MovieChat Forums > Quarantine (2008) Discussion > Did anyone like Quarantine better than R...

Did anyone like Quarantine better than REC?

Just curious...


Just watched Quarantine last night, saw [REC] about a month ago. [REC] is clearly the better film, but they're both quite good. Quarantine added a few things that I didn't expect, subtracted some things I wish they would've kept, but overall was a pretty good film. The problem is that [REC] is a near masterpiece in the horror genre, so comparing the two is a little unfair to Quarantine. I imagine if I never saw [REC] I'd have been a bit more satisfied by Quarantine.

But like I said, one is better, but they're both pretty good.


"[REC] is clearly the better film"

lol, no

Scene: A dude in REC walks away backwards from a monster lady coming at him while filming steadily. Steady cam filming while going backwards (again) up the stairs, in a similar situation. And so on. What was this, Diary of the Dead 2, a sequel to a film about retarded people with a camera and also zombies? In Quarantine it wasn't THAT stupid and fake, and also at least they had a reason to keep the camera and keep filming (light source).


Over9000 - If you want to judge any film by one scene, you can compare it to anything and say the other thing is better. I guess you might even be able to pick a scene out of the nighttime news that might be better, :)


"One scene"? I talked about two scenes, but the cameraman did not behave realistically at all.

In fact I couldn't enjoy this film because it kept reminding it's only a movie, and also how the producers think the viewer (me) was excepted to be very naive or half-blind.


The problem with Quarantine was the fact that there was no real suspenseful buildup and they threw the ending at you. I made sure I watched [Rec] first because I had heard so much hype about it and yes, I thought it was miles ahead of any horror/thriller I have seen in god knows how long. It was the closest I've seen to a perfect horror movie. Quarantine just didn't have the style and ok, like stated by the other reply, you picked out one situation where it can be argued that it isn't realistic but honestly would you want every scene to be shakey cam and hard to see? Sorry, I'll let go being able to see everything every once and a while. There was plenty shakey cam when they were running and they displayed lots of the shakey shots to show your "realism." And like I said with the buildup and the ending, I just didn't get the same vibe from Quarentine and when it got to the end, I just felt like they wanted to throw this twist ending at you so you go "ohhh ahhh." The delivery was terrible and Quarantine was filled with too many predictable elements like Mr. I-Have-To-Get-Out-The-Window even though we all know how that was going to end and Mr. I-Have-To-Use-The-Elevator even though we all saw the dog go in there. I don't know sorry [Rec] was just bounds above Quarantine. Better filmmaking, better style, better set up, no real competition in my eyes.


" you picked out one situation "

That were two situations - and it was only examples.

"but honestly would you want every scene to be shakey cam and hard to see?"

Honestly yes - the most powerful scenes of Cloverfiled were these of chaos, where one can't see and camera maltifunctions (sp). And actually Quarantine did not have this idiocy of "backing away slowly while filming", they run when in danger, or even bludgeoned something with a camera when it came too close (a camera they ACTUALLY NEEDED later in the remake, and which earlier the cop really inisisted for them to turn the hell off). It was all I needed actually.

"There was plenty shakey cam when they were running "

They should be always running. See, the dude in REC was filming backwards WHILE BEING CHASED ON STAIRS BY A FRICKING ZOMBIE (and this was steady even as he run - try and and pretend to run on stairs for your life with a camera, maybe then you'll understand*). I thought only old-Romero characters are that retarded (I gave Diary of the Dead 3/10 here - 2/10 at first, REC 4/10 because it was not THAT bad).

" The delivery was terrible and Quarantine was filled with too many predictable elements"

I guess one should blame the people behind the trailer and the promo poster for this.

"like Mr. I-Have-To-Get-Out-The-Window even though we all know how that was going to end"

At least they gave the rest a reason to actually not do stuff he did. And not only, "we're going to seal you off here, now don't go out okay." (Spanish government even sent a single unarmed guy in - their quarantine was just not a very threatening one.)

"Mr. I-Have-To-Use-The-Elevator even though we all saw the dog go in there."

OK. How about Mr. I'll-Have-To-Be-Isolated-Behind-Door-I-Could-Easily-Breach-When-I-Turn-Soon and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Ms. (that's at least 4, I don't remember exactly) Okay-Go-And-We'll-Completely-Forget-About-You-the-Next-Minute from the "nearly perfect" original?

