there was nothing funny. Nothing interesting. It had no depth to it. One of the worst films I've seen. It sort of reminded me of "The Big Bounce" and I don't know why. Possibly because both of these films stunk!!


It's a decent movie


I liked this movie. It's nothing spectacular but the location is beautiful as well so it helps.


I wasn't expecting it to have a lot of depth. That's exactly why I watched it.
But for someone like me that seldom even bothers with comedies because of their silliness; I found this one enjoyable.

It had enough truths embedded into the relationships and some very likable actors that were enough to make it entertaining.
There were genuine laughs, too, and the comedies that have even gotten a chuckle out of me are few and far between.

If you need depth always then do not watch a romantic comedy.
It should sort of be an escape from too much depth.


Totally agree!

I was going to start my on thread titled Truly Awful, but yours was close enough.

There was nothing funny about this, the jokes were lame, the situations contrived and unbelievable and I rated it a 2 only for the female eye candy. All of the ladies were good to look at. But everyone could have done with a better script. There's a couple of hours I really could have spent better.


Poor direction is what killed this movie. Otherwise, it should have been a blockbuster. He can produce, but simply can not bring anything to the party when directing... he should learn from this and from TERM LIFE, and never hire himself.
