MovieChat Forums > Say Yes to the Dress (2007) Discussion > Ladies, you're NOT CURVY, You're FATTTTT...

Ladies, you're NOT CURVY, You're FATTTTTT!!!

So my wife watches this show a lot, and I must admit, I'll watch too from time to time. I keep seeing the promos for an upcoming episode with a bunch of VERY large women. THey keep saying "if you have the curves, show the curves." I keep thinking, PLEASE DON'T .

It doessn't count as curves it's you're a big circle. Women need to get in touch with reality. Fat is fat, curvy is cirvy, let's not call one thing another thing to make ourselves feel better.

I know many people see this as mean, I know I'll be attacked as a bad Christian due to my sig, but I'm just being real.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


The amount of fat hate here is almost as gross as some of the dresses the fatter women choose to wear on this show. I mean, yes, you are obviously not attracted to these girls, a LOT of people aren't. But there is something to say for people who are confident enough to show their bodies off, as fat/flawed as that body may be. I am no thin woman by any means, but the big girls they have on this show seem to usually be more confident in themselves than I am, and even more confident than most of my thin friends! And these girls are generally twice(if not 3 times...) bigger than I am. That's an admirable quality, even if they end up looking less than good in the dresses they choose. Also, a girl with a pretty face, womanly silhouette, and nice attitude goes further in my book than a girl with a trim body, overly makeup'd face, and spoiled brat attitude.


Honestly, I don't understand why they don't at least attempt to lose pounds before their wedding. Who's to say they haven't, but on the Big Bliss episodes it's never mentioned, so...

Most of the overweight women that I've seen on this show are not very confident at all. They always worry about not being able to fit into the sample gown and and they get all huffy and wonder why. I try not to be biased against overweight people, but unless someone has some sort of medical issue that causes them to gain weight or is taking some sort of medication with the same effect, then there is no reason to let themselves go like that--especially before they're even married! It's almost revolting to see someone so big try to fit into a dress that's already 3X.

“Very few things matter and nothing matters very much.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald


They're disgusting. You have to wonder how large the groom is.


Can't get over all the hate on this board like all the posters are sooo perfect. What did these heavy girls ever do to you? Maybe you have some past 'damage' cause your mother was fat?

They are not disgusting, they just need to lose weight, which is not easy when you are that overweight. And before you say it, yes, I'm a bit overweight and could lose 10 or 20 pounds like just about everyone else in this country, but I am not obese. Disgusting is not a nice thing to call another person. Everyone has worth whether fat or skinny. I just can't stand hypocrites who target other people because they have no self worth.


jayc, I try not to be overly biased towards extremely overweight people. 10/20lbs I can see, but the girls on this show are at least 40-60lbs overweight. There's no reason for that whatsoever.

“Very few things matter and nothing matters very much.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald


No reason? You don't know these people and yet you choose to judge them. You have no idea why they are overweight or obese.

"Your beauty makes my heart shine like the face of the moon on werewolf day"- haha


Well, it looks like all the vicious, nasty jerks decided to meet on one thread


It's funny that a lot of men should criticize women for being fat when statistics show that most men are actually overweight and obese in this country.

In general...I really don't understand the downright visceral hatred people respond with regarding overweight or obese people. Even if you firmly believe that all fat people are fat because they're greedy, lazy, slobs who have no self control, I still don't understand why anyone would care. All of your excuses seem extremely lazy and half hearted. Why do you care so much what people do to their bodies? Do you become enraged when you see a man wearing tattoos or piercings all over his body? Because how dare he do what he wants to his own body!! He should follow your guidelines to being a perfect human being. Come off of your pedestals people, I imagine half of you are ugly-average looking anyway with big noses, boring eye colors, and possibly premature gray and balding hair. Sucks to be you guys, but hey it sucks even more to be that ugly fat cow in the wedding dress. Let's go laugh at those people.

How does their weight affect your day? It really doesn't, you're just looking for someone to hate and hating on illegal immigrants and races has become tasteless these days. Hating fat people is the only justified hatred people can have these days.

Not to's always women who get *beep* for being fat. Men certainly take a great deal of pride and joy in it, ironically fat and obese men. Even those that like to date heavier women, come on all you chubby chasers, will still be like "well I prefer a skinny women any day" -you pussies, man up and admit you like the fatties.

Not to mention, Women don't need anymore pressure on them from men in society. We are at the constant beck and call of men and their ever changing fetishy obsessions with women. First the chubby look was in during the 40s and 50s. Then the emaciated look became popular in the 60s and 70s. Then chubby made a comeback in the 80s and 90s, and suddenly now you're "Fat" if you have any sort of belly. It's a wonder women can even get through the day without wanting to blow their brains out at not being worthy enough for the beloved, perfect male in society. I'm no femnazi, but most disrespect and arrogance toward women and their bodily appearance is a result of men. Think about it this way guys, how do you feel when women turn you down for arbitrary reasons of appearance? Most guys can relate to feeling "out of that girl's league" -of course no one is good enough for miss model

Also...fat is not a word. There's not such thing as a fat person. There is overweight, obese, underweight, average weight. What's wrong with using these words? People like to use fat because they know the connotation it has and the hurt it causes in other people. Let's face it, Americans like to hurt each other's feelings and take pleasure in it. It's just what we do. To be honest, I guarantee that most of the people who watch these shows (and possibly 90% of the people on this board) watch it because they get some sort of pleasure out of watching people uglier, fatter, and inferior to them. Americans love this style of entertainment because it makes them feel much better about their loserish qualities. We are a very overweight and unkempt nation of people. We wear jeans and t shirts to freaking restaurants and operas, we think it's ok to wear these raggy clothes to work. No wonder we're failing as a society...yeesh.

