"You realize that, especially as they mature, people are a lot more attracted to personalities? I mean, not everyone. If you're a shallow retard then that's all you're gonna be for the rest of your life."
Not sure who you are referencing here, but I think you are missing the point, Edoardo. The point is that ALL women are ridiculously hot in movies, whereas the men don't always have to be. Men are allowed to have chubby bellies and double chins but women have to look (and stay) perfect. This would make it seem as if WOMEN are attracted to personalities and are therefore willing to date average looking guys, even if they are totally hot. So, basically, women learn from watching movies that they have no worth unless they are thin and attractive even though men do have worth regardless of what they look like. So I am definitely not impressed that there are tons of great looking girls dating average guys in Europe. If you were telling me all about how many great looking guys there are with average looking girls in Europe, I would be the first to applaud you guys for it. I just find it beyond tacky that you are trying to put down American women by acting like it is shallow for any of us to comment on the less-than-stellar looks of these men when the whole point of this thread is that the MEN are the ones who are shallow.
Coach McGuirk: All right, listen up, that was a good game. We all showed up, and I'm proud of that.