid.

Cutting someone's hands off over meth? Maybe in Mexico but in rural MO a good portion of the meth cooks are caught through other cooks snitching. I'm not going to say nobody gets their hands cut off and nobody gets killed over it, but it's not exactly common.


Cutting someone's hands off over meth? Maybe in Mexico but in rural MO a good portion of the meth cooks are caught through other cooks snitching. I'm not going to say nobody gets their hands cut off and nobody gets killed over it, but it's not exactly common.
You need to see the movie.


There was some decent acting, but yes, the moving was extremely uneventful and boring. It seemed to just drag on with no end in sight. I'm not even sure what the climax was supposed to be.

Nothing you have to say is anywhere near as useful or important as you think it is.



"Some film lovers like myself don't really want everything to be spoon fed to them."

What a trite and pretentious thing to say. Clearly you're implying that I'm not a film lover and/or I want everything "spoon fed" to me, which in the context of a movie, I'm not even sure what that means.

What has become of these boards? Can people not respectfully disagree with one another without the ceaseless need to discredit the holder of the opposing opinion? Is everyone on here 12 years old? Even when done in a subtle, passive-aggressive, non-threatening way as you've done, it's still needless and unrefined.

Nothing you have to say is anywhere near as useful or important as you think it is.



If you weren't replying to my comment, then why attach a reply to it? This message board's layout is pretty straightforward. It shouldn't be that confusing...

But of course you were replying to my comment. The OP didn't use the word "dragged", which you put in quotes, but my post did. Clearly you were replying to me. I'm not sure why that's even a point of contention. Why is it such a challenge to have some accountability for what you've posted, and for the clearly intended direction of your comment?

I took more annoyance than offense. You didn't hurt my feelings (I'm not sure from where you're even basing that assumption). You have, however, taught me to lower my expectations for having any semblance of an adult conversation with anyone on these boards.

Lastly, I already know what I have to say is of no major significance; nothing any of us has to say is. The bold text you're reacting to is my signature, which you'll find at the bottom of all of my posts here. I use it as a reminder to everyone that we are all insignificant specs of dust, and that any and all of our individual judgements, calculations, and opinions have exponentially less value than we tend to apply to them. I can say, without any reservation, that it certainly wasn't directed specifically at you, not that it would be any less applicable if it was...

Nothing you have to say is anywhere near as useful or important as you think it is.



I'm not sure why you keep choosing to assert that I've been offended; I haven't. I don't get how that helps any of your points or makes any else you've said look any more legitimate. Do you think if you just keep saying it, it will become true?

You first said that you weren't replying to my (after I've pointed out that you clearly had to have been addressing me), you say you were replying to both my comment and the OP? Well that's convenient isn't it?

I'm not sure from where you're getting that I have too much time on my hands; these responses take me approximately 20-30 seconds to type--how long does it take you?. Yes, I am an adult; and yes this is my username, and I've never played warcraft. Were those supposed to insults or something? I have to assume that you're trying to discredit me, because none of that has anything to do with anything else in this thread, nor does it really make any sense.

Nothing you have to say is anywhere near as useful or important as you think it is.



I thought it was very intriguing, and held my attention. It's hard to imaging people living like this, but others on this board are saying it's very typical of that part of the US.


Yes, you did obviously lie about it not being a reply to my comment, but not because of my username, or anything else attributable to your imbecilic attempt at sarcasm; it's because you're part of a generation that doesn't like being held accountable for what they do or say. I pointed out the clear and undeniable intended direction of your comment; and since you could no longer logically argue that it was intended for the OP, you said "screw it" and shifted your replies towards further belittling anything I have to say. Such is the sign of laziness or lack of intellectual capacity; or both.

Choose to continue to misrepresent me if you wish, but simple examination of previous unedited posts will show that I never said this movie was bad simply because it was slow-moving. Seems like you're just grabbing onto whatever you feel you can form a stronger point against.

I'd also like to point out, irrelevant as it is, that literally all of your assumptions about me and/or my username have been wrong (yes...even the one about Inception). It takes a special kind of insecurity to start making up characterizations of people to explain why they disagree with you about how good a movie was. If you'll recall, you originally responded to me. I was the one simply stating my opinion of the movie, and you chose to marginalize and trivialize my comment (though you dishonestly claimed your reply wasn't aimed at me). Then I took issue with your irreverence, and this series of replies thusly dissolved and regressed into pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-psychoanalytical tit-for-tat. I'm not really even arguing anything. Neither are you; more so, you're coming up with justifications for why I can't like this movie; as if to suggest that there's no valid reason someone wouldn't like this movie--they must simply be immature or have an incompatible "personality". Such ridiculousness isn't even worth refutation.

I do hope you don't get the impression that me responding to you = me caring about what you have to say, because apparently you just had to let me know how little you care about what I'm saying. I won't say that I get a laugh out of people like you though; your condition invokes thoughts and feelings of sadness and pity rather than humour.

Nothing you have to say is anywhere near as useful or important as you think it is.



Just wanted to reply that I totally agree with your sentiments regarding both the film and the other user(s); your maturity is so refreshing on these boards.

I too was very disappointed with this boring film after all the hype, but the real point I would like to make is thus:


Yes I said this movie was boring, please save your 'explosions' this or 'michael bay' that. Apart form anything else, most people that bother to set up an account and contribute their thoughts to this website will have a deeper interest in films than your average moviegoer. More simply, 'most people' = the stupid consumerist masses. And 'most people' don't have an imdb account. It's just unintelligent and lazy to hear somebody else's opinion and just go 'BOOOOOOOO'.



absolutely agree. i fell asleep at some point after seemed what replays of the girl knocking on doors, then woke up and asked my boyfriend if anything happened and he said it didn't. guess there was no great ending, thank god i fell asleep and didnt have to be subject to this boring piece of crap. i love the lead girl though, only seen poker house which i liked a lot more.


I thought it was interesting. It was actually pretty exciting to me.





I rank a movie on various factors, and I do think this movie deserves at least a 7. It was well written, acted, and directed. There was an underlying subtlety and intelligence about it that was constantly present throughout the film. The attention to detail was amazing and at times I thought I was actually watching a documentary about a family in the Ozarks. A couple of scenes were so well done in terms of environmental accuracy that I thought I felt the wind chill that Ree felt and the frustration of Teardrop. At the end it was a well crafted story.


I was highly disappointed by this film, even if the acting was top notch, it was just very boring. I understand that it's not supposed to be an action film or in-your-face, but I still don't get the hype on it. Nothing really happened. Even if it was just supposed to be a social commentary on the bleakness of the lives of the people living in the Ozarks or about the strength and resilience of a girl on a mission to take care of her family etc etc, I just could not connect with it, as much as I tried.

People always want what they can't have.
