MovieChat Forums > Grown Ups (2010) Discussion > Why all the hate! I loved this movie!

Why all the hate! I loved this movie!

I feel like the only person who enjoyed this movie :) I've seen it twice and it never fails to make me laugh. I love all Adam Sandler movies, I think it was a success! Why is everyone so critical? Anyone out there that actually like this movie?


I enjoyed this movie, anybody that's going to watch this with high expectations may as well not bother but it isn't a bad film overall


I enjoyed this movie, anybody that's going to watch this with high expectations may as well not bother but it isn't a bad film overall
I think that's the crux of the problem. Considering the cast it's hard not to expect top notch comedy and a lot of people felt let down. But you're right, with the right expectations it's a good movie.

Your's sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott


Seriously,i laughed once throughout the whole movie.What a waste of a talented cast.


The movie was one of the best ive seen in a while


Let me tell you how works. Trolls and fans who have complaints have alot more to say then viewers who are satisfied. Point Blank.


I thought this movie was average at best. I gave it a 5/10, nothing special. I definitely will never see it again. I like a lot of Sandler movies but this one with the talented cast they had, unfortunately did not deliver like I was hoping for. I laughed a few times, thought the movie was okay but the movie had no story and a lot of the jokes were played out too much and forced down our throats.


Does everyone on this thread work for the film company that made this movie?


I wanna add my vote this movie is great for what it is, haven't laughed so hard at any other modern comedy


Before i go onto judging you and telling you you are out-of-your-mind, what are your tops 10 comedies


I like it more than I thought I would. Its nothing groundbreaking but its entertaining.


I think a lot of these Gen-X kids don't have a very good sense of humor. All they know how to do is play Xbox, Playstation and Wii games, blowing up things and killing zombies. This movie was stone ass funny! A classic!!

"It's cool you drove your piggy bank here."