Or the super-annoying and super-stupid Ms. My-Girl-Is-Not-a-Zombie-No-It's-Bronchitis, also in the "perfect horror movie"? Or the retarded cop who then did not kill the girl on spot (AND her bitten mother), even as we also knew how it will end for him (the same what JUST happened to his own damn PARTNER)?

You didn't see THAT coming? You think they were all NOT a bunch of retards? Really?

And yes, there are zombie movies where the characters are not retarded - 28 Days Later for example (except some more whacky/silly of the soldiers, like the guy in apron).

*Your camera will be mostly recording floor, maybe someone's feet. (Everything and nothing including also a lot of floor and cellar if you insist on still wearing it on your arm and not to lower it like a normal person.)


WOW! Too bad! Thank you so much for unmasking that crime, I couldn't live with it...


I think a lot of it goes to which version you see the first, given that the movies are almost identical. I saw Quarantine first, and enjoyed it much more because once I watched [rec], I was thinking "This is the scene where the fireman falls" and all that.


REC has already cemented itself as a classic in the horror genre and Quarantine? Just another remake.....

Now dont get me wrong, I did enjoy Quarantine's take on REC to a degree, but you'd be hard pressed to balls up a remake as the subject material from REC was of such a high standard to start with.

If you really wanted to, you could nitpick both films - no movie is perfect and dont forget we are talking about the horror genre here where you pretty much have to suspend your beliefs from the onset.

In answer to the OP's question, I found REC to be in a completely different league to Quarantine on every level and judging from the comments on this and other websites, film critis etc I am in the massive majority.


There are spoilers in this post.

Like I said, I didn't think Quarantine was a bad film, it simply didn't have the bite that [REC] did. Some of the reasons have been listed above, but I personally think an even greater reason it lacked bite is that in Quarantine, the makers decided to go for a whole lot more eighth grade humor, from the start of the film with the fireman's sexual innuendos, and they were entirely less likeable. That kind of set the stage for: "OH yeah, this is how American filmmakers try to sell a product to kids." [REC] did not have the feel of a film being made for kids.

Quarantine also took the serious religious element out of the ending completely and tried to chalk the zombie mess up to a cult that stormed a biochemical facility of some sort, and some kind of apocalypse drug. This was a lot less likeable compared to priests and exorcisms, the idea that demon possession might be able to be transferred just like a common cold, etc., which was a very novel idea that the makers of Quarantine must've thought wouldn't fly for teenagers.

The monster at the end of [REC] was so much more believable, creepy as all get out compared to the monster in Quarantine, which I can't even remember really seeing. If he was vividly shown, it certainly wasn't creepy enough to make an impression. Same is true for the attic scare toward the end.

Also, shot by shot you can look at either film and note "That's not the way it would've happened," but in Quarantine sometimes there was a "bzzzzt" when they needed to show the tape was backed up and forwarded, which was unnecessary for us to understand what had taken place and really seemed to scream, "Hey you dummies, the tape was turned off."

I guess basically Quarantine felt like it was made for a less intelligent audience, and the only reason I can come up with for this is that they thought they were making a film for teenagers, which, regardless of R ratings, teenagers are the target audiences for these kinds of movies released in the US.



Sgljr - I agree completely with all your comments. REC really did feel like an 'adult' horror - there was no dumbing down at all - it was a bare-knuckle onslaught to the eyes and ears with hardly any reprise. I was literally gasping for breath at the end, however Quarantine just didn't have that chaotic/claustrophobic feeling of dread.

One of the most memorable jump moments for me was the fireman falling from the stairs - in REC this shocked me no end, but in Quarantine the camera purposely pointed into the direction of the bottom of the stairs and low and behold....splat! It was just too contrived. Another awesome scene in REC was when Angela looked down the stairwell to find the faces of the infected all looking up at her roaring and pretty much going mental! that image was terrifying and was very surprised it wasn't in Quarantine?

One sequence I did like in Quarantine which wasn't in REC was the quick glimpse of the infected frothing away as they were all running up the stairs - i wasn't expecting that and it did send shivers up the spine!

The supernatural angel revealed at the end of REC as apposed to Quarantine's scientific approach really took me by surprise and unnerved me considerably. As soon as you introduce religion to a horror movie it just somehow brings out inner fears and I found that very creepy.

