there was nothing funny. Nothing interesting. It had no depth to it. One of the worst films I've seen. It sort of reminded me of "The Big Bounce" and I don't know why. Possibly because both of these films stunk!!


it was pretty funny. and i dont think it was made for people like you, idiots


I completely agree. This movie was so awfull. Vince Vaughn's humor was so unfunny and the whole thing was just so crass.
"Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more. It's contrast."


Wow, some people are drama queens..sure, the movie wasnt deep, and some scenes were cringe worthy (like that useless guitar hero scene)..but overall it seemed entertaining. It may not be a "good" film..but its ok..mindless entertainment..cliched with some hackneyed plot and cheesy mistimed dialogue..but there are some laughs in it. The movie is far from awful.


I heard a lot about this movie undoubtedly its awful and me big fan of Vince Vaughn too.Though the casting is hot i would definately watch this mindless entertainment this was a fun loving movie and its goin to be aired on Hbo India this sunday @9pm.


'awful' is being rather kind.


It was bad, especially the last 15 minutes of it but it wasn't as bad as "The Big Bounce'

"The Big Bounce" is one of the all time worst movies.

This movie looks good, great ocean scenery but that was it.
The whole ending of everyone reconciling at the same moment was horrible.


every movie board has threads like this, i usually alway ignore them but damn pls chill out


I originally was pretty blah on it myself and was disappointing. But it has excellent re-watch value on least for scenes. I've actually increase my rating from a 4 to a 7 over the last year.


Oh c'mon now! Jean Reno's butt crack was a LITTTTLLLE bit funny.


I only laughed a few times during the movie. Overall it's not very good. But the outtakes on the Blu-ray are hilarious. They're so funny I actually purchased it


I thought it was pretty mediocre...

some amusing scenes...mildly funny...

I give it a 4.5


I was lent this by my brother in law and give him some serious grief for liking this load of rubbish. A solid 3/10 !


I wonder how many people who didn't enjoy this film are actually married. And if they are married and didn't like it, for how long have they been married? This movie was not what I expected and it wasn't nearly as funny as I thought it would be, but as someone who's been married for 20 years, I did enjoy it because I believe it had an honest look at relationships and what couples have to work through in order to not be a one night stand that lasted too long.

It was surprising to me at how honest it was in issues that come up in relationships and how people handle them. Good, bad and indifferent.

Great comedy? Not really. Decent movie with interesting and honest points? Yes.
