MovieChat Forums > Don't Look Up (2021) Discussion > Parody on both liberals and conservative...

Parody on both liberals and conservatives...

If you saw this and thought that all the idiocy resembled the “other side” then you’re that idiot liberal and foolish conservative the film is making fun of.




Your comment has convinced me to watch this movie.


yes, and as a dedicated independent I thought the movie was tremendous.


It looked to me like it made fun of both sides. Which I have no problem with. Parts of it were comical but I can't really say it was worth watching. Seeing Meryl Streep naked was not exactly on my bucket list either.


It obviously wasn’t her and was actually a body double. If it were actually her they’d have shown her face and not just the rear lower half of her body.


According to all the uproar about it, it was her.


DiCaprio was apparently offended to see Meryl Streep's bare ass because she is "Hollywood royalty".




The tramp stamp was a nice touch


LOL how was this a parody of liberals? This was just 2 1/2 hours of bashing right wingers and Trump


You only paid attention to half the film.


Any specifics on how it was a parody of liberals?


Sorry, too busy enjoying the movie to keep tabs.


Yeah, figured you didn't have anything. That's the equivalent to "I don't have time to post sources for the lies I'm spewing, I'm just sooooo busy. Do your own research and don't be a sheep".


A few that come to mind:
- Politicians cozying up to silicon valley billionaires is a liberal critique
- The Newspaper abandoning them and bowing to social media pressures
- Also that morning Talk Show was also a critique of the those vacuous liberal talk shows
- Also some have mentioned that Jonah Hill incorporated attributes of both Hunter Biden as well as Trump's sons

Also olive branches were extended. I thought the final act tastefully incorporated the idea that there is a role for spirituality and religion in identifying our place in the universe (as long it is personal and not forced on others). This is a conservative ideal.


From what I saw Jonah Hill incorporated attributes of Jonah Hill


I thought Jonah Hill / Meryl Streep was a parody of Trump and Ivanka. They they reversed the roles a bit where the Johan Hill wanted to bang the mom.

-I am not saying Trump wants to bang his daughter either, but that seems the opinion of people who hate him


How about every time they talked with the show hosts?


You are obviously one of the " idiot liberal(s)" the OP refers to.


That's the problem with liberals, you don't see what it is about yourself that should be laughed at.


If you read the OPs other posts he not liberal LOL. Points are being proven all over the place!


If you read the person's comment I was responding to, you'd know what I meant.


That's funny, Liberals laughs at each other and criticize each other all the time ... you never see a Conservative criticizing another Conservative ... you have to goose-step in lock-step and tow the party line. And when it does happen they are drummed out of Conservatism and often they receive death threats by the Right-wing nut faction.

Liberals don't tow the party line, the problem with Liberals is that the people who run their party and represent them are not Liberals, they are really the Conservatives of 20 years ago. This country cannot survive being run by greedy incompetents in both parties, or a slanted pay for play media and news services.


Everything you said is true of liberals.


The hell are you on about? We criticize each other all the time. We just use different arguments than "muh trumpist = nazi". And yes, convservatives use equally childish phrases like "librtard".

The country has survived with a slanted pay for play media and news services for 300 years, its not going to stop doing so now.


Yeah, wasn't it great!? ;-)
There were a few token mild kids to the Libs, but it was totally against ... not really Conservatives, but the way the Media brainwashes Conservatives to think. No real Conservatives, it was a parody, but actually pretty close to reality of the cartoon Conservatives, the Glen Becks, Sean Hannitys, The Trump, and how they have gone from weird to funny to forceful to dangerous to deadly.


The best thing?

Both sides are too blind to see their image in the movie and identify only the opposite side ...


I didn't measure it, LOL. So I don't know if parody was equal but this was a good movie.
I may watch it again.

Funny, interesting, kinda different, had some heart, great acting/cast, good script/concept.

For a NETFLIX movie, this is on the top shelf.



It’s actually a parody of… YOU!

Whaaaat?! Yeap, what a twist!

But heh, cute way of thinking. The reactionaries all over this mofo spewing the same ol’ idiocy really need to be convinced of this (though centrists on the so-called left are indeed included). Do it! XD

Film didn’t quite hit the mark anyway, so fuggetaboutit. Just jk, it did. :)