I agree that the final Medeiros Girl zombie in REC was far far far better that Quarantine's equivalent. I think when you have Javier Botet playing the zombie you've already got an instant winner there, but the whole sequence was just horrible - what with the zombie's movements, how you first see her in the distance lurching around but you cant make out exactly what it is, the make up FX etc.

I dont know whether I agree on the 'whatever you saw first you will prefer' argument doing the rounds as I can honestly say the final 10 mins or so in REC were simply terrifying and the final reveal/cause so rewarding & exciting. Me and my friends spent hours afterwards exploring differnet avenues about whether it was indeed possession or medical - was the Devil or a Demon involved (a nod to The Exorcist there!) but in Quarantine we all found the explanation to be less interesting



By far the superior film in pretty much EVERY aspect.

It sucks to say, but somtimes people make things, (movies, music, etc) and they aren't that good so someone has to improve and make it better. REC is a classic example of this.

It felt like a low budget student film shot with carelessness.

Q on the other hand was quick, slick and downright visually stunning.

I find the whole demonic possesion thing too easy and contrived.

Why are people acting scary and crazy!?!

OH! umm uh hmm it's the devil!!



SO Borrrring. There's as many demonic stories as there are grains of sand on a beach. We've had the concept of gods and devils/demons for as long as humans have been alive.

It is only recently (within the 60 years or so)that science and technology have been gradually inserted within film.

The departure from demons was one of the main reasons why I loved this movie way more.

It's a different spin, on a story in an age where technology and science are leading the way to our future.

It's newer and more believable in the horror movie sense of the word.

I'll take a legit explanation over "umm uhh evil spirits!" any day of the week.

Quarantine > REC

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I think you misunderstood the ending of [REC], it's actually the opposite of what you are saying. For a moment let me parallel this with exorcisms. Throughout the centuries the church had been preforming exorcisms on the mentally ill and schizophrenic because they didn't know any better. Now that science has caught up, exorcisms are a thing of the past (for the most part) because we have realized that all of these outbursts and illusions of possession are explained with science and can be cured with medicine. The cause of the rage in [REC] was a virus, just like it was in Quarantine, except that in [REC] the man who brought the virus to the apartment building worked for the Vatican and the infected girl was put into his possession because they thought she was a demon (or possessed by one). The man discovered that it was just a virus, just like in recent times we have discovered the possessed are just chemically imbalanced, so he was working on a vaccine but the virus mutated and became contagious. Essentially, both [REC] and Quarantine are about a virus, but the unseen character who brings the virus to the apartment building does it for two very different reasons and comes from two very different backgrounds.

As for being better in every aspect, are you kidding me? Sure, Quarantine tightened up the death-by-health inspector (not that the one in [REC] was that bad, considering the health inspector was his normal self a second before he turned), and they included that part about needing the camera light (big deal), so I'll give you those.... but they do not make up for the bad acting, for the firemen to be replaced with pretty boys, for the movie being sloppy in other aspects.

It's not quick, slick and visually stunning like you say. Quarantine probably had twice the budget yet manages to look twice as cheep. Some of the best parts of [REC] were the scenes focusing on the mystery of what was happening outside, yet that stuff was for the most part glossed over in Quarantine. Character interactions and reactions were just cut, except for the addition of showing the camera man fondling girl's hair and ear (I guess American audiences can't connect with a character if they don't know what he looks like). The infected in [REC] were done much better than those in Quarantine, especially the old lady. When we first got a glimpse of her in Quarantine I actually said "That's it? Are you kidding me?". The scene where the reporter demands to see the tape in Quarantine was pathetic and cringe-worthy.

Most importantly, [REC] looks like a real event, while Quarantine just looks like a movie, and that speaks volumes.


Those who consider Quarantine better than [Rec] and even talk trash about the Spanish movie don't know a good movie even if it hits you in the face with a shovel.

Most importantly, [REC] looks like a real event, while Quarantine just looks like a movie, and that speaks volumes.
- Exacly.


[Rec] was so much better than Quarantine. Like someone mentioned earlier, it's already considered a classic in the genre.
I don't see why they had to even MAKE a re-make. I'm sick of all these effing re-makes!

