there was nothing funny. Nothing interesting. It had no depth to it. One of the worst films I've seen. It sort of reminded me of "The Big Bounce" and I don't know why. Possibly because both of these films stunk!!
sharethere was nothing funny. Nothing interesting. It had no depth to it. One of the worst films I've seen. It sort of reminded me of "The Big Bounce" and I don't know why. Possibly because both of these films stunk!!
sharePossibly you have your head so far up your ass that you should have suffocated to death by now. So you didn't like a movie, so what?
There are far too many anal-retentive armchair critics on IMDb just like you who presume to say that yours is the final word.
what's awful is your sense of humor. or lack thereof. Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married?" instead.
I saw you breaking the 5th Commandment. Congress passes these things for a reason.
You're "review" is much more retarded than this "awful" movie. It's like a *beep* on a frying pan. "It had no depth to it" he said. Well, read some fusking Nietzsche if you're looking for depth. Just be careful to not drown yourself in pain
shareYeah this movie is pathetic, forced humor which wasn't funny at all. IT SUCKED.
shareVince Vaughn and Jon Favreau should be banned from EVER making movies, again!!!
"You can't HANDLE the truth!" Jack Nicholson, "A Few Good Men."
Ok, so I admit I only watched (what I could sit through), this movie to see Kristen Davis in a bikini, but I am so glad I waited until it was on cable. Damn this movie is painful! The characters are all generic and the writting is just bad.
Carpe Diem--One Day at a Time
Wow, pull the stick out.
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)