I mean seriously is this to make all those retarded middle aged losers think they have a chance to get with good looking women? What a load of crap we are subjected to. Its about time there ugly, old guys stopped getting cast, they where both like 20 years older. Whats up with that? Disgusting, like totally.
"..they have a chance to get with good looking women?"
Depends on what you mean 'to get with'. Money can get you 'with' all kinds of things. And it's not that expensive to 'middle-aged losers', as you so kindly describe good family men that try to provide and be good fathers (and are, even according to the women).
The whole problem is that hollyweird doesn't offer realistic view of how things ACTUALLY are, but 'middle-aged' men can be seen with good-looking women.
The thing is, those women would have ALSO become middle-aged during their long marriages, and they would look like 'actual housewives', with wide load buttockses and bonbon-habits with capacity of 72 nags a minute and no clue on how to be a good mother.
This situation stems from what hollyweird moneybags want to see on the screen to maximise profits, not from 'desire to depict relationship realistically' motivation.
There's the hidden problem of people not understanding the differences between what attracts a man towards a woman (good looks mainly - other aspects are youth, fertility, 'healthy body shape', cheerfulness, kindness, cuteness, and other so-called 'female characteristics', including a nice smile (which falls under the 'good looks' category anyway), and what attracts a woman towards a man.
I may have used the words a bit erroneously there, but my point is, women are attracted to "non-looks-status", whereas men are attracted to "looks".
Since status is very much harder to see, women can't see from one glance, whether they're attracted to a man, unless the man has an obvious or obviously visible status. If he arrives in a Lamborghini, if he's a useless celebrity, if he's an outlaw biker, if he is wearing expensive clothes and shoes, if he has pretty women around him, if he is wearing a wedding ring (etc. etc.) = instant attraction.
If there's just a man in 'possibly expensive clothing' or just 'charismatic-looking man', the woman can't quite know whether she's attracted to the man or not
So mere looks do not attract a woman's attention more than on the surface level, so she can go into the deeper scanning and probing mode. Only once the woman has proved to herself that yes, the man has high status, does her attraction actually turn on. From that point forward, she is and stays attracted to the man.
For a man, it's so much simpler and easier - most men can probably know if they're attracted to a woman in a second or less - or a few seconds, tops (at least with good enough visibility).
A drunk man can become attracted to even really bad-looking women (funny how you never hear the phrase 'bad-looking woman', although you hear 'good-looking woman' a lot).
So in these movies, NONE of this is taken into account, but at the same time in real life, that is precisely why you _DO_ see 'young hotties' with ugly, middle-aged-looking 'losers' (although this word would need a definition).
If a man has status, he can end up with all kinds of really beautiful young women. It doesn't matter what the man looks like - mans looks matter to woman's 'attraction module' as much as a woman's job matter to man's. Knowing a woman is a flight attendant can be a nice bonus, but no man becomes attracted to an ugly flight attendant because she's a flight attendant.
No woman becomes attracted to a good-looking man because he's a good-looking man. They become attracted to the -status-, not the looks. The looks are just a nice bonus, or irrelevant - or any looks become attractive together with status, take your pick.
So hopefully now people will stop saying 'why are goodlooking women together with badlooking men', because the reason is difference in attraction system between sexes.
Usually younger women go for the high-status alpha, badboy, charismatic male, PUA, et cetera, and when they have had their fun, they start thinking with their big head and start wanting to satisfy their nesting instinct, and select nerdy but stable providers instead of the exciting alphas.
So the unrealistic thing here is, (too) young women with good bodies (enormous sexual market value asset) and pretty faces (very big also), would probably not want to do the 'nesting phase' with the beta bucks quite yet. They would still be in the 'rooster carousel', and if they are married and have kids, they would then just 'do it on the side'.
To be realistic, either these women should be obese couch potatoes with female-dog-y attitudes, or they should be 'swinging with alphas' (at least on the side) for being so young and having still pretty nice racks. It makes no sense that they'd sacrifice all their sexual value for just sticking with an unpleasant, lackluster, boring and annoying beta bucks man. And let's face it, ALL the husbands in this movie fit this description.
These movies are so far from real life, they never feature all the stuff women do to faithful and good men in real life, they never show how system always sides with women, and what a really lousy position men are in in today's world, where a mere false accusation can land a man in jail regardless of proof.
But hey, tropical island and palm trees, wohoo!.. right?