Regarding [Rec] can't improve upon perfection.


Not everyone has to like [REC] and not everyone has to talk nicely about the Spanish movie.
I have seen and own both on DVD and I like both.
Just because you feel strongly about one film doesn't mean others are not entitled to their own opinion.
Also I know a good movie when I see it. I have seen and disliked the new "scariest movie since the Blair Witch" (Paranormal Activity) It had no real wow factor for me only because it wasn't scary.
Quarantine had me hugging my knees and my heart racing once the action started and so did [REC]. That in my opinion makes the best scary movies.



I saw Quarantine before Rec, then rented Rec after reading this board.

Ways I found Rec better than Quaratine:

The possession angle. In Quarantine when an infected went down dead, it was done. Toast. In Rec, the originally infected woman reincarnates literally, after she's been repeatedly shot, and "dead." Unstoppable, supernatural infecteds are way creepier (in my opinion).

(Mentioned already, but) the final scene Medeiros girl monster.. very creepy - its movements, very realistic. I'm still sleeping with the lights on, and my Zombie-deterrant dog closeby. Quarantine's final monster looked like an eldery man.. and therefore, rather than possibly being a kidnapped child, instead it was possibly the one (researcher/biologist/bioterrorist) responsible for the virus/infection.

The ending. I've seen previews for the sequel to Rec, and it's apparent that Angela survives. This seems less likely, somehow, in Quarantine and I don't know why. As a matter of fact, people have argued in these boards that you have to be an idiot to think she could have survived..

Watching the DVD extras for Rec, I was impressed to learn that they shot it day-by-day for the characters. In other words, the actors did not know what would be shot the following day until they arrived, or what would happen next.


Man people just can't handle when they picked the weaker of two movies.

If the virus angle was essentially the same then something was lost in translation(no pun intended)

I don't know where you're from but if the firefighters in Q are "pretty boys" to you, then I'd hate to see where you live.

one non-ugly guy in his 20's must be a pretty boy right? God forbid, there are good looking people in movies...ahhhhh!

Are you kidding me? seriously?

Look, REC had the idea, they had the premise, and they had the chance. The execution was just not that great. Trust me, I'm not lacking in the "knowing good movies" department. I'm not saying REC was the worst thing ever, I just think Q is a better film by any standard.

Foreign people always have to attack America for making bad films when it's a matter of the screenwriters not writing trash.

Maybe you guys have a different idea of what horror movies are, but To me they're films to enjoy because they're scary and with a lot of them you have to check your logic at the door. Not everything has to make sense and if it doesn't well oh, all hell breaks loose.

Q isn't perfect but it's damn close.

And if you really can't see the smooth slick look I'm talking about, then I just feel sad for you.

There's a difference between running around with a camera, and actually trying to make a movie.

And as for putting the cameraman on screen Did you not pay attention or what? actually you probably didn't. THEY ARE A FREAKING NEWS CREW. It's called B roll, how bout you look it up.

Man, I guess foreign audiences have a problem when American movies simply out do them, and prove that while no movie is perfect, it is possible to get close.

At least I can give REC credit where it's due.

If you can't do the same for Q, a much better film then it shows more evidently how biased you people are.

IMDb: Your every movie site, for EVERY movie sight!


I saw Quarantine first and having now seen both, I do think Quarantine is the better movie. It improved on a few certain key things, but of course REC deserves more credit for having the original idea.

Quarantine was simply executed with more style and was just scarier. The key difference for me is also that quarantine added the scene with the person getting hit by the snipers outside. This was key for me as it made you realise that they were simply not getting out. They were literally in QUARANTINE, trapped inside a building with zombies, and no one was going to help them or let them out.

But REC did have a better finale with that creepy anorexic zombie thing.

Overall, if i was going to show just one of the two movies to a friend, I would choose Quarantine.


"It felt like a low budget student film shot with carelessness.

Q on the other hand was quick, slick and downright visually stunning"

You just perfectly explained why REC was the far better film. REC had a much more authentic realistic feel, while Quarantine just looked like a typical slick hollywood production which was everything it shouldnt have been. This type of movie is supposed to look cheap.

The acting in REC was also much more natural and realistic. Quarantine was typical crappy hollywood contrived acting.


