Worse than bad...STUPID!!!
Like many people here, I would agree that this was a very poor film with an incredibly bad ending. What was really stupid was the idea that there is "inbred" dangerous trailer trash living in Bergen County, NJ! Bergen County, NJ is one of the most affluent counties in the United States, largely populated by wealthy professionals who work next door in Manhattan. The small parts of the Appalachian trail that reside in NJ are completely commercialized for Boy Scouts and yuppie hikers and the only people who live there are those wealthy enough to build their own homes by these magnificent views. By what ignorance and disregard for realism does the filmmaker want to place characters from Deliverance into this elite suburb? It's like the filmmaker wanted so badly to emulate elements of The Deer Hunter and Deliverance that he just randomly decided to make up a completely ridiculous claim about an upscale suburban New Jersey area. Obviously there are much dumber people in Hollywood than there are in NJ!