MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid (2010) Discussion > The Karate Kid (2010) was really damn go...

The Karate Kid (2010) was really damn good. Surpasses original.

So, I just got back from seeing Jaden Smith's first star vehicle The Karate Kid (the movie had been sold out since the 11:15am show) I was truly impressed as I only went in with modest expectations. Not only was it a very good remake, it's the best movie so far this summer, and it stands on it's own two feet and surpasses the original in a lot of ways (which one is better will probably be generational. From the standing ovation these kids at the theater I attended gave this film I'm pretty sure from 15 or so on down, it will be this one.) But first off, let me start by saying this:

To anyone who doubts that Jaden Smith can act (which he ironically already proved in The Pursuit of Happyness), is a star, or deserved this movie: See The Karate Kid. I don't care how you see it. Pirated. Bootleg. Or the old fashion way (like I saw it cause I'm cool like that) by buying a frickin' ticket and sitting in an auditorium with a bunch of cheering 10 year olds (I swear I've never seen kids give a movie a damn near standing ovation like they did during this film's finale).

Jaden Smith has just silenced his haters. From here on out, if you don't like Jaden Smith: fine. Whatever petty reason you've given yourself to make you not like an innocent 10 year old. Fine. But you can't say he's not talented. Cause he is. If nothing has proven it to you before, THIS will. He carries the film on his little shoulders, shows leading man qualities (has a 10 year old ever done that?!?!? And Im being serious here). Has a ten year old ever acted in a film and not only carried it but possessed the charm, charisma, quick wit, comedic timing, dramatic presence and physicality of a hero all in the same movie?!?!? I shutter to think, I couldn't think of any leaving the theater. If they have, please point them out to me so I can say bravo to them to.

His performance was truly great and the fact that he did all of his own stunts and clearly learned kung fu and looks not only believable but in command of the craft is some sort of a mini-miracle. This little dude is miniature Will Smith of the highest caliber. He WILL be a star (pun, intended). Only thing can stop that is, well, him. Barring any personal issues, the kid will go far. Very far. He has it all. And as cliche as it may sound the biggest development to come out of the Karate Kid is that "A Star is Born". Don't believe me: watch it for yourself.

But I digress, I only spent so much time on the Jaden issue because all the unwarranted hatred thrown his way is beyond disturbing. I have never seen such vitriolic speech directed towards a kid in my life. Not even the kid from Problem Child and he was a certified a-hole! But anyway, the movie is good. Jackie Chan was surprisingly really good (and I mean really really good like Oscar-nominee good) in a dramatic turn as Dre Parker's mentor. The action was better than the original's and the heart and soul was just as engaging and entertaining. Though lacking the iconic "wax on, wax off"-moment what they do with "jacket on, jacket off" was truly surprising and pretty good stuff when you realize what Mr. Han was really teaching him. Instead of the "Crane Kick" we do have another pose and it's pretty damn good too.

To me, the original will always be special. I remember Daniel-son, and Mr. Miyagi is a fuggin' legend in every sense of the word. I'm actually utterly surprised this remake was so well made and engaging. Even though every one in the theater knew the outcome, everyone was still cheering and/or elated and moved by the movies "big moments". That in itself is pretty impressive. It's like if people were still surprised even though they knew who the killer(s) were in Scream 4 before seeing it. Could you imagine that? Yea, I couldn't either. Which is why I'm surprised at how good this remake was.

Go see it.



My post was Kick Ass Approved.


Totally agree!
I really enjoyed this re-make.


Poor haters will have to live with the fact that, no matter how hard they try to explain why the original is better and why everyone should hate Jaden Smith, there will be fans who prefer the remake. It`s a done deal now. The movie is out, it`s a huge hit and some people think it`s better than the original. Unless some peepz want to get an ulcer, they should learn how to live with this. It ain`t going to change.


Well said Roxelana

PRESIDENT Barack Obama:-


I agree. The remake was decent.

My post was Kick Ass Approved.


^^ Yes, it was very good.

PRESIDENT Barack Obama:-



As well you should have!


It was Half way decent movie. It was a merely mediocre remake, simply because it was too identical to the original. Jaden surprised me, because he didn't completely blow, but I would hardly call his performance good, just passable. Nowhere near Macchio, who is no Oscar contender himself. I do acknowledge Jaden's hard work with the Martial Arts, as I see him having a future with that aspect, even if it's just for movies.

Chan's performance cannot be compared to Morita. He was merely Jackie Chan training some kid. The character never really stood out. The martial arts being better is no real achievement, being that martial arts Choreography in American films have drastically improved over the years.