How is so fake and unconvincing camerawork making a "more authentic realistic feel"? REC made it constantly obvious it's only just a movie, so it can't be scary and is just annoying.

I wrote about it earlier in the same thread: in such film, there's no place as stupidity like "steady-filming while running backwards up the stairs". It's a zipper-on-a-monster-costume thing. It's really, really bad.

To get an idea of what I'm talking about: see the camerwork of some war reporter when the sh!t hits the fan, like even when they are merely being shelled and run for cover (like in the second scene), not to mention if someone was CHASING THEM WANTING TO KILL THEM. Everyone would put down camera and run for their life.


I liked Quarantine more than REC. I just felt the American remake had the edge. There were bits that REC did better, such as the ending (I knew the US version couldn't possibly equal/top that), but Quarantine took the idea, tightened the suspense and threw in some nastier surprises that knocked it out of the park for me. Smashing the camera into the Infected woman's head...the dog attack...the Infected cop 'walking' on his badly broken leg...chilling stuff. Faster, bloodier, and (as much as a near shot for shot remake can be) an improvement over the original in most areas.

Some people seem to think that if you prefer the remake, that implies you have some criticism of the original. I do not. REC is a superb horror movie, and it's because it was so good that Quarantine was as good as IT was.


Well i respect all opinions obviously. Just don't say Quarantine is better than Rec because no way it is. The atmosphere is much more realistic in Rec, it actually looks much more like it's really happening, and not so much as a movie, like in Quarantine. The old lady, for instance, is MUCH creepier in Rec. The one in Quarantine looked like she was forcing her acting with the attacks. The ending is another huge difference, the guy is much more creepy. And one thing that bothers me is the constant seek for cheap thrills. Like in the atic scene, with the kid. In Rec he's just standing there, which for itself is creepy. In Quarantine he jumps at the camera to frighten the audience. Hollywood remakes use this a lot, specially with Asian horror movies, and enough is enough. I did enjoy the fact that they added the shot scene to show that they really can't exit the building, but that's pretty much it.


PD, Straker


Finally some people on here with some sense.

What you said pretty much matches my opinion with few exceptions.

I'm not saying REC was the worst movie ever,
only that as a film Quarrantine was bettter.

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Not at all. I put off seeing REC for months because of the hype and how awful Quarantine was. Alas Netlix called and I gave REC a shot tonight and was seriously surprised at how effective it was on a much smaller budget. Quarantine's look was too "clean" (no matter how they tried to make it look like rough footage) and REC was much better at building an almost unbearable amount of tension and suspense. No contest.


Even though "Quarantine" was nearly a shot-for-shot remake, I found "[REC]" to be much more terrifying. I also liked Manuela Velasco much better in the lead role than Jennifer Carpenter. But the real sequence that stands head and shoulders above the remake is the finale in the attic/penthouse. The skeletal, hammer-wielding possessed girl in "[REC]" was 10 times more hideous and terrifying than in the remake.

All in all, "Quarantine" was decent, but "[REC]" surpassed it in every way.


Not just the girl... the old lady or the creepy guy at the end. Quarantine doesn't come close to REC, it added a couple of good things, but the things it "copied" are miles away.


i liked them both equally, the only thing I thought REC did better than quarantine was the aforementioned girl monster which was creepier..


Quarantine was the better movie overall, I think.

Just because [Rec] is the original doesn't necessarily mean it's better. The only thing it did better was the evil creature at the end. The acting was amateur and the lead girl was irritating beyond words.

My vote is for Quarantine, a better made movie. Too bad the end wasn't a bit stronger.


"Well i respect all opinions obviously. Just don't say Quarantine is better than Rec because no way it is."



i have seen both films, rec, then rec 2 then quarantine.

all are good, i think the suspense gradient was smoother and steeper in rec.

i happen to think, quite contrary to a lot of others that in quarantine, angela was pretty vivacious and captivating, especially for the first 15 minutes.

recs angela was slightly more professional in regards to her journalism, which bumped up the believability a tad

seem to recall, that recs angela got a bit more bad ass toward the end, than quarantines angela, who was a bit more feak and weeble and screamish (who can blame her!)

i like all films, and both offer slightly different slants on the same basic premise

i think if i had to pick one, it would be rec over quarantine, for the first past the post advantage and the better paced suspense, although, unexpectedly, i found qurantine gave the bigger 'jump' factor in some scenes bar the fireman fall.
H is pronounced Aitch NOT Haitch !


i prefered Quarantine

[REC.] was a good film though

Savage Streets For Region 4!


absolutely. It was an enhanced version with more unique and excellent moments added to an already great film and concept.

