It's funny that a lot of men should criticize women for being fat when statistics show that most men are actually overweight and obese in this country.
In general...I really don't understand the downright visceral hatred people respond with regarding overweight or obese people. Even if you firmly believe that all fat people are fat because they're greedy, lazy, slobs who have no self control, I still don't understand why anyone would care. All of your excuses seem extremely lazy and half hearted. Why do you care so much what people do to their bodies? Do you become enraged when you see a man wearing tattoos or piercings all over his body? Because how dare he do what he wants to his own body!! He should follow your guidelines to being a perfect human being. Come off of your pedestals people, I imagine half of you are ugly-average looking anyway with big noses, boring eye colors, and possibly premature gray and balding hair. Sucks to be you guys, but hey it sucks even more to be that ugly fat cow in the wedding dress. Let's go laugh at those people.
How does their weight affect your day? It really doesn't, you're just looking for someone to hate and hating on illegal immigrants and races has become tasteless these days. Hating fat people is the only justified hatred people can have these days.
Not to's always women who get *beep* for being fat. Men certainly take a great deal of pride and joy in it, ironically fat and obese men. Even those that like to date heavier women, come on all you chubby chasers, will still be like "well I prefer a skinny women any day" -you pussies, man up and admit you like the fatties.
Not to mention, Women don't need anymore pressure on them from men in society. We are at the constant beck and call of men and their ever changing fetishy obsessions with women. First the chubby look was in during the 40s and 50s. Then the emaciated look became popular in the 60s and 70s. Then chubby made a comeback in the 80s and 90s, and suddenly now you're "Fat" if you have any sort of belly. It's a wonder women can even get through the day without wanting to blow their brains out at not being worthy enough for the beloved, perfect male in society. I'm no femnazi, but most disrespect and arrogance toward women and their bodily appearance is a result of men. Think about it this way guys, how do you feel when women turn you down for arbitrary reasons of appearance? Most guys can relate to feeling "out of that girl's league" -of course no one is good enough for miss model
Also...fat is not a word. There's not such thing as a fat person. There is overweight, obese, underweight, average weight. What's wrong with using these words? People like to use fat because they know the connotation it has and the hurt it causes in other people. Let's face it, Americans like to hurt each other's feelings and take pleasure in it. It's just what we do. To be honest, I guarantee that most of the people who watch these shows (and possibly 90% of the people on this board) watch it because they get some sort of pleasure out of watching people uglier, fatter, and inferior to them. Americans love this style of entertainment because it makes them feel much better about their loserish qualities. We are a very overweight and unkempt nation of people. We wear jeans and t shirts to freaking restaurants and operas, we think it's ok to wear these raggy clothes to work. No wonder we're failing as a society...yeesh.
Oh and I hate Jesus Christ 100%, talk about overrated