How can this be categorized as COMEDY?? It has drama written all over it. Maybe the presence of Rogen - which didn't bring anything "comedy" related to the movie anyway - coule be considered somewhat funny. I consider whoever names the genre of this movie to be a complete idiot. Some crap movies WANT to be comedies, and have NOTHING funny in them, but this movie intends to be a soapy drama movie about a young guy having cancer from the start to the end. It so screams in it's attempt to be dramatic on all plans, including the soundtrack.
Offtopic - I found the overall cinematic feeling to be great - awesome shooting, awesome angles, awesome colors !
The mum and JGL's relationship was probably the funniest thing in the film. I didn't find Seth Rogen funny at all.
I think my earlier response (which was quite a while ago now) was especially bitter because I'd recently seen some other American comedies which made me laugh even less in the form of "Win Win" and "World's Greatest Dad". Now, I enjoy some pretty dark comedy, including "A Serious Man", "Submarine" and "Trainspotting". I have no problem with humour in a less typical comedic setting. But "Win Win" and "World's Greatest Dad" were both basically devoid of humour.
"50/50" wasn't devoid of humour, but JGL seemed to have perfect timing while Seth Rogen seemed to be out of his depth. I know that seems wrong when Seth Rogen is the comedian, but he just didn't seem to know how to handle this. I think perhaps this film was just too subtle for Seth Rogen.
And to be honest, I thought "Hesher" was a LOT funnier. I was in hysterics during the swimming pool scene.
the thing that i liked about rogen being in this was that, it added to the seriousness of those last few scenes when JGL was being operated on.
It was like, rogen's character was the bright side/optimist and even he was having a hard time
From the scene where he drives JGL to the hosital (the scence where it starts with a zoom in on rogen)it just switched up the tone of the movie to serious
Yes, there's drama, and it's pretty deep. But there are also a number of seriously funny moments in this movie. It's a bit cruel in a way, how it goes from something extremely funny to something seriously sad within seconds. But overall, this far more a comedy movie than it is a drama. So what the hell is wrong with you OP?
It's dark comedy - it treats the subject of cancer with the gravity and seriousness it deserves, yet 'liberates' the topic from usual, fully dramatic narrative concerns through humor.
Call me heartless, but your mother's condition (which is serious and deserves more attention than movie boards) does not have a relationship to this movie; the subject matter remains serious and no one is attempting to label cancer inherently comedic. If that were true, would that mean that the award-winning 2010 COMEDY Four Lions, about suicide bombers, is attempting to say that suicide bombing is funny? No.
What it does is mitigate the tension, tread controversial ground, decrease stress derived from the subject, find the irony in the bleak, MAKE THE TOPIC EASIER TO HANDLE. It alters our perspective, it affects our mentality - a study about emergency-care personnel showed that the workers who enjoy black humor at the workplace are less prone to stress and use it as an effective defense against the very gravity of their everyday life. It is not about making fun of the topic, it's finding whatever fun is left despite it or around it.
A film like 50/50 is a comedy. A dark one, sure, but it fits every single description of a comedy film. A damn good one at that.
"A Serious Man" is a black comedy. This is most certainly not.
Black comedy is when the humour is almost cruel. In 50/50 any humour (and it didn't exactly come quick and often, did it?) is lightening the cancer scenario, not making us laugh at the tragedy itself.
I was under the impression that it was to take a "light hearted look" at cancer. Instead, it was a full on comedy with a handful of funny lines by Rogen. Not a bad movie, but it was mismarkted, just like Funny People was a few years back.
Since when can't a film be a comedy just because it deals with serious topics? It's NOT about the topic but about how you make it. For gods sake, you could make a comedy about 9/11. It would probably be disgusting and bad but it would be a comedy nonetheless.
What you're describing sounds like a real tear-jerker and that's NOT what this movie is. It's about a very serious subject but treated in a light-hearted manner. Weren't we supposed to laugh at three guys sitting around having chemotherapy and eating marijuana macaroons? There are many other examples of this, and the movie always came back to the seriousness of the situation.
As far as Seth Rogan goes, he provided no comedy to the movie. His character was over-the-top as an *beep* I'll bet his part was 90% ad-lib because no one could write that stuff. The nature of his character came close to damaging an otherwise excellent movie.
The movie clearly has aspects of a comedy in it. The names of the different genres are not perfect. We could combine them ad infinitum but that's stupid. Give it a break.
"Creasy's art is death... He's about to paint his masterpiece."
Seriously (no pun intended). Seth Rogan's character was seriously lame. About halfway through the movie, I started fast forwarding (I was watching cable on demand) through all Rogan's scenes and enjoyed the movie much more after that.
I'm having problems considering it as a comedy as well. There are some funny momments, but then again so are in f.e. American beauty. Anyway, very watchable, I adore Anna Kendrick - she always brings sth. special on the screen.
I think I agree with you, but American Beauty seems like the wrong example. American Beauty was a comedy and Kevin Spacey was often hilarious. And that's the thing, American Beauty had some genuine black humour. 50/50 was more of a sweet and cheerful indie movie than a laugh-out-loud comedy.
There was tons of humor in this, which they go over all day in the commentary track. Just because it's not told in a joke format or through horrible things happening like in the Hangover, doesn't mean there isn't humor.