--Daniel W. Kelly, author, "Closet Monsters: Zombied Out and Tales of Gothrotica"


I was about to start a thread like this myself. I finally got around to seeing Rec a couple weeks ago and had put it off because I'd heard it was basically the exact same movie, but in Spanish, and it is, sort of. Rec is also much more amateurish.

The acting in Rec ranges from okay to terrible. Just look at the two firemen, neither has any personality beyond being good and heroic and that gay, middle aged guy that was really egotistical and kept wanting the camera to get his good side was just intolerable throughout the whole movie. Also, in Rec, the characters never seem all that freaked out by what is happening. If they're not worried, why should I be?

The characters were much thinner in Rec, also. The cameraman in Quarantine is much better developed. As I said, the two firemen are basically interchangeable and neither makes any impact so I never cared what happened to them. Quarantine is longer because it takes time to develop the characters more.

The violence in Rec is more intense and realistic, but this advantage is offset by the way the building was so well lit and the infected were sooooo uncoordinated. If you see them coming from a mile away and when they get there all they do is flail around, then the infected in Rec really weren't all that dangerous.

Also, in Quarantine, the government agency that quarantines the building is a lot more aggressive and more intimidating.

I'm not saying Quarantine is perfect, but I really liked it but I don't care to ever see Rec again.



actually...I saw Rec first before I saw Quaratine.

Even though I really liked the original-because the scare factor was there...I wished I had seen this one first.

Firstly because I could just sit back and enjoy the film without having to stare at the white words at the bottom and miss moments in the film. There were times I had to rewind just because I was so caught up in the reading and missed what had happened.

Secondly, some people might disagree with me but I thought the girl's acting was more real. In the original, the other girl was way too calm the whole time.
Here is a well-sheltered girl who just saw people dying left and right infront of her. A nervous breakdown is understandable.

Thirdly, the main character in Rec just annoyed the hell out of me for some reason. Her voice maybe, her attitude...I don't know.

Fourthly, the reason behind the outbreak was more believeable in this one. In the other one it was a little queer.

that's just my view though.


Completely agree mdx, you hit it right on the head. But in generally Quarantine just seemed better put together with the atmosphere and scares and everything else. Even though the building in Quarantine was suppose to be the one in [Rec], the one in Quarantine seemed massive which added to the scare factor of not knowing where everyone/anything was...the one in [Rec] seemed small and the scenes seemed rushed.



[REC] was made for the Spanish/European market.
Quarantine was made for the American market.

Two different markets, two different styles, two different films. [REC] was far creepier yet also scarier, and Quarantine was more fast paced and furious. Whether this is because the Spanish film makers put more effort and detail into the story, dialogue etc or whether it's because the American market has a shorter attention span and constantly needs jump scares and running scenes as if the film is trying to say "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!", i'm not sure. I definitely preferred [REC] though, it's one of the best horror films made in a long, long time in my opinion. Certainly compared to some of the crap that's churned out every year by Hollywood studios.

I don't mean to turn this into a "why does Hollywood always remake other films?" thread, but I will. I just wish that [REC] had been left alone as it is, and that Hollywood studios could respect a successful Non-Hollywood made film as another film, not just scope for a remake so they can make some money off the idea.

That was textbook.


i liked them both equally, the only thing I thought REC did better than quarantine was the aforementioned girl monster which was creepier..
agreed with usual ;)




After watching both, I cannot see why anyone could seriously say one is better than the other. The two films are damn near identical except for some very minor details. I could see you liking one more than the other, but to say one is clearly better is just being a blatant hipster.


I've never seen REC but I really enjoyed Quarantine.

No canned cheese or g-strings? How am I supposed to celebrate New Years?


I liked both movies. I enjoyed REC, but I bought Quarantine. both movies did their jobs, scared the crap out of me in their own way, but enjoyed the pace of Quarantine better for this kind of movie. Plus, how could I pass up a movie that had Jennifer Carpenter, Greg Germann, AND Doug Jones in it?!
