Episode 3: Thoughts?

Thought this was quite an interesting episode.

Leans quite heavily into the prequels' dubious portrayal of the Jedi. Think Lucas really screwed up with aspects of that and this show has taken that further.

Real Star Wars fans views only please. Not more sabre rattling from "protectors" of society, who haven't even watched it...


I still do not understand how all these witches died. I mean, it was not such a powerful fire.


Yeah, that was not done well at all!

It was a stone building and she threw some wall light down. Next thing the entire place was burning down, generator exploding and they were all dead...


people saying something else killed them


That's what bugs me. Mr. Lucas really laid the stepping stones of all the insanity Disney is doing. This isn't coming out of nowhere. He muddied the waters already. He started this nonsense with hinting around at immaculate conception through the Force. And the Jedi maybe not being so great. These are his dumb ideas. They're just going nuts with it.


Lucas didn't intend for the Jedi to be badguys, just complacent in the time of the prequel era.

Lucas also made it clear that Anakin's creation was the first, if only, force conception. As controversial as the midi-chlorians were, they still didn't change how the force was an energy field surrounding all living things. The midi-chlorians were simply what allowed people to access that energy field depending on how much they had. Now it's like the threads of fate or whatever that was wielded by a random witch cult, which died out in the same episode they were introduced in.

Finally, Star Wars, whether people want to admit it or not, was a male brand. Women were welcome to watch if they wanted, but it mostly appealed to guys, that's just how it was. Now, Star Wars all but shuns men.

Disney took everything Lucas did, and corrupted the shit out of it. For all his faults in handling the prequels, all of this is on Disney.


Yeah, exactly.

We just rewatched the prequels recently and it just sticks out as really poor execution the way Anakin is taken away from his mum.

I think Lucas was probably just looking for a way to show how Anakin - and only Anakin - was set off in a wrong path by having his family bond removed. But really it would be crazy to enforce that separation on young kids and Anakin wouldn't be the only one going nuts. If only Harry Potter had been written first, he could have borrowed from that and maybe just had the kids away "term time" from their parents...

But, this show has really just shown another version of this child removal service and makes the Jedi look like some kind of boogeymen, searching across the galaxy for children to steal away! But yeah, it's all coming from what Lucas laid down already.


If his mother was killed in the beginning, the bond would have faded, Anakin would have recovered with time. I agree the onscreen execution was not great, but the idea was fine.

Lucas needed her to die in front of Anakin, at a critical stage of his Jedi learning, for him to turn, again the execution was not great, but he intended the prequels for children, so it can't be an on screen killing. I personally think a more brutal and dramatic killing of his mother right in front of him, just after he rescued her, from hope to desperation, would have worked much better.


Not a bad idea. It would have worked well with Anakin's desperation to save Padme, by whatever means, if he'd already had one experience of failing to avoid his force visions outcome. If we'd seen him having them before rescuing his mother as well and he thought he'd saved her from her fate and then she was killed anyway in spite of his efforts.

I don't know though. I don't really care for the prequels' story if his downfall. I'd rather they'd had Owen Lars much more heavily involved - as hinted as per the OT - and made it as a result of something else. I mean, the OT already established Padme shouldn't be dying anyway...

Every time I see Dawn of the POTA I always think Koba's story is much more convincing.


Padme's death was another poorly executed idea in the prequels. I think the idea was fine, just not execution, too simple and neat. She died because she lost the will to live. Why would people commit suicide any other way if that worked? Holding one's breath to suffocate sounds more believable.

Anakin did not think Owen Lars was a real relative, but showing some jealousy of him spent so much time with his mother would have been more nature.

Again probably because prequels were for children, Lucas did not want to make it too complex, with too much character development. We are complaining I think mostly because we are grownups, and prequels are pretty much cartoons.


I don't think Padme should have died. It's non canon as per Leia in ROTJ.

Owen Lars is definitely not a real relative per the prequels but I think he should have been, maybe not blood but certainly in law, to fit better with the OT.

