MovieChat Forums > In the Heights (2021) Discussion > The movie brings up gentrification

The movie brings up gentrification

It's funny because the movies writers talk about these places as if white people are outsiders that shouldn't be able to move in. Kinda like a "this is ours and you have no right to be here" mindset. Isn't that what people complain about when it goes the opposite way? Newsflash most of these places were once mostly white. And if you actually own property there, guess what your property value is going way up with people moving in like that. Of course most of these people are short-sighted renters that go paycheck to paycheck.


Lin-Manuel Miranda forbid whites from auditioning for the road-show casts of "Hamilton." Even though Miranda looks pretty white unless he has his facial hair, he's obviously riding racial dogma as his path to money and success.




Poor white people. So oppressed...

Also, your white supremacy is showing.


You know who built up these communities from the ground up? It wasn't the people who are there now. It was white Europeans. And now when those neighborhoods decay they blame the government for not helping while they send their money to family in other countries. Go ahead and call me more names because you don't have the intellectual capacity for anything else.


Fuck off with your whites built everything bullshit.


Oooooh, can't you stand the truth?


Logic, facts, and truths mean nothing to the people of 2021.
Its only all about whatever they choose to feel at any given second, changeable the next second.
and the morons march on....


I must have forgotten the part in history where non white British colonized America.

You can hate it all you want but you cannot hide from the fact that white Europeans built the modern world. That is an empirical fact.

Of course that won't matter being this sites resident racist. Your hatred for white people is quite disgusting and shines through in nearly every post you make.


pot calling the kettle black.

tell me more about how whites made America great [puts both hands under chin]


If you have functioning eyes, open them, and look around, and make your own observations. If you are unable to see obvious, direct correlations, it's not our problem to waste our time to attempt to educate you.


Well, when america was great the population was kinda 80% white ...

soooo ... do the math.


Every group thinks they own the neighborhood they live in, but they forget or don't realize that their grandparents were once the "new people" who the prior group was whining about when they moved in.






People just hold onto anything they feel they can call their's.




You're posting a lot of crap, so as a New Yorker who's at the ground zero of gentrification, I'm going to disabuse you of your nonsense.

The animus has nothing to do with whites per se, but the types of white people moving into inner city communities. In the past, they actually integrated with local neighborhoods and created a cool fusion between local and transplant culture.

The ones moving in today are culture vultures who move into inner city communities chasing cheap rents. Instead of integrating with locals and creating new venues, art scenes, etc., they start demanding vapid corporate chain stores and other crap to take over and complaining about local culture (ice cream trucks being too loud, local bodegas being too grody, drum circles being too noisy). Before long, a community that had uniqueness becomes overrun with the same 15 chain stores--literally. No more art stores, corner cafes, ethnic grocery stores, record stores, etc. Just a string of pharmacy chains, bank chains, 7-11s, Subways and Starbucks on every other block.

Life dies out, too, because the newcomers make sure to start calling LEOs for petty complaints designed to intimidate or frustrate locals into leaving. For example, in one neighborhood here in NYC, there was a Karen making frequent complaints about a venue that had been there for two decades but was "bothering" her.

You talk about property values going up? Painting it as a positive, you have no idea what you're talking about. Yes, property values go up. But then predatory real estate sharks from around the country and even the world start buying everyone out and putting up luxury towers. When the luxury towers go up, property taxes soar so high for everyone else in the area that the landlords of the people you malign as being "short-sighted renters" have their apartments bought out from under them (as landlords unable to afford the property hikes sell out) or are kicked out in favor of Yuppies who can pay double or triple the rent.

All this culminates in a city-wide and in some case state-wide affordable housing crisis as more and more developers drive up property values to such an extent that no working or middle class family are able to live anywhere. This is literally what's happening now in CA and NY as we speak and why each state is experiencing both a homeless crisis and a mass exodus of middle class and working class workers.


Well, if it isn't atomicgirl...


How on earth did you remember who I was at the IMDB boards?


Because you talk the same BS now as back then?


Oh, look--another person to put on my ignore list. Bye, idiot.


These "real-estate sharks" also consist of "people of color" So they're just as much to blame. It's not just an "oh white people...gentrification" As for people calling the cops on people, that could be done too much. But also you have many deadbeats who don't work and cause racket at all times of the day. Working people with young children need to get to sleep and don't want to hear that crap all night.


These "real-estate sharks" also consist of "people of color" So they're just as much to blame.

Of COURSE some of them are people of color. I never said there weren't. Hell, I've even MET some of them.

I was talking about why people have issues with whites coming into their neighborhoods. It has nothing to do with whites, like I said, but the TYPES of whites. In the past, whites who came to NYC came here precisely because they wanted to be part of something exotic and offbeat. They LOVED neighborhoods like Chinatown, Harlem, etc. They loved them so much that if places like this were under threat, they were always the first ones to fight for their preservation.

The whites that started coming post-9/11 are completely different. They not only look down on neighborhoods like that, they INVITE the type of gentrification and predatory real estate that destroys these areas. For example, they go to community board meetings attacking locals as NIMBYs. They lobby for legislation to get zones reversed so that the neighborhoods are picked clean by developers and sharks.

Case in point--there's a battle going on in SoHo right now that's completely between old school white transplants and new school white transplants. The old school transplants were artists who settled into SoHo in the 1950s-1960s and turned it into a vibrant artist's enclave. To prevent gentrification, they lobbied for measures that made it so that only artists could settle in the area.

In the 1990s, Yuppies started flagrantly flouting the measures, moving into the area illegally. By the 2010s, they collaborated with developers and real estate-friendly politicians to get the measures overturned, painting themselves a victims of "outdated" zoning laws. And now SoHo is being blighted by huge glass luxury towers for foreigners and rich carpetbaggers using them to park assets and launder money through.


Art? Lol


Democrats have become very pro-segregation. It's fucking weird. They complain about racism, but have no qualms against being racist towards white and apologizing for pro-segregation stuff like being against gentrification. It's blatant hypocrisy.


It's so sad when people are so desperate to participate in a discussion they have no intimate familiarity with that they just post boilerplate. I can tell that you post this boilerplate bullshit no matter what the topic is in order to feel "engaged," even though you don't have the faintest idea of what the issue is.


Are you saying minorities welcome young hipster/yuppie whites to up-and-coming historically minority neighborhoods and don't resent them?


She's saying pretty much nothing ;)


this would make for a great prequel