Oh and I hate Jesus Christ 100%, talk about overrated


I'm surprised no one has attacked you for your sig line. after all Jesus loved everyone didn't he? And if you are modeling your life after his, calling people degratory names well, let me ask you: wwjd? You should be ashamed of yourself, instead of posting intelligently, you're just mean. Christ wasn't mean he had compassion for people. Religion is the breeding ground of hypocrits.


We're not talking about people who are a few pounds overweight.

Some of them are morbidly obese.

Why do I have a problem with it????

Look at the cost of health insurance in this country.

We now have 10yrs old who have diabetes due to obesity.

The obesity problem in a America is a big problem.


I totally agree with you. Obesity has become such an overarching problem in America that instead of just realizing that all these people are fat we feel the need to compensate for them and call them "curvy." It always bothers me in magazines that they will show different body types, so they'll have tall, petite, etc... and then for the plus-sized women they'll have curvy. Yes, these women have curves, but they are curves of fat, and it's not a healthy thing to just accept it and call them "curvy" so they feel good about their obesity. I'm not trying to be mean because I was obese. I changed that by losing 40 pounds. I knew I wasn't curvy. I was just fat. Girls always ask "Do guys REALLY like curvy girls?" Yes, they do. However, what many of these girls do not realize is that fat does NOT equal curvy. I'm much less "curvy" now that I lost weight, and I'm fine with that because that's how my body naturally is at a proper healthy weight.




I agree weight is a big issue in the United States. I battle my weight all the time. I don't think anyone who is overweight needs to be made to feel like a bad person.

Someone could molest their kids and beat their spouse but if they walk out their front door looking good, no one cares.

I also work in the medical field and see plenty of smokers, drinkers, drug abusers getting the best health care all while on medical. I actually work with more of them than the obese. Rotted your liver? Have hepatitis C? On medical? No problem. Come right in. The tax payers will pay and pay.

And that's not to say I give the fat people a pass or myself a pass. I quit smoking at 25. So much easier than trying to lose weight. I'm not a size anyone would give a second look to but I'm not comfortable with my weight. And sometimes I stress eat. Like after work. Wonder why huh.


I must admit, I cringe at some of these women. They are so big and then they insist on wearing sleeveless dresses with jiggly fat arms, yikes. It is considered the norm now to be chubby.



Well it does make sense that those women are called curvy instead of fat. When you want to sell a wedding dress you are not going to call your client fat. Eventhough it's the truth. You want your client to leave happily with a dress and not in tears. On the one hand I think every woman, regarding what size, should feel beautiful and happy in their wedding dress. But on the other hand I think some of these women should be told the truth and advised to wear something more flattering. Also the protect themselves from embarrasement. And it does not only apply for the (extremely)obese women. I saw a woman on the show(she was not fat, but curvy) fitting a dress with her boobs almost falling out. I don't say that very fast of someone, but she really looked like a prostitute. People will talk, it will look inappropiate church and maybe she will look back and think what the .... was I wearing?


I honestly believe that some overweight women have a distorted view of their bodies just like anorexic women. Anorexic women don't see themselves as extremely thing. I do believe that obese women do not see themselves as extremely fat either. I mean the way some of these women describe themselves as curvy and they are a size 28. They must be seeing themselves differently than how other people see them.


Well, I guess it's kind of nice that they accept their body size and don't feel upset about it...


Oh my God! I'm glad I'm not the only person who feels this way. And I just want it to be clear I have nothing against fat people, I know several fat people who I would consider very attractive, but that doesn't change the fact that you do not have curves. In order to have curves you need to have a smaller waist than hips and bust.


I think you need to pause and consider that some people are heavier because they have medical conditions that they have no control over, not because they are lazy. Though there are people who are overweight for that reason as well.
I know I fall into that camp. No, I am not massively huge, about a size 10-14 depending on how bad my health issues are at the time, but it's a little horrid when people assume that I am overweight because I over eat or am lazy (I eat less than most people I know and try to walk when my health will allow) and not because of that underlying condition I have no control over. Just remember, when you make statements like these you could be hurting someone's feelings. After all, we all have flaws.

"Freedom of religion means ALL religions not just your own."


kellydofc- Goodness, a size 10-14 is not fat! I can't speak for the other posters, but when I refer to "fat" I mean women in their twenties whose dress sizes are also in the twenties! I just can't believe that so many young women allow themselves to become morbidly obese.

And I know they want to look pretty and even sexy on their big day. But I also feel very bad for them. A size 20 woman in a sleeveless, strapless ball gown doesn't look "sexy". She looks like a float from the Rose Bowl parade.

I suppose it's easy for me to complain. I've never had a weight problem. But if I was grossly overweight, I'd delay trying on gowns until I dropped 50 lbs. or more.


I can't believe all the negative posts on this discussion board. Who are we to judge these women, we don't know their history or background. Being overweight myself, I have always struggled with my weight throughout my life and I think some people are being way too harsh on these women. Granted we should all aim to be healthy and maintain a healthy weight but that's easier said than done and the fact is everyone's body is different.

Every bride is entitled to look and feel beautiful on her special day, but I think the huge problem lies within the bridal gown industry. It seems every wedding gown these days is a strapless gown and frankly that doesn't look good on plus size women. Rarely on the show do we ever see a gown with straps or sleeves. In the end, I think there needs to be more creative changes in the wedding gown industry, the strapless wedding gown has been done to death and it just isn't flattering for plus size women.


You're being real and honest. I agree 100%. I wish the consultants were allowed to tell some of these "large" women that the strapless dress is just not suited to them. Frankly, if my arms were are large as some of these brides, I would be covering them up in something, anything.
