Pays attention to every detail except...
He leaves construction lights on in an abandoned office that he his going to snipe someone from?
How was this overlooked?!
He leaves construction lights on in an abandoned office that he his going to snipe someone from?
How was this overlooked?!
The biggest fail was his not taking into account the hooker with the old dude. He knows he is looking at a room with two people in it and has plenty of chances to pop the old guy when the hooker is on the other side of the room but he waits until she is nearly in line with the target. No sniper would ever do that, it was a recipe for disaster. Using subsonic rounds he would have known it was not an instant hit from trigger to target and would have allowed for lots of things to mess up the shot. I'm not even sure why he thought a subsonic was going to be worth a damn. Put a subsonic on a rifle along with a silencer and the accuracy is going to suffer and when the bullet hit the glass in the window it could have easily cause the bullet to fragment to the point it wouldn't have killed the guy even if the hooker wasn't there.
Hell if you were going to try to snipe someone from a different building and were using a bolt action gun you would have gotten a much more capable round that could have easily taken out anyone that stood in front of the guy and the guy. This was just sloppy writing.
Yep. Good points
shareYep, movie turned to shit the moment he missed the target.
sharehe talked a big game, but perhaps he wasn't as skilled or as much an expert as he thought he was. I'm sure we have all come across this type of person in whatever profession you happen to be in.
shareI don't think the film has that much depth.
Fincher wants us to believe he's a badass who succumbed to one freak mistake which rocked his boat a little, Then he badasses his way to the end of the movie.
You missed the point entirely. The running theme of the film is that he thinks he is far more capable than he actually is. His inner monologue was constantly saying one thing while he was doing something totally different. He kept sharing his mantras, only to violate them in the next scene.
shareI did think he was full of shit. His actions constantly contradicting what he just said. Even in the early scenes.
Still, if that was the entire point, that sub text wasn't that interesting and the main character wasn't really engaging enough.
Personally, I think it was an off day for Fincher.
I enjoyed it for what it was, a dark comedy from a masterful director, with top-notch actors. It's not Fincher's best work, but it's better than most of the films I've seen this year. So while I agree it was an off day for him, that's only because at his best he's one of *the* best, and this is still an 8/10 film.
shareWrong, silencer increase accuracy. For why use subsonic bullet, my guess is it's less affect by glass, a supersonic bullet will be easily affect by anything.
But I agree the scene is dumb, why pull the trigger when someone is nearby the target? When I saw the scene I totally loss any interest to the movie.
Agreed... maybe subconsciously he was taking unnecessary risks trying to make the job more exciting. He said if you are averse to boredom this is not the job for you.
shareIt was a form of self sabotage, he was itching to fuck up, consciously, subconsciously, whatever the case may be.
What song was playing during the botched hit, think about it.
Forbid empathy, forbid empathy, forbid empathy…..
……I am human and I need to be loved…..
Was choosing How Soon is Now for the hit song a coincidence, I think not.
On a subconscious level he had reached his breaking point within the void of a connectionless existence. Botching the hit was his way back to rediscovering his humanity wether he was consciously aware of it or not.
Thank you. Great analysis!
shareHe had completed his 10.000 hours! He was done.
shareMovies LOVE to screw up all sniper scenes in one way or another. In this if I recall correctly he was even attaching the scope to the body of the rifle as part of his setup. I mean don't you have to calibrate the thing on a range after you put the scope on?
shareI doubt it was. It fits with everything else in the film: he's somewhat incompetent. His inner monologue constantly contradicts the actions we see onscreen. I have to assume Fincher purposely included that subtle error to show that he was negligent despite telling himself he carefully considered every possibility.
shareNot really subtle
shareI'd hazard that fewer than 1 in 1,000 people who watched the film thought "oh dear, he left the construction lights on!" or were even aware of that. It's as subtle as subtle can be.
shareYou give people very little credit, but I understand why. Just seemed like common sense to me that you wouldn't want to be lit up in an abandoned office holding a sniper rifle at night. Didn't people also come in to look at the space while those lights were on? There were multiple chances for an audience to notice this shit
shareI don't think he was incompetent. I think (maybe subconsciously) he was self sabotaging himself on purpose. Maybe boredom as he warned. Like the story said... he could have quit long ago. Perhaps addicted to the thrill.
sharehe is kind of a dumb assassin.