I did a thread a while ago suggesting the "play book" the prequels should have had based upon the OT but can't remember which board it was on. Pity, as I'd have linked it here.

I'd still like to see remakes of the prequels to match the OT. Maybe one day once Disney has trawled as much as they can elsewhere!


I don't think Padme should have died. It's non canon as per Leia in ROTJ.

I don't think it really mattered, give simpler explanation why Luke and Leia were orphaned.

And the death of the mother was not a strong enough motivation for Anakin's turn, they have separated for a long period of time. The vision of Padme's death was the key for Anakin turning to the dark side. Divorce or separation does not sound the same.

So it had to happen, even that was kind of felt not enough for Anakin to suddenly start killing a bunch of kids.


He already killed the sand people children.

But you're touching on another of the worst moments of the prequels - When Palpatine tells him he doesn't actually know how to save Padme after all but that he's sure if they work together they can work it out! ... And so he must go and kill the kids to get stronger! 😂

I think the red flags were already down by that stage but he must have just thought, oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound!


He already killed the sand people children.

We were told so, but that happened pretty much off screen, also sand people were supposed to be savages and murderers.

But the killing of Jedi younglings looked up to him, that is quite a different thing. At least that is how I felt.

Yeah, I don't see how was that necessary on screen, you'd think at least he had the pride of thinking that was beneath him and let the soldiers do it. Not even Jedis can block a firing salvo or heavy guns.

That is kind of the major failure of the prequels, you lose respect for Anakin, it is worse than just boring.


What Palpatine's proposal was, as I understand, I don't know how to do that, but at least in the darkside there could be powers possible. But as a Jedi he was not allowed to save her, and if he tells other Jedis they are just going to tell him to let it happen. They hardly care some politicians live or die.

Of course there is also this secret marriage thing.

So he had nowhere to turn, I think that was why he turned. But that does not mean being Sith is a transformation of character, he was still who he was, there was no reason to suddenly turning from a warrior into a butcher.


He says something like "I beg of you, use my knowledge...", then when Windu is attacking him "I have the power to save the one you love..."

Then afterwards he's like "Er, only one person has been able to do that but I'm sure if we work together we'll be able to come up with something!" and the "Go and slaughter all the kids in the temple, only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save Padme!"


The guy was serving up complete nonsense but Anakin, unfortunately not the brightest , was swallowing it whole....

They really messed up. And yeah, the secret marriage thing is just as stupid as the child separation thing we started off talking about.


I saw "Star Wars" on opening day. There's no reason why Disney doesn't put the first episode of this on YouTube like "Star Trek" does with the first episodes of their new series. I already watched the other ones and have been more and more underwhelmed.


Okay... but this isn't the thread you've been looking for.


I am fully willing to watch it, but like I already said, they just need to let us see the first episode like "Star Trek" does. Especially when all these other series are a case of diminishing returns.


That's fine but it has nothing to do with discussing episode 3 of The Acolyte.


So, this is a closed thread?


Yeah, that's fine but I specifically said in the OP:-

Real Star Wars fans views only please. Not more sabre rattling from "protectors" of society, who haven't even watched it...

So I'm not 100% sure why you felt the need to post here.

This was a thread specifically for discussing episode 3 (not even the first episode) of the show. There are plenty of mutual wank-fest threads on this board for people with hurt feelings, so I just didn't understand why you chose to post here rather than on one of them...


You asked for "real Star Wars fans." I am one. Very simple. Gift me a subscription and I'll watch it. As I have said on here, "Star Trek" puts their first episodes on YouTube for free. Disney could do that too, but choose not to. I've watched the other series, but have been underwhelmed. Why give Disney more money?


The prequelst did not deconstruct the jedies. That is atheist pop culture BS. "The jedies are the real bad guys" is a deconstruction trope done by atheist nihilists. Nothing in the 6 first movies tried to portray the jedies as evil.

Dark side of the force is bad, jedies are good. Simple narration. The Disney Star Wars movies, especially the Last Jedi, started the deconstruction. Up until that time, this was just atheist besserwisser nihilistic fanfic.