This film is a bit more serious, in tone, than its predecessor, which is, by all means, a cheesy film. But what this film lacks that the original had, in spades, was heart and characters who all had there own believable perspectives. When I see this new movie, I see the original with it's soul ripped out.

Will people like it? Sure. Some may even like it better than the original. But those people, are the ones who (by and large) don't have the patients for character development or story progression. They, sadly, make up the majority of the movie going community (hence the success of the Twilight films/books). I'm not trying to sound like I'm better than anyone, but if I do, oh well.

BTW, I'm not a racist or a hater of the Smith's. Though I do hate nepotism, which has no effect on my thoughts for both movie and performances. I just don't see how anyone can see this as a great film. At best it was a decent attempt at a fun kids remake.


movie was a weak remake designed to target a family audience and young kids under 14 That is why it made money not because it is any good. Its amovie parents can take their children to see and not worry about it.

I am sure the Sorcerer's Apprentice will make money as well but that doesn;'t make it great



Exactly, VT!

Still the voice of reason amongst insanity I see!



Hey guys! I saw it!

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Yes I've seen it. Wow. It's INCREDIBLE. I just wanna talk to you about and discuss some things but if you haven't seen it I don't want to ruin anything for u.

Have you seen it?

The "gravity fight" is absolutely mind-blowing. And it's intertwined with 2 more action set pieces simultaneously set in the human mind. That's all I'm gonna say. Think about that. Nolan is a genius.




Dude!! That level seems to be the most enjoyed. I see all kinds of MTV like awards for "The Best Fight Scene" etc... Inception is the film of the year!!! I'm going to see it again! I havnt done that since TDK. The irony is that, they're both Nolan films. I CAN'T WAIT!

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega




It was probably from 1 of 3 of these things. I'll try to help explain:

1. He was not dreaming at the end. His kids were wearing different clothes and were played by two sets of different child actors. Nolan was just showing the sometimes ironic similarity between dreams and reality. It was just 'deja vu' and coincidence that he saw his kids playing outside like he had when he left them. Remember, he never said goodbye to them and couldn't see their faces in his dreams, like his subconscious was torturing him for the guilt of doing that.

2. Ariadne performed an "inception" on Cobb. It was a "mission in a mission". Her name comes from Greek mythology, Ariadne freed Theseus from the Minotaur's 'labyrinth' with "a string". Remember how strings were used in the movie? She placed the idea inside his mind to let go of his dead wife and move on with his kids. The entire team new of Ariadne's side mission during their mission to incept Cillian Murphy's mind. That's why they were smiling at him like that after the plane landed. "Mission Accomplished".

3. The top (in my opinion) was NOT Cobb's totem. It was his wife's, he just kept it as a keepsake. His WEDDING RING is how is separated his dreams from reality. If you watch it again, notice the shots of Cobb playing with his ring in the dream sequences. And notice he ONLY has a ring on in the dream sequences. NEVER in reality. He only projects the ring in his dreams because his wife is still alive in his dreams and still exists. So he wears the ring because he's still married. In reality, the ring is off because his wife killed herself.


Yea, Mox.

It was incredible.





Quit stalling what? If you're not even going to bother telling me how I got your 1st question wrong, which I don't think I did, then what the hell should I answer any other questions for?

"My nose was chiseled by the gods themselves..."
-Dennis, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia



I see. You asked around and still didn't get the answer. It's obvious you don't have one. Ok just check out the illegal download and come back with the answer.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Lol. I don't talk to anyone about this movie, other than telling them not to waste your time or money.

And I didn't download this movie, I wouldn't want to waste the computer space. I have, however, seen the movie multiple times because that is what I get paid to do.

Back to the point. You asked your dumb plot question and I answered it. Then you never responded. This leads me to 2 conclusions:

-I answered your question correctly. If I hadn't, you would have been all over me, talking sh!t I'm sure. But you didn't do that, which also leads me to conclusion 2:
-There was no point to the question.

Here, even today, I asked you genuinely to tell me how I got the 1st question wrong. And what do you do? Dodge that and make bogus claims.

So if that's how you're gonna do things then don't bother replying to me anymore, I see no benefit in participating in pointless conversations.

Enjoy your life and this sh!tty movie...

"My nose was chiseled by the gods themselves..."
-Dennis, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


I loved this movie. Every single bit of it.

It started slow (first 20 minutes..) but I knew that was necessary to develop Jaden's character. The Chinese kid actors were all great. I loved the cast from A to Z.

This gets a 9.5/10 from me.


I agree completely, Niyo Otuks. 100%.
