MovieChat Forums > Couples Retreat (2009) Discussion > what's with the ugly guys plus hot women...

what's with the ugly guys plus hot women couples?

I mean seriously is this to make all those retarded middle aged losers think they have a chance to get with good looking women?
What a load of crap we are subjected to. Its about time there ugly, old guys stopped getting cast, they where both like 20 years older. Whats up with that?
Disgusting, like totally.


Yes, because as we all know this *never* happens in real life. How's the weather over there in fantasy-land, by the way?


lol I came here to post exactly this. why are all the wives so hot and Vince and that other guy look like big retards.


The men are comedic actors. Understand? C-O-M-E-D-Y. Get it? This is a comedy, so comedians are cast. If the men were great-looking, they probably wouldn't be comedians. And they casted pretty women because they were the "straight men" so to speak. The women's roles in the movie weren't written as funny, so there was no need to cast funny women, thus they did the next most profitable thing, which was cast pretty women.


I guess none of you have ever watched Sex and the City. Four old skanks that always seem to get younger, hotter guys. It's a great show, lol.


Hahaha! So true!


"The men are comedic actors. Understand? C-O-M-E-D-Y. Get it? This is a comedy, so comedians are cast. If the men were great-looking, they probably wouldn't be comedians. And they casted pretty women because they were the "straight men" so to speak. The women's roles in the movie were written as funny, so there was no need to cast funny women, thus they did the next most profitable thing, which was cast pretty women."

This does not make sense in any way. Why do the women have to be the "straight men"? Why would there ever be a "need" to cast funny women? The point is, the entire set up is totally sexist. There is no reason why the wives couldn't have been played by more funny and/or slightly less attractive women or the husbands couldn't have been played by less funny and/or slightly more attractive men. The point is, all the women were hot and all the men were looking average to terrible. Jason Bateman is not an ugly guy but he isn't some hardbody hunk either. And I'm not even saying that I would prefer a hardbody hunk, I'm just saying that it isn't right that women are expected to have the bodies of 19 year olds when they are in their 40s while men in their 40s are allowed to look their age. You can say "that's just the way it is" all you want to, but that doesn't make it right.

Coach McGuirk: All right, listen up, that was a good game. We all showed up, and I'm proud of that.


This is like regular society on steroids. Check the wedding announcements in your local paper. 9 times out of 10, the woman is more attractive (sometimes significantly more attractive) than the man. I don't think it has anything to do with "people not all being shallow." I think it's about women settling. Women are looked down on if they're single past a certain age. It's awful.

Look at Jennifer Aniston. I think a lot of people like her because they feel sorry for her. Even though she's got it all (and more than any of us will ever have), she doesn't have a guy. You have to have a guy. If you don't have a mate, people ask you about it all the time. Then if you don't have kids, people ask you about it all the time. You have to fit into society's ideals, or you're perceived as lacking something.

Guys can get away with the single thing. It's more acceptable (old dog). Women can't (lonely spinster). If a man is single he's a player. If a woman is single she's lonely/gay/weird. A man is single because he chooses to be. A woman is single because nobody will have her. All these stupid rules exist, which is why you see women marrying fat, bald, ugly guys. They settle.


Why do the women have to be the "straight men"?

I already addressed that when I said, "The women's roles in the movie weren't written as funny." If you want to ask why, then ask the screenwriters. I'm just saying from a casting standpoint, the women were not required to be funny, so they went with the next most marketable thing, which is pretty.

Why would there ever be a "need" to cast funny women?

This makes no sense in any way. If you have a comedy that stars women, the women would need to be funny.


"I already addressed that when I said, "The women's roles in the movie weren't written as funny." If you want to ask why, then ask the screenwriters. I'm just saying from a casting standpoint, the women were not required to be funny, so they went with the next most marketable thing, which is pretty."

You dear thing...I am not asking you to explain the "casting standpoint", I am asking you, from a logical point of view, to tell me why, IN YOUR OPINION, it is more important for women to be pretty than funny but perfectly okay for men to be kinda gross but funny. I understand that this all stems from sexism that has infiltrated society since forever ago but I want you, as a rational being living in this century, to think about how stupid that is. please and thanks :)

Coach McGuirk: All right, listen up, that was a good game. We all showed up, and I'm proud of that.


This did bug me a bit too. Really the guys look from average to ugly, all past 40 and the girls are all fit and beautiful women who you wouldn't believe to be 30 yet. I get that Hollywood has these pairs but seriously, does it have to be 4 out of 4 couples here? What the hell? How about just one average or slightly above-average woman somewhere in the film? But I guess in the movie universe average and ugly chicks just die.

Even more than just the overall looks I was bothered by the fitness of all the women. They all were VERY slim, borderline thin. Still beautiful yeah, I don't consider them anorexic but way on the thinner side of normal weight. It's like 3% of Americans that are this thin, it's just silly. And honestly I would have preferred any one of them with a few more pounds - I don't mean boobs here, a woman with a pelvis and tighs is a beautiful sight. I was giggling in my mind with Kristen Bell looking "fertile" in her bony figure. For some reason Hollywood still gives us this crap about average weight on women being at 100lbs while in reality that's the average weight for a 13 yo.


OP doesn't think much, Favreau characcter was a football player back in high school (possibly a lot fitter then) when he got her pregnant thus married so what over 20 years+ he gained some weight, I would consider that a more realistic background story than a hollywood movies with 2 good looking people falling in love the cliched way. Vince also might of met Ronnie quite awile ago and only 5 years ago Vaugh didn't look nowhere near as bad as he does now.

So big deal, guys gained weight, the gals stayed fit and healthy, can be said for a lot of couples. These aren't couples in their 20's, most of them probably have been together for a long time not yesterday.

I sat on my ass all day, and it was everything I thought it could be.



You see that all the time. Usually the unfit gal is a Mom. I don't think the casting was realistic. Seeing a 20 year-old with a much older and not rich guy? He may have pretended to be rich, but it all came out in the end. In the real world, all the wives would not have been so slim and fit.


OP, and people who agree with him/her are shallow idiots. They are mad because they don't have someone that they consider "pretty" and would rather pick at casting of a movie. Ha! Get a life.


