The Funniest part ever!
When that girl had the baby and she said the Dad was coming up and then Jack Nicholson's character walked in! ROFL!!!
shareWhen that girl had the baby and she said the Dad was coming up and then Jack Nicholson's character walked in! ROFL!!!
shareROFL? Were you? Really?
shareit was amusing it wasn't that funny tbh it was ok.
shareWell, it was a bit shocking, OMG moment, I wouldn't say ROFL though.
I really enjoyed and laughed to parts with Owen Wilson, he nailed his role. Unfortunately it seemed to me that he nailed it best among that cast of such big names ...
When Jack Nicholson's character walked in i laughed my ass off!! for sure..HAHAHA one of the best part of this movie. very good movie btw.
shareJack Nicholson's "heh heh heh" and then his little Joker smile really made the scene. And then the reaction to Paul not recording the speech. Great whole scene.
shareWhen Reece Witherspoon's character told Matty to ignore her if she starts sobbing in the middle of the night and Matty said something like "Actually, I prefer that"